Archive 2
General tobacco discussions (Jan '07 - Feb '07).
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- Vengeur vs Vengeur Platinum
- Posted by Keith on Monday, 12-Feb-2007
How do these two tobaccos compare in taste and strength? I really like the Vengeur and was thinking of trying the Platinum.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Vengeur vs Vengeur Platinum
- Posted by adam on Monday, 12-Feb-2007
i havnt tried the vengeur but i do have some of the vengeur platinum and its a good smoke with a nice flavor and its smooth i recommend it.
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- Re: Vengeur vs Vengeur Platinum
- Posted by mike c on Monday, 12-Feb-2007
I just got up and I guess eveybody knows I like to run my mouth so hopefully you're OK with it....Vengeur is Mark Ryan at DnR's very first blend and I think it is my very favorite of all if I had to means "Avenger"
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I didn't know there was a platinum...thanks guys- Re: Vengeur vs Vengeur Platinum
- Posted by Keith on Monday, 12-Feb-2007
For the time being Vengeur is my daily smoke, I was just wondering if the Platinum was even better.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Vengeur vs Vengeur Platinum
- Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Monday, 12-Feb-2007
I can say Vengeur Platinum is tasty, and would think it's even better than the original Vengeur, because of the added Windsail Platinum Ultra Flue Cured Virginia. I have some here, and I like it. But, I just had to add 50% Ramback Gold! This results in a smoke like the Camels of the 60's and is a wonderful smooth diversion smoke some would make their daily. Mike
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- Re: Vengeur vs Vengeur Platinum
- Posted by Dano on Thursday, 01-Mar-2007
Haven't tried the Platinum but the original Venguer seems to me to be a quality smoke. Although I like a Virginia (Especially McClintock Virginia) the Vengueur tasted to me to be more like an American smoke.
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It wasn't my style of smoke but made enough of an impression to say to myself, yeah... not bad, I could smoke another.
- Re: Vengeur vs Vengeur Platinum
- Posted by knowledge is flower on Thursday, 01-Mar-2007
it was DnR's first blend ever and an attempt to satisfy (some?) Marlboro means "Avenger"
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If I had to pick, it's so far my favorite DnR creation, but then a Marlboro smoker was it's aim!!!....
Pierre Moerlin or somebody
- Filter Voids Revisited
- Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Saturday, 10-Feb-2007
After a little more than 12 cartons my supermatic II has started leaving big filter voids and has become difficult to crank. a new user I've done nothing but abuse it. overstuffed it, forced it and done everything you aren't supposed to do. I've taken it apart and cleaned and examined it. I bought a new one for comparison. The only difference I can see is the amount of play in the H mechanism and I think that's the culprit. The cam hits the gripper release the same on both of them but on the old one the cutter retracts a little bit before the stuffing starts. I think the filter void is caused by the tobacco hanging up on it's way out through the nozzle and the hard cranking is caused by the tobacco being compressed more from filter to the end. Rather than scavenging parts from the new machine to test this theory I'm going to order a new H mechanism. I'll let you know how it turns out.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Filter Voids Revisited
- Posted by mike c on Sunday, 11-Feb-2007
these machines have some kind of soul and feelings....
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in a way, you ned to love them as much, or dare I say more than your daily inhalation benefits,,,,remember, they are a little too intelligent for the average USA consumer
they take constant loving care, and speaking to them in a soft reasuuring loving tone....if you do this and keep them clean like a car that runs better, only thing left is child-abuse...and this is real bad since returning whole machines doesn't sound fun if avoidable.....- Re: Filter Voids Revisited
- Posted by Jderringer on Sunday, 11-Feb-2007
You could order a new h-link and cutter... Arbro has the new "optimized" h-link and plastic cutter. Some one on here a couple of weeks ago said it made the machine work much better.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Filter Voids Revisited
- Posted by mike c on Sunday, 11-Feb-2007
STOP! the new cutter won't fit a Supermatic 2, it will only fit Supermatic B-Series, the Canadian made machine
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- Re: Filter Voids Revisited
- Posted by Dave L on Monday, 12-Feb-2007
You took care of everything on the Maintenance page? I haven't seen a confirmed report of the cutter over-retracting (a slight retraction is typical). See the last paragraph of the Linkage Binding section to see if this is the issue. You might check the Gripper and Release sections on that page as well. In my experience the symptoms you describe are most commonly due to using (too much) tobacco that's too moist.
I'm not sure what Supermatic models mike c is talking about. The red/burgundy machines are a bit different than the blue machines. TTBOMK replacing the cutter on the old (red) machines requires replacing the cutter, 'H' linkage and cam with new (blue) parts. Apparently cutters for the old machines are NLA.
