For general tobacco questions, comments, news, deals, etc. See Topics for some popular topics of discussion.
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Red Cap/Union Discontinued, any DECENT Subst
Rolled Red cap and Union, entirely satisfied, now those are BOTH discontinued. I tried Good Stuff it's OK but not nearly as good. Am now smoking Sparrow Red, smooth but a little bland and lite. Should I mix Sparrow and Good Stuff and try that? Or does anyone know of a tobacco closer to Red cap full flavor? I'd sure appreciate any input, thanks!
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RYO Mini-4 Filling Station (tobacco/hemp)

This machine was purchased brand new in October, 2019. Import and customs fees have been paid. We used this machine for one month before we transitioned to an industrial machine. This machine is great for filling tobacco or hemp into cigarette tubes.
Model NO. : MZH-RYO-MINI-4
Filling Principle : Pressure
Packaging Container Lifting Structure : Chute Lifting
Structure : Linear
Packaging : Cigarettes
Packaging Material : Paper
Model : Mzh-Ryo-Mini-4
Filling Amount : Adjustable 1.1g±0.2g
Yield : Above 97%
Voltage : 220V
Weight : 80kg, 80kg
Material : Stainless Steel 304/316
[ page | comments (4) - Sunday, 23-May-2021 | top ]
Marlboro Ultra Light
Hi Everyone,
I am trying to find the right combo of tubes and tobacco to match a Marlboro Ultra Light. Any suggestions?
[ page | comments (6) - Saturday, 17-Jul-2021 | top ]
I was wondering about the blend from D&R called Ramback. I am curious as to how it compares as an oriental blend when put up against Peter Stokkebye Turkish export. The Stokkebye blend is wonderful and reminds me a lot of how I remember Camel Lights were in the mid 90's and early 2000's. The problem with Stokkebye has been that the cig version is too expensive due to taxes. I have smoked lots of different kinds of tobacco in pipes, cigars, and cigarettes and I just gravitate towards Turkish tobacco. I just bought a 14oz bag of Ramback for 23.99 which I think will be a good bargain if it is high quality oriental. What do you guys think of it?
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New to this and need clarification
Hello everyone,
I am new to RYO and have made the decision based on cost. I was smoking USA Gold Light 100's - I don't think they are available everywhere but would be similar to Marlboro Light 100's. I went the extra mile and purchased a nice electric roller which works great and I started with a bag of Gambler Gold pipe tobacco (recommended by a friend) and Gambler tubes which I didn't like. The smoke shop here recommended Premier blue 100's which seems much lighter. I was looking on line where I found I could purchase products much cheaper but in looking, I have realized that nothing says "light" and everything seems to be color coded. Blue, Gold, Red etc. How do I tell light tobacco and light tubes? Also my brother in law is interested in starting to roll his own and he has smoked Lucky Strikes all his life - non-filter. How would I know the best tobacco to get that might be similar and what tubes? This seems so confusing to me and I don't want to purchase and not be able to use them. Thank you for any suggestions.
[ page | comments (3) - Tuesday, 14-Aug-2018 | top ]
Rolling tobacco closest to taste of virginia
I'm just starting to roll my own cigarettes. I have smoked virginia slims for years. Can anyone please tell me a tobacco that is the closest in taste to virginia slims? I would appreciate help in finding a tobacco. Thank you
[ page | comments (1) - Thursday, 21-Feb-2019 | top ]
CustomBlends vs The Good Stuff
Ok, so I am fairly new to ryo. I purchased a lb of the good stuff red and found it to be just fine to smoke. Then I purchased a 6oz bag of custom blends #2. the taste was fine as well, The price difference is what gets me.
They say that Custom Blends is chemical free, but is The Good Stuff chemical free as well? I cannot find any information on either of their processes and I would love to hear what you all think.
[ page | comments (1) - Thursday, 23-Nov-2017 | top ]
presentation of the company

McSwiat is a company from Poland which is exploring new markets and advertises best quality from our country.
We can offer electric machines for small producers and hand machines for home use. All products are made in Poland.
Feel free to contact us any time.
