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- REAL comparative cost MYO/Premade
- Posted by cheap & chippy chopper on Monday, 28-May-2007
Was reading around the forum and noticed one thing we tend to forget when computing how much money we're saving on MYO -- Stick Duration.
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For my previous premades: if I bought 10-carton lots from a tax-free facility, one carton of Dunhill Menthol International cost me $36.90.* To buy them locally (NYC), it's anywhere from $75 to $85.
Setting aside any kind of amortization of the cost of my two stuffer machines but including all shipping fees, my all-premium SYO carton of D&R blend in Windsail or Premier 100s tubes costs $11.90.
Right away, looks like I've got a much better product for a savings of 60 to 85%.
But the fact is that my DMIs smoked for 5-6 minutes. My SYOs smoke 15-25 minutes.**
It looks like my new carton expenditure, relative to a premade stick smoke duration of 6 minutes, comes out more like $3-$6. Practically and in every way that counts, I'm paying a comparative average of $4.50 per carton for great, great, utterly superior-tasting smokes with no health-impacting garbage chems or casings or fillers in them.
How about you ~ is there a difference in smoke time between your former brand of premade sticks and your MYO's, and if so, how much more savings does it get you?
* This is in latter days after Eliot Spitzer the govzi started jackbooting in and stealing European shipments out of the planes; prior, I could obtain them at $20 or less.
** Very likely a function of the 40% Ramback in my blend, which gives an idea of how surprisingly economical it actually is!- Re: REAL comparative cost MYO/Premade
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Monday, 28-May-2007
That's one of the first happy side effects I noticed switching to MYO as well besides the superior flavour...I used to smoke 100s which would last about 7 minutes tops. King size MYO, depending upon the blend (I typically use straight brightleaf Virginia and occasionally a Virginia/Turkish blend) and how firm they're packed, smoke about 7-8 minutes for me--the occasional 100 I stuff will go for about 10-12.
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Straight Ramback, however, will burn for decades and adding it to other tobacco can greatly increase smoke time...first time I made a king side stick of straight Ramback, I was still hitting the damn thing after 13 minutes and finally just had to put it out! The Virginia/Ramback blend in a king size will get me close to 10 minutes.
- Re: REAL comparative cost MYO/Premade
- Posted by David Brown on Monday, 28-May-2007
One thing I noticed is that a kool 100 which is what i used to smoke I timed them since when i was working and would go on break was 5 min without really sucking it hard and 6-7 when relaxed off work.
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Since going MYO we do king size zen ES tubes and I timed one at 8 min just normal and up to 10 if I am doing something and put it in the ash tray and just a plain let it burn test was 12+ min without putting it to my mouth other than initial light up.
- love you all who ryo
- Posted by anna on Sunday, 27-May-2007
keep on rolling guys. I love my own cigs more than camels or marbs.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ topic | top ]- Re: love you all who ryo
- Posted by cheap & chippy chopper on Monday, 28-May-2007
these guys are the finest. [thanks for this forum AGAIN Dave!] If it weren't for them, I'd be back paying $35 online ($75-85 in my neighborhood) for a carton of smokes I wouldn't even put to my lips now.
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champagne on a beer budget... sheesh, this is vintage private reserve Dom Perignon for the price of a Shasta.
my highbrow custom blend at $8/carton sure tastes great, and the company makes it that much sweeter.
- Warning
- Posted by easymo on Sunday, 20-May-2007
I would offer a warning to those considering the MYO route. I have not found a MYO tobacco that wasn't harsh to some degree. However going back to my usual pre-packaged brand is even worse. They taste like **** now. And I can't find a MYO that I like either. So, now I have nothing that I can enjoy entirely. I think ignorance was bliss in this case.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Warning
- Posted by Warren on Sunday, 20-May-2007
If every tobacco seems harsh, this may have to do with some bacterial or yeast infections (e.g. candida) in the mouth, in which case spicy foods or even minty candies would cause problems. Most often one gets those kinds of infections from a dental work (especially if you have "silver" fillings) or certain forms of sexual gratification. It may be best to clear the matter with a doctor or by doing an internet search on your symptoms (e.g. burning or stinging in the mouth, tongue appearance... etc). In any case, all that has absolutely nothing to do with MYO.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Warning
- Posted by Kerry on Sunday, 20-May-2007
I have to agree. Since going back to pre-mades was worse, it has nothing to do with any tobacco, but with you.