The difference between the Supermatic and Supermatic II cutters are that the posts on the Supermatic II cutter are a tad bigger, i.e. the Supermatic cutter fits on the II but the Supermatic II cutter won't fit on the Supermatic. When I ordered one of each I received two Supermatic cutters. Apparently Arbro thinks the difference doesn't matter.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Filter Voids Revisited
- Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Monday, 12-Feb-2007
Ordinarily I would agree with you about the cut and moisture issues, however, the same tobacco that jams up this particular Supermatic II stuffs just fine in an Excel and another new supermatic II. Keep in mind that this machine has been abused, almost to the point of putting it on the floor and standing on the crank to make a stick. Basically there are two points of wear. One is the nuts that hold the H link to the frame, if the machine is forced it will cut grooves in them and cause play. The other is the rivets that hold the arms on the H link. I took the H link out and put it on an anvil and hammered on the rivets with a cold steel punch about the same size as the rivets until there was no longer any play in the arms. I put the H link back in and I'm happy to report that now it works like the new one does.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Filter Voids Revisited
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Monday, 12-Feb-2007
No offence, but I always get a chuckle out of posts indicating folks begin having problems with their machines and then say how they've totally disregarded the instructions and abused the poor thing ;-)
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- Re: Filter Voids Revisited
- Posted by mIke c on Tuesday, 13-Feb-2007
To clarify simply, I am prone to get soemthing wrong, but on this one I'll stick my neck out. There are 3 new cutters, and the Supermatic 2 machines are at moment being made interchangeable with the {I suspect) less common 500 series rarer USA version), of the REGULAR SUPERMAIC 1, the more expensive machine....Luckily, I suspect but again am not positive, that the majority of us have B-SERIES Canadian made models....these are indentified by thr "B" preceding the reminder of serial numners. If you get one for a SUPERMATIC 2, be prepared to modify it, given that is enjoyable to you amd within no roadblocks where your mechanical skills are being tested! truly Mike Douglas C
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- Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Tuesday, 06-Feb-2007
I ordered some samples from American Thrust, a couple of them had some mold, D&H to be specific. Can it be salvaged? Do I dare smoke it?
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: MOLD
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Tuesday, 06-Feb-2007
I wouldn't smoke it unless you wanted some American Thrush. :-) I'd certainly contact them and alert them to the fact they're sending out bad product and insist on replacements.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: MOLD
- Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Wednesday, 07-Feb-2007
Hey now lol, I have a sample of that. I kinda like it. I've been storing my tobaccos a little bit on the moist side. Probably not a good idea huh.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: MOLD
- Posted by mike c on Wednesday, 07-Feb-2007
BOLD comes to mind! I like it! but I am totally confused as to how you store a sample of American Thrush? if it's on your tongue the moisture content is almost suredly too high!
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Having an affection for thrush should be harmless but you should get an HIV test.
as for tobacco, I'd probably smoke it to see if I liked the flavor, being fearless and unconcerned what goes into me at this point! but I think anyone else here would tell you that moist is OK, so long as you either have a small amount and will smoke before mold sets or better still, DISTILLED WATER!!! well sir, I have a feeling your luck will change soon and you will get some honest-to-goodness, great old RYO baccy!!! it's gotta get better!! lol
- How do you store tobacco?
- Posted by Keith on Saturday, 03-Feb-2007
I'd like to buy in larger quantities to take advantage of lower prices and save on shipping. I don't have room to put a lot of tobacco in my freezer and was wondering if putting the unopened pouches inside a large zip-lock bag would maintain freshness? I'd like to keep it fresh as long as possible.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: How do you store tobacco?
- Posted by dan s on Saturday, 03-Feb-2007
Any air tight container should work fine.
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From what I understand you do not want to refridgerate or freeze tobacco , as the defrost cycle will dry it out.- Re: How do you store tobacco?
- Posted by scott johnson on Saturday, 03-Feb-2007
I think as long as the tobacco is completely sealed up, the freezer won't hurt it. I had some frozen for about a month. I couldn't tell anything had changed with it.
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Just remember to let it warm up to room temperature before opening it. A cold glass will draw moisture, so will cold tobacco.
- Re: How do you store tobacco?
- Posted by Dave L on Sunday, 04-Feb-2007
Refrigerator/freezer storage has no effect on 'freshness' (assuming an impervious/airtight container). Freshness is a misnomer, fresh tobacco is tobacco that's not too dry.
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See Storage for Containers and more.
- Evaluating tobacco
- Posted by smokin n jokin on Tuesday, 30-Jan-2007
How do you do it? First I fill a 1 3/4 oz air tight glass jar, put a hydration button in it and let it set for a few days. I figure if there are any additives or toppings the tobacco being moister will bring them out. Then I open it and check the aroma. After that I roll two unfiltered sticks with a hand roller, one in flax paper and one in rice paper. Then I smoke those. If the tobacco has any off taste, bitterness or aftertaste you will find it. Then I roll two more and smoke them with one of those little plastic filters that remove the tar and nicotine but don't alter the taste. That lets the true flavor of the tobacco come through. After noting the aroma and first impressions then I stuff two sticks each in five different brands of tubes, including Gizeh charbon, that way if the tobacco is too strong or harsh I get an idea of what it would be like blended with something a little lighter. During the day I smoke two of the sticks I'm evaluating, and then smoke one of my everyday sticks, (windsail light) as a standard for comparison. I wouldn't have believed it but the difference in tube and tobacco combinations really can make a tremendous difference. I can't remember what the tube I used was but the first time I tried a Ramback turkish it was so foul and distasteful that I almost quit smoking. I haven't run it through the sample process yet but have tried it in a different tube and like it a lot better. I guess the moral of this story is if you are trying a new tobacco don't try just one.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Evaluating tobacco
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Tuesday, 30-Jan-2007
Evaluating tubes is just as important a part of the process. I discovered long ago that certain tubes used with certain tobaccos can either be a revelation or a puke-fest.