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Wholeleaf Tobacco in the UK
I have just started using whole leaf tobacco from I am very pleased the results it is a much nice than the 'make your own' stuff advaible to us this side of the pond. I have seen lot of these sites advaible to the us but this is the first I have seen in the Uk. I have been using viginnia tobacco. Has anyone else tried shredding their own and if so what leaves have you tried and what were they like.
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RIO Tobacco 12 OZ bag for $ 8.99 in PA. Here in Upstate NY it runs around $ 26.00 plus tax.
I've just recently started RYO again and picked up 2 bags of the Rio Original ( Full Flavor ) Orange bag with assorted colors down the front. It's a light brown tobacco with some stems here and there. To me it isn't harsh or bad tasting. I like a strong smoke. Nice smell. And stuff's very well. On the dry side, so I picked up 2 single water pillows to help out on the dryness. I use Zen 100mm tubes but they seem to burn very fast.
I also use the TOP-O-Matic Mikromatic injector, works great I haven't had any problems with it as of yet ( thank goodness ). Just don't over stuff. That's been BIG advise on every site I researched on. I hope this helps. WWW.SXBRANDS.COM Not much info there, just show's the brands and pictures.
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Camel Turkish Gold/Silver
So I'm a Camel Turkish GOld or Silver smoker. i think they are supposed to be light cigarettes and also are very smooth
I also smoke Marlboro reds few times a month,
So I'm looking to get into Rollin my own. I googled around and found that its hard to get a exact match.
Anyways help me out here i want somethings thats very smooth(doesn't hurt goin down). doesn't matter if its light or hard. although light is preffered.
I researched that Vengeur - D&R is not a good replacement for Marlboro Hard(Reds) . they say it taste like pepper after taste/ bad tasting , not smooth...
Please give me 2 or 3 top choices that I can buy in the US.
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Marlboro milds/ menthol blue pack
New to ryos and desperately trying to match my brand as closely as possible. Does anyone know how to approximate these? I have tried non menthol tubes with menthol tobacco = too much menthol . I tried a 50 to mix of mental and non and still wasn't right. I've tinkered but I think I'm wasting more money than I'm saving and I keep running back to the 7 dollar packs .
[ page | comments (1) - Thursday, 04-Jul-2013 | top ]
Can you change the type of tobacco?
My wife is new to rolling your own,She bought a very large and expensive bag of Menthol tobacco. Before I took time to look at the bag,I had opened it and rolled one up. It was harsh and hurt my throat, Ive been a Marlboro red kinda guy most of my smoking career....As you can imagine i was disappointed not only with the amount of money i had just wasted,But also that i am stuck with a rather large bag of tobacco that i can't return or smoke...My question is there a way to possible take the menthol out of the tobacco itself?...maybe even a way to tone down the strength of the menthol...any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated....Thank you
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Where to buy better tabaco.
Hi,ive been RMO for a few months now with tobacco from my local smoke shops.We have no good cigar stores around here for me to buy better tobacco.I live in Washington State and it is illegal for me to order online as they dont charge me the taxes on it.So does anyone know any stores in western washington for me to buy some better tobacco? Like D & R?Ive had a chance to try theres and really want some more,lol.
[ page | comments (5) - Monday, 11-Jun-2012 | top ]
Adding Flavor to SYO Tobaccos
Hello there! I have recently started making my own cigarettes, as I live in NY, and am tired of paying upwards of 12 dollars a pack (now lets just hope that they don't start taxing SYO tobacco and supplies as discussed last year!). I used to occasionally enjoy Sweet Dreams vanilla cigarettes, but due to the flavored tobacco ban in my state, can no longer get them. I am experimenting with different flavoring combinations, and almost have it using vanilla beans, scraping the insides into the tobacco and leaving the pod in my tobacco bag to infuse it, but it is still not quite sweet enough. I have tried "tasty puff", and while it makes the smoke SMELL nice, it tastes a whole lot like chemicals. Any advice on how to sweeten up my smokes to make a delicious dessert tobacco would be appreciated!