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While there is no steadfast formula (taste being such a personal and subjective thing), there should probably be tube sample programs along with the 1 oz. tobacco sample programs some retailers offer.- Re: Evaluating tobacco
- Posted by Denny on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2007
Here Here with the tubes The tube has as much to do with with the taste of the smoke as the tobacco does. That is one of the many reasons why Cigarettes taste different different.
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- Re: Evaluating tobacco
- Posted by Smokin' Mo on Friday, 02-Feb-2007
Yeah there should be tube samples. Maybe something like 20-25 tubes with each 1 oz tobacco sample--a variety of 4 or 5 kinds. Not just 20-25 of the same tube--that's no help to us.
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- thanks
- Posted by Smokin' Mo on Monday, 29-Jan-2007
Well, thanks everyone. I now have a better understanding of the differences in various tobaccos. I have sampled some Samson Halfzware and found it quite nice when blended with AS, in a ZigZag light tube. By itself, it didn't appeal to me.
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As for those 5 boxes of Vera Cruz--I'm giving 2 (or more) away to a MYO relative but I would guess with a lighter tobacco, the VCs will be just fine for me.
I'm waiting for my next order to arrive, which includes a box of Laramie Milds, some light Turkish and a sample of Brazilian.
Thanks again all for your friendly help.- Re: thanks
- Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Monday, 29-Jan-2007
Well, let us in on where you found these tobaccos? I don't know anything about Brazilian tobacco. Mike
[ link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: thanks
- Posted by Smokin' Mo on Monday, 29-Jan-2007
Custom Blends.
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I've read and re-read the description for the Brazilian and I just had to try a little. Sounds tasty to me.
- tobacco
- Posted by Smokin' Mo on Saturday, 27-Jan-2007
Hi, I'm new to MYO/SYO. I have a few questions and they may seem kinda stupid, but it's the weekend and that makes it alright--have a sip of your adult beverage, if you'd like. It might help. Here goes:
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Virgina tobacco isn't grown only in Virgina, is it? Is it a variety of tobacco and if so, what are its characteristics?
Is Burley bad? Can it ever be good?
Turkish blend isn't grown only in Turkey, is it? If not, what makes it Turkish? What qualities or styles of growing separate it from the rest?
And what about Canadian tobacco? Is it a variety or a special blend--what makes it different?
I realize some or all of this might be found in the glossary but I'd rather hear from people on this forum.
I have been smoking medium AmSpirits for quite a few years.I had a free tin of the blue AS tobacco and ordered 8 1oz samples from American Thrust and 5(!) boxes of Vera Cruz natural brown tubes from Custom Blends. So far, I'd say blending the AS with the Turkish Export has given me the most enjoyable smoke but I could go for something else, too. Has anyone ever tried Brazilian tobacco?
Thanks in advance for your help.
- Re: tobacco
- Posted by scott johnson on Saturday, 27-Jan-2007
Welcome to the forum!
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Virginia tobacco is a variety/breed. It's usually light in color, a gold or yellow color.
Burley is not bad. I like it myself. Especially D&R's Two Timer blend.
Turkish? I'm not sure. One of the others here can answer that.
Canadian is a special blend as far as I know. A bright tobacco, milder tasting to me than straight Virginia Blends.
5 boxes of vera cruz! That's fine. Please try some other tube brands out there. I like Zen and Rave tubes myself. They are cheaper and come 250 to a box.
Never tried Brazilian.
Feel free to ask questions. Posts keep the site alive :-)
- Re: tobacco
- Posted by adamatari on Sunday, 28-Jan-2007
As has been said, Virginia and Burley are breeds of tobacco. Virginia tends to be sweet and aromatic.
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Burley is by no means bad. Without burley there would be no halfzwares for one, as halfzwares are a mix of virginia and fire cured burley. "American" style blends also require burley.
As far as Turkish goes, along with the "oriental" tobacco label, I'm still not quite sure exactly where it begins and ends. From what I understand there are some tobaccos grown in Greece, the Balkans and maybe other parts or the middle east like Syria that are considered to be "oriental" and maybe "turkish"... They tend to be strongly aromatic, dark, and smooth.
I'm not sure but I think Canadian is just Virginia grown in Canada - I think soil conditions give it a somewhat different flavor. I'm not sure really.
I don't know much about Brazilian tobacco. I've had a VERY dark Brazilian once many years back but if I ran into it again I would blend it with something. I think they also produce flue cured Virgina tobaccos too though. I bet I've smoked it without knowing it in some tobacco or other.
I have a weakness for halfzwares and for pure virginia blends. If you haven't tried a halfzware then you should, it's something that you just can't get in a packaged cigarette (though certainly they aren't to everyone's taste). Bali Shag light is really nice and not too strong.- Re: tobacco
- Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Monday, 29-Jan-2007
Asking someone who makes their own smokes what their daily smoke is; is a loaded question to be sure! Variety is, after all the spice of life! I like Look Out Milde Shag, and could call it a regular, and I also enjoy Two Timer, Windsail Platinum, and Ramback Turkish blended in several different recipes'. A great fall back tobacco is McClintock Full Flavor, and there are times I could call it a daily too. But, my all time favorite tobaccos are Two Timer, Windsail Platinum and Ramback Turkish in a 30%-30%-40% blend. I always make my blends in 1 Oz. lots, so I can change the blend as desired. Mike
[ link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: tobacco
- Posted by Adam on Tuesday, 30-Jan-2007
thats an awsome blend man me and my buddy really enjoyed it were fairly new to this and have tried quite a few d&r blends they are great some are better than others is there a site out there that has different recipes for blending weve tried the PS exports also they are very good besides the recipe you gave ive also found that a 60 windsail platinum and a 40 ps norwegian shag to be quite tasty thanks for all the info ill be checking back often
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- Re: tobacco
- Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Monday, 29-Jan-2007
In answer to your Burley question no, Burley isn't bad, in fact it is the dominating tobacco in many blends. I don't care for Burley that hasn't been toasted though! Toasted Burley like Two Timer is a great smoke, and one I believe I'd never tire of. When a blend isn't at hand, I'll reach for the Two Timer almost every time--till it's gone! Virginia is a light aromatic tobacco (Windsail Platinum) which I use to balance some blends, and is a nice smoke itself too. You simply need to do a lot of samples to see what tobacco is to your taste, and blend to your taste! Blending tobacco is easy, and there is much knowledge here on this site to guide you. Tubes are something you need to experiment with to see what tube best suits your taste with what tobacco. I haven't to my knowledge smoked any Brazilian tobaccos, so I can't comment. Welcome aboard! Mike
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- Good everyday tobacco
- Posted by Keith on Tuesday, 16-Jan-2007
What do you guys think would make a good every day tobacco? I'd prefer something that's not overly expensive or difficult to get. So far I've only tried Stokers #2 regular and Smokers Outlet house blend. I like full flavor tobacco. I'm thinking about trying some King Mountain from Lil Brown.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Good everyday tobacco
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Tuesday, 16-Jan-2007
Man, that's a loaded quesion! :-) Tobacco taste is so subjective that it's almost impossible to answer a statement like that without knowing more than you "like full flavor." There are many great tobaccos available in the $15 - $20/lb price range; your best bet is to troll through the Tobacco-->Brands listings here and read through the various comments and critiques. Also, you might want to check out the retailers that offer the 1 ounce sample excellent way to inexpensively ceck out a great variety of leaf.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Good everyday tobacco
- Posted by scott johnson on Tuesday, 16-Jan-2007
Take Wazmo's advice. read up here on the various brands, and try some samples. American thrust offers 1oz samples for $1 each. Lil brown usually carries pouches as well as can's/bags so you can try smaller quantities.
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lately I've been smoking Golden Harvest full flavor to save money. local store has 6oz bags for $4.79. It's a decent smoke.
- Re: Good everyday tobacco
- Posted by Keith on Tuesday, 16-Jan-2007
I know everyone's tastes are different, I just wanted to know what other's smoke. I like the idea of 1 oz. samples, though. Keeps you from getting stuck with a pound of junk. I'll check out some from American Thrust Tobacco.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Good everyday tobacco
- Posted by platoslostdialogue on Tuesday, 16-Jan-2007
McClintock Virginia is the only thing I can think of off the top of my head that I can smoke twelve cans of and not tire of it. With D&R blends I usually smoke a number of them throughout the day. That Lookout Milde is pretty damn good, too, and cheap. RYO Tobacco also offers 1 oz. samples.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Good everyday tobacco
- Posted by Dano on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007
I agree with you 100%!
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McClintock Virgina is my everday cig.
D&R has some good blends, but none of them even come close to Mc Virginia.
This whole (IMHO) Windsail Platinum debate about Windsail being something akin to McClintock Virgina has been generated by Dougs RYO site. If you're a McClintock Virgina smoker you don't want anything to do with Windsail.
As far as I'm concerned, and stricktly speaking from a Mc Virgina vs Windsail perspective, Windsail just doesn't cut it. People that smoke Mc V are never gonna accept Windsail as a replacement. It's a media driven joke, like the Windsail Tubes.- Re: Good everyday tobacco
- Posted by scott johnson on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007
I fell for RYO magazines review of Windsail. How Doug bragged about it. It's one of the nastiest tobaccos I've ever tried. Only way I could smoke it was to keep it really moist to smooth the flavor. Most of their other stuff they sell is a lot tastier. Especially the Penhooker, which I love. I smoked Penhooker everyday for the longest time.
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I tend to think that D&R and RYO magazine are working together to sell each other's products. Big rave reviews of everything D&R sells in return for D&R being the only place to get Vera Cruz tubes, unless someone else is selling them again.- Re: Good everyday tobacco
- Posted by Major Havoc on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007
I'm pretty much sold on Stokkebye's Norwegian Shag lately. Great by itself, but it's even better with a 2:1 blend of PS Turkish or Ramback.
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The D&R Periques are also great to blend in as well. (same ratio)
All provide a nice smooth taste with nothing you have to "get used to".
All in all, I really like what PS is doing. I'll probably try the other styles they have, sooner or later.
That said, I haven't tried the McClintock yet... guess I'm going to have to give it a whirl, since it looks like it's got more favorable reviews than any other tobacco.
Problem is that every time I hear "McClintock" I think of John Wayne... and you know how he bought the farm! Bad marketing, IMO. LOL- Re: Good everyday tobacco
- Posted by scott johnson on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007
I keep saying "flintlock" instead of McClintock. The old muzzle loader rifles I think.