[ page | comments (2) - Thursday, 25-Oct-2012 | top ]
Researching RYO! I need suggestions.
Ok, I'm getting ready to start RYO cigarettes. I've decided to get the Top-O-Matic (T1) machine. Now my big question is what tobacco and tubes to get? Right now I smoke Marlboro Menthol Ultralights. Every now and then I like to smoke a Camel Menthol Light. I like a pretty strong menthol flavor, but I still want to maintain the ultralight. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! Buy the way I live in Indiana on the Indiana / Kentucky boarder.
[ page | comments (1) - Thursday, 23-Aug-2012 | top ]
New Powermatic II, I don't need
I rolled my own with a Powermatic II and had a brand new back up one in case my failed. I love this machine since it made rolling with a bad hand quick and easy but I just went to E cigarettes and don't need the backup one any more. If anyone would be interested it is 80.00, please email me at
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Tobacco Help?
I have been a Camel non-filter cig. smoker all my life. This Christmas I received a Top-O-Matic machine with non-filter tubes to roll my own. The cost of taylor-mades have made it so that I now will start rolling my own. My question is, does anyone know where I can order or buy Turkish blended tobacco to roll my own? I live in Haverhill, Ma. on the Plaistow, N.H. line. The two stores there only seem to carry RGB The Good Stuff tobacco and it's not even close to my past Camel brand of Turkish and Domestic blended tobacco. Can someone PLEASE point me in the right direction to obtain Turkish blended tobacco? What kinds are there out there that I can try? Thanks in advance, Ken K.
[ page | comments (2) - Tuesday, 06-Mar-2012 | top ]
I just posted a question about tobaccos and I can't find it! Where should I look and will someone answer me? Thanks, Ken K.
[ page | comments (1) - Sunday, 01-Jan-2012 | top ]
pipe tobacco
can you tell me if rolling cigarette tobacco and pipe tobacco is the same
for smoking. pike tobacco is so much cheeper but is so harsh. advise on this please.
[ page | comments (3) - Sunday, 11-Oct-2015 | top ]
Have a question about reconstituted tobacco
Posted by TylerS on Saturday, 18-Jun-2011
Is there a list or database that has a list of additives and reconstituted crap in most known and sold tobacco products in the USA? I'm just curious as to what is in my Samson haha. I trust it ok, but you know how it is, they probably put bits of icky reconstituted baccy in it to maximize their profits...
Are stems and birds eyes considered reconstituted??
Tobacco Stips: Fresh Choice
Posted by mrm3601 on Friday, 15-Apr-2011
Has anyone tried myo/syo with Fresh Choice "Natural Tobacco Strips" (
Also, they sell a tobacco shredder but it runs $150.00. Can anyone suggest a good tobacco shredder that costs less?
Thank you.
[ page | comments (3) - Friday, 21-Feb-2014 | top ]
Need cheap
Posted by Bubba on Tuesday, 29-Mar-2011
So me and the wife are talkin and ned to save monee so we can make a bigger payments on the trailer, and I want to jack up the Camaro in the back and put some big tires on it. sweet!
We need to be able to make about 4 cartons a week for us to smoke, and so i here that the topomatic and supermatics realy dont work so well when us use them like that geez you would think those makers would make a machine that works all the time I mean after all you are paying forty dollars or more and why cant you be able to make a thousand smokes a week and have the forty dollar machine last well I want to know whats the ceapes baccy cause we smoke a lot and need cheep and easy so we can keep smoking and i can jack up the camaro!
[ page | comments (5) - Wednesday, 09-Jan-2013 | top ]
19 or 20mm filter menthol cigg. tube cigg
Posted by gwendolyn on Wednesday, 15-Dec-2010
Does anyone know where I can purchase a 19 or 20 m fiter menthol ciggerette tube?
Complete Tobacco
Posted by TxGuy on Thursday, 27-Dec-2007
Just open a bag of Complete tobacco and found it to be a mellow tobacco with no after taste.
LiL Brown sells this tobacco value priced.
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Van Nelle Tobacco - Republic Tobacco
Posted by TxGuy on Tuesday, 25-Dec-2007
I found this to have that same taste of the other main Republic tobacco's with the price being decent at LiL Brown's.
Not a bad smoke but still like Canoe Tobacco the best.
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Strange Chunk
Posted by Ebenezer on Monday, 24-Dec-2007
I have been SYO for years now and have never seen this. I have smoked all, which is a vague term that includes everything except the obviuosly nasty blends, tobacco Companies. While I do have several other brands around all the time I smoke mostly D&R at this point and have narrowed my tastes down-Two Timer Gold(TTG) and Three Sails(seperately, in Rizla Cig. Size), with a splash of Cockstrong. My current pouch TTG has smoked and tasted regularly for 1/6 of the pouch, newpouch. I dumped out half of one of my 8oz canning jars to make some smokes and there was this CHUNK. I just thought it was a clump of tobacco, but I grabbbed, or pinched, and it crumbled into dust. So I gently swept it into my hand and it is a powdery chunk of something. My first thought was it reminded me of a very dry hash-ish sort of material. I smelled it and it was heavy of chocolate/'"D&R sweetness". Is this common? Or is this experienced by others? Is this a chunk of "all-natural-topping", haha, Im curious....
[ page | comments (7) - Wednesday, 26-Dec-2007 | top ]
D&R Samplers
Posted by Mike B on Monday, 17-Dec-2007
Ok, just ordered a sample pack from D&R. The one with Ramback, Vongeur, Windsail, and Rowland that includes 2 boxes of tubes. Hopefully will find "my" tobacco from that. So far, I'm actually diggin the Zig Zag but when I get close to the filter, it's harsh as hell.
What's your opinion on the D&R Blends? I'll probably make a separate order for Cockstrong next month, too.
[ page | comments (4) - Wednesday, 26-Dec-2007 | top ]
Add a Brand-Skydancer
Posted by mike c on Friday, 09-Nov-2007
can we add this brand now?? it's $15.99 per LB at the shop here....I'm about to light one up, it's won't be replacing my PTT though, even though my friend likes it's not bad...this is FF
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tobacco cutter/grinder??
Posted by mike c on Tuesday, 06-Nov-2007
I have been in the habit of cutting my tobacco down for a while now
only one big problem...I am sick and tired of nearly cutting my finger off
this came up once before and Dave said he could see where cutting the strands down would be ok, but the fluff-stuff was better for (cough) "newbies".....
so, I ask the whole lot if there is a reason I shouldn't cut it (other than my finger) please share, and most there a cutter that could be recommended??
I also just discovered I have been slightly overstuffing/overtapping, again
[ page | comments (12) - Monday, 17-Dec-2007 | top ]
People's true taste ryo menthol ultra light
Posted by Karrie on Thursday, 25-Oct-2007
I live in Michigan and it seems all the shops around me do not carry the People's true tast line anylonger. Can anybody suggest a ryo cigarette that is similiar to a Kool Ultralight 100? This tobacco was pretty darn close, but I can't find it anywhere. I prefer not to buy online because of income tax reasons. Thanks!
[ page | comments (5) - Tuesday, 04-Dec-2007 | top ]
Tri-State Area
Posted by Ebenezer on Thursday, 18-Oct-2007
NJ and NY. PA is just a supplier. Not only are premade prices 6-8 a pack, but there are no tobacco shops around. Whenever i find a decent tobacco in a place, they have marked it up 49%. Or the expire is november 2, 2002. Ordering online is no prob, but it all pisses me off...
[ page | comments (3) - Thursday, 08-Nov-2007 | top ]
tobacco opinion survey
Posted by mike c on Friday, 12-Oct-2007
I am quite not-well-to-do, and smoke People's True Taste regular and I like Bugler, but if I had a bit more money I'd do Vengeur,,,,,I am wondering if brands like "Checkers" or "King Mountain", or whatever else can be obtained nice and cheap, would be welcome???