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- Re: Good everyday tobacco
- Posted by Major Havoc on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007
Just to save everyone from endless web searches, John Wayne starred in "McLintock!" in 1963.
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And, as you probably know, he died of lung cancer about 12 years later.
So I don't think I want to stare at a big can of tobacco that says "McClintock" on it... a bit of bad Karma, IMO.
Nuff said.
LOL- Re: Good everyday tobacco
- Posted by JP on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007
John Wayne died of stomach cancer on June 11, 1979 although In 1964, Wayne was diagnosed with lung cancer, and underwent surgery to remove his entire left lung and two ribs. Despite rumors that the cancer was caused by filming The Conqueror in Utah where the US government had tested nuclear weapons, Wayne himself believed his five pack a day cigarette habit was the cause.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ] Re: Good everyday tobacco
- Posted by Major Havoc on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007
I stand corrected, thanks for the clarification.
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Nevertheless, the name still bugs me.
- Re: Good everyday tobacco
- Posted by scott johnson on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007
5 pks a day?!? Geez! That is some serious smoking.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Good everyday tobacco
- Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007
He smoked Camels.
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- Re: Good everyday tobacco
- Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007
I met John Wayne in 1969. He was the kind of American who'd never cause our government to be seen in a bad light. When they filmed out there they had Geiger Counters with them, so they knew something was up. What of Richard Boone? They ate and slept out there the whole time till the movie was finished. For my part, I'll always remember John Wayne as a true American Paitriot! Strange, but today on my visit to Cheap Tobacco I bought a can of McClintock. I went there looking for Bali Shag Red, but they were out. Mike
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- Re: Good everyday tobacco
- Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007
I made the same observations in the working relationship between Doug and D & R. I like Windsail Platinum, but I really enjoyed McClintock Virginia till I couldn't get it any more. The Vera Cruz tubes were available on one other site; which I can't remember--the site that sells Sagamore! They sold Vera Cruz Nocturne's for $4 a box. Mike
[ link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Good everyday tobacco: The WP/McC V Urban Myth
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Thursday, 18-Jan-2007
I would imagine that Mr. Ryan and Mr. Kennedy had a regular, business relationship that you would find between most any supplier/publisher. Supplier wants exposure, publisher wants revenue, voila! :-) To be fair, while you rarely read any really negative reviews at RYO, Mr. Kennedy does state that where he has nothing good to say about a product, he doesn't say anything at all. While I might not agree with that prticular philosophy when it comes to reviewing, at least it was pointed out up front.
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Actually, I don't recall reading in RYO that Windsail Platinum was recommended as a replacement or substitute for McC Virginia, or that it even tasted like it. Perhaps someone can point to such a statement if I'm mistaken.
While there is a slight (very subtle) note to WP that is similar to McC Viriginia, they certainly taste a good bit different. In fact, the first time I ever bought WP from D&R, I asked someone there if it was much like McC Virginia and was told no, not really.
To tell you the truth, I smoke McC Virginia and WP as well, but not because someone said they taste the same or any other absurd thing (which seems to be an urban myth). They both have their own merits to my pallet, plain and simple.
BTW, McC Virginia is apparently still available at (the site that sells Sagamore) at about $28/lb.- Re: Good everyday tobacco: The WP/McC V Urban Myth
- Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Thursday, 18-Jan-2007
Wazmo, I got the same impression about Doug K. and Mark R.. And, as I said before; I can't blame Doug for trying to make a buck to help pay for his editor, and staff, and office note. I don't remember reading that Windsail Platinum and McClintock Virginia were like blends either. The only similarity these two blends share is in the name of the tobacco strain used in them; IMHO. If I had to pick between the two--I'd pick the McC Virginia! BTW thanks for the refresher; it's been a long time since I been there. Mike
[ link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Good everyday tobacco: The WP/McC V Urban Myth
- Posted by Kerry on Thursday, 18-Jan-2007
I too like McCV, but any truly unbiased smoker has to admit that the flavor comes mostly from added flavorings.
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For that matter, all of the more "unusual" and "interesting" cigarette tobaccos get most (and some "all") of there flavor from additives. Yes, "additives" include anything added to the natural tobacco including "natural" or "artificial" flavorings. As a group, I think most of us must admit that we don't like tobacco without added flavorings as much as those with them.
To each his own.- Re: Good everyday tobacco: The WP/McC V Urban Myth
- Posted by scott johnson on Thursday, 18-Jan-2007
Well, I've had a couple additive free tobacco's that I do like. Smoker's outlet store brand "Natural" and Golden Harvest "natural". But, some may not like what I like.
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Natural additives can enhance the flavor of the tobacco and help it to hold it's moisture. The 2 brands I mentioned above will dehydrate very quickly.- Re: Good everyday tobacco: The WP/McC V Urban Myth
- Posted by Kerry on Saturday, 20-Jan-2007
Be careful to check out what they mean by "no additives". Unless they say there is absolutely nothing added to the natural tobacco, there are additives.
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One way they get around this is by stating there are no "chemical additives". This is a dodge. Anything, natural flavorings/casings, artificial/chemical flavorings/casings, etc. are additives.