[ page | comments (4) - Tuesday, 25-Feb-2014 | top ]
Air-cured tobacco w/o add Sugar/add
Posted by Jack Remy on Wednesday, 10-Oct-2007
Greeting Members:
I am brand new to MYO RYO. I am seeking air-dried additive free
tobacco. Air-cured Tobacco. French Tobacco is air-cured and I want to buy something like. However some makers add sugar and may
not consider this an additive. I do and am seeking a smoke which is
sugar free or low sugar and no additives. Thanks to all.
Jack Remy Kansas City
Please Tax Sugar Salt or High Fat Food instead of Tobacco.
"Sugar as dangerous as tobacco
Norway's former World Health Organization leader Gro Harlem Brundtland has had no problem having her anti-sugar campaign taken up at home".
Fun Links:
[ page | comments (9) - Wednesday, 18-Jan-2017 | top ]
What gives
Posted by ALLTALL on Monday, 08-Oct-2007
What gives cigar smoke that distinctive oder? What type of tobacco? I assume, since it does not exist in a cigarette, that it is something completely different from the types found in a cig.
[ page | comments (2) - Friday, 19-Oct-2007 | top ]
Which tobacco smells the best?
Posted by Jo on Saturday, 22-Sep-2007
My husband quit smoking twenty five years ago. He sometimes complains about the smell of the different types of cigarettes that I smoke.
I like a mild virginia type of smoke. What is the best smelling tube and tobacco when they are lit? I ordered some tubes that were blueberry but he didn't like that smell.
[ page | comments (9) - Friday, 12-Oct-2007 | top ]
Potent bright leaf
Posted by AllTALL on Thursday, 20-Sep-2007
What is the most potent Virginia bright leaf tobacco brand. Potent in terms of nicotine? I don't like spicy tobaccos. And I dislike burly. Most bright leaf brands that I have tried are a little weak, however. I am looking for something with more punch.
[ page | comments (14) - Monday, 08-Oct-2007 | top ]
Posted by Mike T. on Friday, 14-Sep-2007
I was wondering if tobacco in other states than California have a warning label. Here in California tobacco pouches and cans read “WRRNING: This product contains nicotine and produces tobacco smoke which are known to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects, reproductive harm or cancer.”
[ page | comments (4) - Thursday, 20-Sep-2007 | top ]
What's a good virginia tobacco?
Posted by Keith on Friday, 14-Sep-2007
I'm looking for a good tasting virginia tobacco. I've tried the sagamore and it's pretty good most times, but there are times that it's not so good when I get it. Is there any that is of consistently good quality?
[ page | comments (19) - Friday, 21-Feb-2014 | top ]
Posted by Dash on Wednesday, 12-Sep-2007
What do you think is the ideal size and how much would you be willing to pay for it?
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add a brand: Skydancer
Posted by Gumby on Thursday, 06-Sep-2007
I've decided to upstep tobacco sightings, though this isn't my forte(sp?)
A prayer was answered in the form of a knock at the door, my old friend Robin, our earliest recorded "new" Topomatic owner, I've been forgiven the death threat it seems.....
anyway, she mentioned she is now smoking "Skydancer" tobacco. I was happy they are still "injecting". She has moved away from "People's True Taste"......I guess I'll have to gift her some DnR baccy in future, can't get 'em to mail order
sidenote-her machine has a large nozzle, so I wonder if Republic shrunk it on later ones......
had trouble understanding where "add a brand" goes. sorry if I missed the target
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Do I have a tolerance?
Posted by Yehuda Manne on Tuesday, 04-Sep-2007
I don't think this is a storage issue. I store my pound bags wrapped tightly inside a thermidor, and my tubs go to Mason jars. Everything holds its moisture until I'm ready to dry a couple days supply. But...things that tasted strong a few months ago have no bite anymore. I have to smoke Cockstrong as my regular smoke to have a feeling of body to the smoke. Or a mix of CS and GR Rimboche. Tobaccos I loved in the past, like Balkan Ramback, don't have strength anymore. I smoke FF tubes, btw. Am I developing a tolerance? I smoke about 20 sticks per day, rolled on a Supermatic. Has this happened to anyone else? I've previously blamed this experience on poor storage, but now that I've hopefully corrected that, I wonder why my palate has changed so drastically.
[ page | comments (5) - Sunday, 23-Sep-2007 | top ]
RCIP sucks!
Posted by Dave T. on Sunday, 02-Sep-2007
Having noticed a change in the taste and performance of our Newport 100s in the past few months, and realizing it must be more than a few "bad" cartons, the wife and I did a Google search and found out about the RCIP (reduced cigarette ignition propensity) law many states are adopting. We are now looking into joining the RYO scene, and while researching what it will take to make our own smokes, we found this nice website. I have a couple of questions we were hoping you fine folks might be able to answer.
1. Does the RCIP laws affect the RYO supplies? I can't seem to find if it's a change in the tobacco, paper, or whatever they have done...but the results are a nasty tasting smoke that constantly goes out.
2. So if this rule only applies to manufactured cigs, great! But I guess I would ask how many of you RYO for the cost savings (which I see now can be quite a lot) or for the quality. Although I think nobody likes the price hikes of tobacco products, our reason for change is one of quality more than cost. What I am wondering is if you RYO primarily for the cost savings, quality, or ???
3. We live in a small town (300k pop) and our only tobacco shop is also a porn store, tattoo parlor, and head-shop. Are there any decent online sources for ordering, or would you suggest we travel a couple hours to a bigger city to buy our supplies "locally"?
Thanks for any answers you folks come up with.
[ page | comments (7) - Monday, 03-Sep-2007 | top ]
Posted by Rob S on Wednesday, 29-Aug-2007
What they should do (regarding samples) is throw a few grams, enough for a few cigarettes, in a small plastic bag, and offer them free, per request, to anyone who makes a regular purchase. I've been wanting to try the Houseblend line, but at fifteen dollars a pop for their smallest unit, it's not very cost effective if I happen not to like it, or just feel so so about it...and if I'm in the mood to sample more than a few varieties while I have my credit card out, it can be an expensive and disappointing leap, so I tend to avoid it.
In bulk, small plastic bags can be fairly inexpensive, and I would think that the staff has access to all the different products on premises. The actual logistics of it might be another matter, but I would think that the prospect of attracting either more customers, or more of their products to their existing customers, makes good business sense.
[ page | comments (1) - Wednesday, 29-Aug-2007 | top ]
Tobacco Suggestions
Posted by Rabb on Saturday, 25-Aug-2007
I understand no-one may have an answer for this, but I'll give it a shot as you guys seem to know your stuff.
I need some help finding my brand(s) for everyday smoking. I'm ok with using light tobacco and FF tubes, or FF tobacco and light tubes... ect. I use the Supermatic Excel. I'm currently using Supermatic Light Kings, and taking recommendations on better tubes.
I'm not looking for an exact replica of a factory brand. Although what I'm looking for is something similar to what I've smoked previously and enjoyed.
I liked hand rolled Bali-Shag, it was delicious. I also stuffed Bugler Gold. As for factory, I smoked Camel Turkish Silver, Pall-Mall lights, Camel Lights and USA Gold Lights. Those are the brands I went through, and ended my factory smokes career with the Turkish Silvers.
Right now I'm using a mix of Criss-Cross FF and Gambler Light, 1:1. Only to get rid of them until my next purchase. I'm not really enjoying this blend, it seems so flavorless. There's a slight weight to the smoke, but I'm looking for something with more depth.
If anyone can suggest a mix or single brand that you think I might want to try, I'd be much obliged. I'm not against ordering online, but I'd rather something commercial I can pick up from a local shop. I'm in the Northeast United States. Thank you.
[ page | comments (3) - Wednesday, 14-Nov-2007 | top ]
Schwarze Hand
Posted by mike c on Wednesday, 22-Aug-2007
I was just having a quick word with my German friend, and asked what he smoked
he sent a pic, and it looks like a pouch of some sort....