Don't be so sure that you are smoking "pure" tobacco without anything added. The only way to be sure would be to grow and cure your own. In the mean time, you can be sure that all cigarette tobacco has something added to it. Don't be fooled by the semantics.- Re: Good everyday tobacco: The WP/McC V Urban Myth
- Posted by Scott Johnson on Saturday, 20-Jan-2007
I plan to grow and cure my own this year, time permitting. gonna shoot for some Burley and Virginia. Maybe 100 plants or so. I can't decide on how I'm gonna cure it though. Grandpa grew Burley and air-cured it. He probably grew 25 tons or so. I have the equipment, land, and barn. All I need is time. And somewhere to store it once I'm done with it.
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- Re: Good everyday tobacco: The WP/McC V Urban Myth
- Posted by Dano on Friday, 19-Jan-2007
I made a comment recently that Dougs Mag made a comment about the Windsail Platinum and the Mc V (as a replacement for McV)
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It was probably 2 or 3 years ago and Dougs Mag was talking about D&R and how D&R was working on a 'Replacement' for McV.
The article in question went on to say, to the best of my memory, that 'if anyone could come up with a replacement for McV it would be D&R and they are working on it'... That's not a direct quote but that IS the essense of the article.
This was of interest to me because i'm a McV smoker and Dougs mag was talking about McV no longer being available.
Months later when McV was no longer available in my area I called D&R for the first time looking for the replacement McV that they were supposed to be working on. I told them I was a McV smoker, I read about them in Dougs Mag, I was calling to find out what the deal was on the McV replacement and the nice lady on the phone said, Windsail Platinum.
So I got some. The WP isn't a McV replacement by any means of the imagination. It's allright for what it is and I'm not bad mouthing it. It's just not a McV replacement.
Which begs my next question. Since WP isn't McV's replacement and Doug and tacitly D&R have indicated that there's supposed to be a replacement.... Where Is It??- Re: Good everyday tobacco: The WP/McC V Urban Myth
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Saturday, 20-Jan-2007
that's what I'd like to know, since I, too, really love the taste of McC Virginia. If, in fact, WP is/was to be D&R's attempt at McCV, I'd have to say they were not successful. It's a great smoke to me, and is my usual everyday-er since I'm trying to ration my few remaining cans of McCV...I usually save them for evening time and weekends when I'm chilling out and can really savour the taste.
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I wrote to Ric at RYO, since they still seem to be selling McCV, to find out if they're hooked up with a regular supply or simply bought up a big batch, but haven't received a reply as of yet.
If WP *isn't* the McCV attempt Doug referred to, I'd like to know if they're still making the attempt. If it is, however--well, close but no cigar as it were. :-)- Re: Good everyday tobacco: The WP/McC V Urban Myth
- Posted by scott johnson on Sunday, 21-Jan-2007
I've smoked just about everything that D&R makes. They have nothing that tastes like McC V. They have some good stuff, but no McC V replacement.
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- Re: Good everyday tobacco
- Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Tuesday, 16-Jan-2007
I can relate a lot to what you are saying! I recently bought a pound of 1839 Mild, and I think I'm beginning to get tired of it already. I really like the Look Out Milde Shag allot, and can't see me tiring of it soon. But in the meantime I have 3/4 pound of 1839 to do something with. Even blending Ramback with it doesn't seem to help. Mike
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- Re: Newbie here......
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Saturday, 13-Jan-2007
The Tenderbox Virginia you it a blend from the Tenderbox Pipe Tobacco folks? I searched their site but couldn't find a straight Virginia blend. I'm partial to the Virginia myself, and I'm always on the lookout for a new brand. Thanks
[ link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Newbie here......
- Posted by smokin n jokin on Saturday, 13-Jan-2007
[ link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ].Hi Wazmo. Yes it is a blend from the Tinderbox franchise. I got it at a local store here. The picture is of Lanes Golden Virginia on the left and Tinderbox Virginia on the right. As I understand it Tinderbox sells relabeled Lanes blends. I have one I got at the same store I get Golden Virginia from. It's called Lanes RYO and looks exactly like the Tinderbox Virginia but seems to be a little smoother and mellower than the Tinderbox Virginia. The tinderbox is a little harsher. I suspect the Tinderbox may have some oriental virginia in it.
- Re: Newbie here......
- Posted by Wazmo Nairz on Sunday, 14-Jan-2007
The Golden Virginia has been a favorite of mine since about 1999, when I moved to London for a few years. That, along with Drum Milde Shag, was about all I smoked while living there. RYO/MYO is much bigger in the UK (heck, in all of Europe from what I saw) than in the States, but it appears we're gonna be catching up soon.
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I think there may be a Tinderbox near were I live--I'll try to check it out and ask about their Virginia blend. Thanks.
- Re: Newbie here......
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Tuesday, 16-Jan-2007
Where are you getting your Golden Virginia from? I've been ordering mine from the UK but the exchange rate with the extremely weak dollar is killing me....
[ link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Newbie here......
- Posted by smokin n jokin on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007
I buy it at a local smoke shop here. They charge $2.79 an ounce for it. Don't know why but out of about 25 smoke shops here they are the only ones that stock it.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Newbie here......
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007
Got a name for 'em? I'd like to try and contact 'em to see who their supplier is. Your price beats the snot outta the £46.00 (about $89.00 US) I pay for 17.5 ounces, and I haven't found anyone here in the States who seems to be able to get it. Consequently I don't order it very often....
[ link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Newbie here......
- Posted by smokin n jokin on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007
Sure, here's the info.