[ page | comments (3) - Wednesday, 29-Aug-2007 | top ]
SX Brands
Posted by Bk on Tuesday, 21-Aug-2007
Can anyone give me the address to southern cross tobacco co? otherwise know as SX brands inc.? thanks
[SX Brands contact info has been added to Companies]
[ page | comments (1) - Monday, 27-Aug-2007 | top ]
Home Run
Posted by Michael on Saturday, 18-Aug-2007
Anyone ever try Home Run tobacco? Anyone know what happened to it? I saw it mentioned in RYO mag. i can't find it on Nashville Marketing website or anywhere else for that matter
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Posted by Jeremy B on Thursday, 26-Jul-2007
Here are my experiences with some tobaccos I have recently tried:
Peter Stokkebye: London Export and Amsterdam Shag
American Spirit: Original Blend
D&R: Windsail, Ramback, Vengeur, Vengeur Light,
Windsail is very good, and very popular. At first I thought it could be my regular smoke, until I tried the Vengeur Light. They are similar, and I would recommended this if Vengeur Light did not exist. Try the Platinum version. It's not that much more expensive, and people like it a lot.
Vengeur Light is my favorite from these blends. I could smoke this every day and be happy. Somewhat mild with a flavorful natural taste. Not too light, just right. Almost too tasty for my own good. Highly recommended. Regular Vengeur is good too. A bit strong for my regular smoke. They're similar, but I prefer the former.
Danish Export I like very much. It is mild and flavorful. I enjoy it for a change of pace. Recommended if you need a tasty mild smoke with a little more tasty artificial flavorings, and a little less natural tobacco flavor. Highly recommended if you've already tried Vengeur Light but want something new.
Amsterdam Shag has some strange flavorings which don't agree with me. I think one can find better for the price. Not recommended, maybe just not my style.
Ramback is a very popular Turkish tobacco. Has a very strong smell, that some people compare to dirty socks. I'm inclined to agree. Super mild, but incredibly flavorful. I do enjoy the taste, but the smell is just too much for me personally. However I am a bit sensitive to some smells compared to my friends.
If you've never had a Turkish tobacco, try a sample. A lot of people love to mix this brand for delicious flavor kick. Recommended, but just to enhance the flavor of your other favorite tobaccos. Ramback Gold is even pre-mixed with Windsail Platinum for you.
American Spirit Original gives me a buzz because the "freebase" nicotine absorption rate in this brand is abnormally high. I believe this brand is overpriced considering it's quality. It is harsh. Most people seem to prefer the U.S. blend over this. Not recommended.
I hope this helps someone find a brand that they enjoy.
[ page | comments (1) - Wednesday, 26-Sep-2007 | top ]
New Zig-Zag packaging=new blends?
Posted by Cabo on Saturday, 21-Jul-2007
A couple of tobacco shops here (N Central Indiana) have started stocking Zig-Zag light and full flavor in new packaging (new to me anyway). The new ones are a classy foil with the full flavor in a red pouch and can, the light in a blue pouch and can. I'd never tried ZZ before and picked up a couple of pouches of each. Have to say I was surprised, not bad smokes at all. The ff being a little more harsh than the light. Doesn't have the overwhelming syrupy, excessive topping smell you get with alot of "american" blends. The light had some pieces of junk in it, spongy stems it appeared. Not cheap at $2.00 for just .65 oz as compared to $3.10 (with the $.50 coupon) for 1.31oz of Bali Red.
Just curious if the new packaging has been in other parts of the country already and if they are new blends?
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Home toasted virginias
Posted by timmo on Tuesday, 17-Jul-2007
Hi all...
I'm a fairly new SYO smoker from the UK and have been reading here with interest for the last couple of months. Most of your tobaccos aren't available in England and it would be so nice to try the miriad of tobaccos you have available to you. On the other hand though, we have some superb tobaccos over here that you won't find in the states, such as original drum, golden virginia and old holborn being the most popular 'store bought' brands.
I'm currently smoking:
1 part Golden Virginia
1 part Drum Halfzware
2 parts JW Von Eicken virginia blend (imported from Germany)
On a friday I buy enough to last me a whole week which is 150g or just over 6oz in total. After mixing these I always 'toast' them under a very hot grill, as opposed to 'stoving' them. For me it's quicker and I feel more in control of whats happening to the tobacco. All I do is spread the tobaccos over a sheet of baking foil and place under the grill, wait for a hint of smoke, then whip it out and mix well. I do this several times until the colour changes ever so slightly to a darker (but not burned) shade.