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Head West Smoke shop
2750 North Campbell Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85719
If they can't help you let me know, I would be willing to pick some up and send it to you.
- Re: Golden Virginia
- Posted by Dave L on Friday, 26-Jan-2007
I doubt that the Lane (US) and Imperial (UK) Golden Virginia's are the same tobacco.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Golden Virginia
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Friday, 26-Jan-2007
You're probably right, unfortunately....
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- Cigarette pocket snuffers
- Posted by Howard C on Sunday, 07-Jan-2007
This is to Mike c's inquiry about cigarette pocket snuffers. This web site has them. I think they are 3 each for $6.00.
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configurations for pocket,ashtray and automobiles (has Velcro attaching)
[link]- Re: Cigarette pocket snuffers
- Posted by mike c on Sunday, 07-Jan-2007
and this post is to show how quick I can say thank you at certain times of month......I NEVER forget ET transmisions.....I'' get one in near future..(a snuffer)...I need it...alot!
[ link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]
thanks fellow participater
- Re: Cigarette pocket snuffers
- Posted by mike c on Sunday, 07-Jan-2007
and this post is to show how quick I can say thank you at certain times of month......I NEVER forget ET transmisions.....I'' get one in near future..(a snuffer)...I need it...alot!
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thanks fellow participater
- Problem with the D & R "Gold" blends
- Posted by ikonoklast7 on Monday, 01-Jan-2007
I've heard nothing but rave reviews about these blends, but I have one problem with 'em...
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My throat feels like it got scrubbed with a brillo pad afterwards!
This isn't the first time I've had this kind of problem. Most of the time, the only way I can enjoy straight Virginia blends is if it's very, very wet and hand-rolled. Otherwise, it just has too much bite on my throat.
I really want to be able to appreciate these blends, but scraping feeling in my throat distracts me from enjoying any of the taste. Am I the only guy who has this problem? Am I nuts?- Re: Problem with the D & R "Gold" blends
- Posted by platoslostdialogue on Monday, 01-Jan-2007
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- Re: Problem with the D & R "Gold" blends
- Posted by Major Havoc on Monday, 01-Jan-2007
Haven't tried the "Gold", but I can say my experience with other D&R tobacco is similar.
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They definitely put a lickin' on the throat and lungs.- Re: Problem with the D & R "Gold" blends
- Posted by Paul on Monday, 01-Jan-2007
Same as above. Little experience with gold type tobaccos. But other D&R tobacco can open up a can whoop a## on my throat and lungs. Roland; in a recent review I read recently, forget about it. My sentiment also. It is definitely a mixer. The added syrups or flavors, whoa! Windsail; couldn't give it away. I don't know if I got a bad bag. But it tasted amongst the worst tobacco I have tried. I do order others from D&R but am currently looking for a local replacement for an everyday smoke. I also read a lot about D&R has little or no shake. Well I must get the only bags that have about a 1/4 bag of shake. I really like many of the other brands that D&R produces but feel the shipping charges are kind of high, the excess shake, getting stuck with 14oz. of overpowering tobacco. I have asked for samples. I did get samples they were in the same pouch that contained a baggy of Athey. All the other samples had that hint of Athey. I do like that Athey from time to time. I have also read that the tubs seemed to regularly have better contents. So, I'm on the hunt, trying other brands of tobacco.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Problem with the D & R "Gold" blends
- Posted by Dano on Monday, 08-Jan-2007
I was reading your post and thought I would add a comment. I've tried just about all of D&R's stuff. They are a great outfit but as with anything they have some blends that I don't personally like. I would say this though, their 'tubs' are consistently fresh and free of shake, shipping is a little high but customer service is absolutely excellent. I find their SJ Rimboche and Roland Light to be their best offerings. I don't know why they call the Roland Light 'Light' because it isn't a light smoke. It's deep and complex with a chocolate taste to it. It's nice to have around.
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- Re: Problem with the D & R "Gold" blends
- Posted by Jo on Wednesday, 10-Jan-2007
For an everyday smoke I love Windsail. I am looking for something a little lighter and a little sweeter, but have tried many brands and haven't found that in any others yet.
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I tried the light filters with the Windsail, but for some reason it made the cigarettes seem harsh.
Suggestions?- Re: Problem with the D & R "Gold" blends
- Posted by Kent on Thursday, 11-Jan-2007
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Tastes differ, but I also found Windsail good tasting but a bit harsh. I tried almost all the samples from American Thrust tobacco and many from D&R and found Rowland Light to be right for me. It is sweeter. So you might try that. I also smoke menthol so I have a 3:1:1 blend of Rowland Light, McClintock Light, McClintock Menthol.
I also found that different tubes can give a harsher smoke even though the tobacco is the same. For me, Vera Cruz Nocturnes interfere less than others I've tried and make the Rowland light a smoother smoke. YMMV- Re: Problem with the D & R "Gold" blends
- Posted by NJDrew on Thursday, 11-Jan-2007
Its funny you mention the Nocturnes and Windsail, because it my personal experiments, I found that to one of the worst tube/tobacco combo. Like Wazmo Nariz has said you need to hit the right tube/tobacco combo. I found Elrays to be a much better match for windsail.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Problem with the D & R "Gold" blends
- Posted by Kent on Thursday, 11-Jan-2007
Actually it's Rowland Light and VC Nocturnes but it's all a 'tastes differ' thing. I thought since Jo also found Windsail harsh and wanted something sweeter that perhaps our tastes were similar. Dano just said that Rowland light wasn't light ;-) and I believe that's the way it hits him, but it's right for me.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Problem with the D & R "Gold" blends
- Posted by scott johnson on Thursday, 11-Jan-2007
I had the best luck with Windsail in either a Ramback Elite, VC Elegante, Windsail, or Zen Light tube. If I use it in a Nocturne tube, I have to get the tobacco a little moister.