This method usually dries the weed out real quick so you have to be very careful during the process; 2 seconds too long under a burning grill will give you a burnt crisp dust.
I re-hydrate the tobacco afterwards with a sterile damp cloth draped over the lid of my makeshift humidor (thanks tupperware!) and within a few hours its ready to smoke.
I mostly use Vera Cruz Nocturnes and Rizla 'cigarette size' tubes. In a Rizla slim tube, this tobacco is sweet, nutty and toasty, a lot like a lucky strike but without the crap, and somewhat stronger in taste, which I love.
Incidentally, the Rizla 'cigarette' size are not really a recently new 'innovation'. We have had them here in the UK for years under the name of Rizla 'concept'. They are exactly the same: 7.8mm tube with a 22mm filter. They also sell a rolling tobacco to go with it, made by John Player, which is expensive crap to be honest. It costs £2.70 (or $5.40) for 14g (Yes 14g!) and is full of reconstituted tobacco and what looks and tastes like cardboard. Ugh.
Of course it costs more over here, as does everything else. My weekly tobacco spend for just a fraction over 6oz of tobaccos is £21.60 (literally about $43.00), and $8.00 on tubes alone. But - if I were to go back to smoking premade Marlboro I'd be spending $120 per week.
I cant ever see myself taking a backwards step and smoking a premade again. Even if I were 'skint' as we say over here, and all I could afford was cheap and nasty bottom shelf tobacco, i'd still buy that and stuff my own as it is almost guaranteed to taste better than the crap they shove into premades.
Thanks for this site - a brilliant read.
[ page | comments (3) - Friday, 20-Jul-2007 | top ]
Favorite D&R Tobacco(s)
Posted by Roger Miller on Saturday, 14-Jul-2007
Please post your favorite D and R tabacco(s) and/or blendings.I am currenty on a Three Sail kick,but have found a 75% Windsail Platinum to 25% Cockstrong stick to be a good combo.Rowland is usually my everyday smoke.
[ page | comments (7) - Saturday, 08-Sep-2007 | top ]
finding myself a good smoke
Posted by Jake on Friday, 13-Jul-2007
I have to admit that I am some what of a "new" ryo/myo smoker but I cant seem to find something that is ... just right. Thus far I have tried a number of things and was hoping that you may be able to point me into a better direction... more
[ page | comments (6) - Monday, 13-Aug-2007 | top ]
Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Saturday, 02-Jun-2007
Since I started using Tar-Gard filters (the permanent kind that you take the venturi element out of to clean and reuse) I've noticed quite a big difference in the amount of tars from various tobaccos. Surprisingly, the pouch of Republic Drum I bought a few days ago to compare with the Imperial UK Drum was quite low in tar. Windsail Platinum seems to have a good bit more tar than the Drum...I could smoke 5 or 6 sticks of Drum and accumulate the same amount of tars as about 3 WP sticks. The Sagamore Virginia seems to fall between those two.
Anyone else use any of the other tar filtration devices and noticed the amounts of tar in your favourite 'baccy?
[ page | comments (1) - Friday, 29-Jun-2007 | top ]
Raunchiest Blends
Posted by Matt on Wednesday, 28-Feb-2007
Since there has been a newcomer or two lately, it might be a big help to mention some blends to steer clear of. One blend I can think of is Roll Rich. It used to come in an oddly proportioned can and was better than the current blend. A handrolled smoke of this will leave you eating tobacco since this is one of the shakiest out there. Another let-down is Top. I used to buy it and it was tolerable until I noticed the chemical taste and smell which became impossible to ignore. (packaging?) I know there are some Zig-Zag fans out there, but I'll never buy it again after my last experience. It either gave me the headache or aggravated the one I already had. Each time I'd smoke one it was noticeable.
[ page | comments (9) - Sunday, 09-Sep-2007 | top ]
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