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I like the Penhooker a lot better. A smoother smoke with the added Canadian leaf.
- Re: Problem with the D & R "Gold" blends
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Monday, 01-Jan-2007
How are you prepping your tobacco before storage? If you're not, why not?--even dry as a bone, quality Virginia tends to be amongst the most naturally sweetest and mildest (depending upon cure method) leaf around except for perhaps Turkish.
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But highly compressed and stewing in their toppings/casings in a near airless environment doesn't allow those toppings, flavours and casings to adequately "dissipate" as intended. These can produce the "symptoms" you experience, in addition to an "oily" feeling in your throat or See "Flue Cured" and "Virginia here:
Here is a method I passed on here awhile back from a conversation I had with Mr. Ryan over three years ago concerning this very topic; [link]
I failed to properly credit him in the original post because I couldn't recall at the time where I had learnt this...a few days ago while clearing out some old letters I found some concerning this topic.
I've noted for some reason that certain tobaccos have a very specific "window" of moisture /dryness that, when observed, makes a fantastic smoke. Some D&R product lines definitely fall into this category, as do many others from Stokkebye to Bugler. Too far over or under and you're on your own; but proper prepping is a must regardless. I'd really contact Mr. Ryan if I were you...he is a wealth of information about these kinds of subjects and certainly knows more than anyone about his own line. :-)- Re: Problem with the D & R "Gold" blends
- Very good suggestion! I'll try aerating a little bit to see how it goes.
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- Mystery of D&R Gold Blends
- Posted by Warren on Tuesday, 02-Jan-2007
> My throat feels like it got scrubbed with a brillo
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> pad afterwards!
There must be two kind of smokers regarding D&R gold blends, kind of like with brussels sprouts which some people (including my wife) find delicious, while they taste bitter to others (like me, and I can't stand them).
With D&R gold blends, I feel there is some exotic and very pleasant ingredient unique to them. I don't know what it is, but I can definitely tell there is something special and good in there. It could be that there is same mysterious component in these which irritates your throat.
My regular tobacco is American Spirit original blend (I also like King Mountain and other nicotine rich burley blends, plain Jane, earthy kind of flavors), smoked in non-filtered tubes. Perhaps it is some kind of burley that makes this difference. Pipe smokers, for example, are in two opposing camps on burley, some love it while the rest hates it.
Or it could be some of the strong cigar tobaccos they blended in (like their 'sigaretta' blend, which I find to have the same "good stuff" as well, even though it is not labeled as 'gold'). It would be really nice if they were to drop in here to tell us what it is.
- Re: Problem with the D & R "Gold" blends
- Posted by Kerry on Tuesday, 02-Jan-2007
Although I know every one is different and perceives things differently, but I have never experienced anything like what you describe with D&R tobacco.
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Given, I have not tried the "Gold" blends, but I never had a problem with a harsh throat hit or an abnormally strong lung hit from any of the D&R tobaccos I smoke.
For the record, I have smoked Windsail, Ramback, Vengeur, Cockstrong, Two-Timer and Penhooker (didn't like that last one too much).
None of them were harsh on the throat or lungs. In fact, one reason why I now smoke D&R almost exclusively was because of how smooth it is on the throat and lungs. That is, unless I smoke A LOT of cigs in a day. In that case, I don't think ANY tobacco wouldn't produce some bad effects.
Again, I haven't smoked any of the D&R "Gold" blends, but I do blend my own and am pretty sure that I have smoked something similar to them at one time or another.
As for throat and lung hits, Stokers, Bugler, Top, Zig-Zag, and a lot of others come to mind as being bad, but not D&R.
No, you are not nuts, but I think your throat and lungs must be quite different than my own!
- Re: Problem with the D & R "Gold" blends
- Posted by mike c on Wednesday, 03-Jan-2007
not a problem for me, um, like today when I called trying to pay a little of my debt to Mark & co, I just end up with a promo of Penhooker light!!! I have kept quiet on discussing tobacco other than mentioning things I've's my take Ramback- delicious Two-Timer-delicious, Venguer-super delicious!! Windsail Special Edition American Gold,,,..... .... ....harsh something ...(I didn't want to chime on this but I did get what they were saying)
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the only one I didn't find delicious...
and a gleaned piece of info...RAMBACK BALKAN coming soon
- Re: Problem with the D & R "Gold" blends
- Posted by Hoss on Wednesday, 10-Jan-2007
After trying all the D&R blends and most of the other stuff on the market I find that D&R perique blends are far superior to anything out there. The Saint Jimmys and the Green river are ready to roll right out of the bag, no drying or humidity required. The Gold and platinmum blends are nice, the chocolate sticks and the ryback are good every now and then, the Penhooker and the 3 sails are nice everyday smoke, but like I say the Periques rock.
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