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This is a warning sign that you need to see a doctor.
I hope things work out for you!- Re: Warning
- Posted by mike c on Sunday, 20-May-2007
ok, i am posting..I wrote one, then detracted.
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so we all agree, this one just "doesn't fit". I always considered the MYO's to be mellower, actually causing myself to smoke more, since I am a nicotine monster, in it for the addiction, etc......
I was having a smoke today, and noticed I hadn't got the tobacco all the way down to filter (tricky shake), and it was a bit hot/harsh, which made me think of Warren, and previous talk.....I wonder if maybe he's not getting it down to filter all the way???
BTW-getting used to Gambler tubes,,,,this machine doesn't push some of the filters out...I hope they keep them in stock at 2 dollars (cheapest you'll ever get in my metroplex).- Re: Warning
- Posted by mike c on Sunday, 20-May-2007
and more
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"easymoney" is that right?, I saw someone had suggested you try Rizla Cigartte sized tubes with a 22 mm filter.
If you haven't given up already, I think this was a wonderful idea for you...the larger diameter of the tubes often throws new people off due to the heavy draw you get....plus the size may psychologically help ...
- Re: Warning
- Posted by jcat on Sunday, 20-May-2007
stuff a rizla cigarette size tube with McClintock light. if thats no good then maybe stuffing your own is not for you.I think you just figured out liggets and montclairs are just as nasty as trying to smoke that crap midnight special.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Warning
- Posted by easymo on Monday, 21-May-2007
In brief, my wife manages a dental clinic. Due to free dental, I have a doc looking in my mouth more then the avereage guy. I have no complaint about harshness other then when smoking MRO. While they are mild, there seems to be no flavor to packaged smokes now. I am sure that I will try something I have to get mail order now. But, In a way, I wish I had never started this whole thing. BTW. I love the taste of midnight special. I just cant take the harshness in the back of the throat.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Warning
- Posted by mike c on Monday, 21-May-2007
re: the thrush thing
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I personally never thought that would actually be it, but we are the front line of this, and yours is a unique experience.
purchase an extra 14oz bag of Vengeur and have the gals send it to Mike Coleman..I'll split some with the others who have worked so hard to help you
- Re: Warning
- Posted by easymo on Monday, 21-May-2007
Yes, I have found a lot of help here. learned a great deal about this from the people here. And I do appreciate it. I think I may have just hit the stuck in the drain pipe part. Cant move forward, cant move back.
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One thing I don't understand is why R.J. Reynold's, or Phillip Morris, don't just stuff their tobacco in a can, instead of a tube, and sell it that way. In Texas for example, the $1.47 cent a pack tax does not apply to loose tobacco. They would make as much, if not more, money on their stuff. The only one it would cost is the state. Or why DnR, or some of the others don't put their stuff in brick, and mortar stores.- Re: Warning
- Posted by mike c on Monday, 21-May-2007
ok, it's no secret that I have no life
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I can't sleep but about an hour at a time due to poverty/unease...but anyway, I just "happened" to come look here since it's yet another failed monday attempt to go see friend.
I actually called Phillip Morris about that, and got a very terse (if that is the word) "we don't do that"...maybe they are afraid it would cause somebody to analyze their tobacco where it is currently "safer", out-of-sight.
as for DnR, I imagine it is only a matter of time.....I think Bebop got it right about the masses really having no clue about MYO still, and maybe that will change
BUT!! CAUTION!@!! when it does, it'll become corrupt.
- Re: Warning
- Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Monday, 21-May-2007
I thought the carton of premades I went through last week was pretty good, no harshness and no stinging. And best of all, not one of the sticks had a filter void, and the tobacco didn't fall out of the end of any of them. Until someone comes out with an affordable automated electric machine where the tobacco doesn't have to be precisely the right cut and at exactly the right moisture level MYO ain't goin nowhere.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Warning
- Posted by mike c on Monday, 21-May-2007
you just gave me an idea
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maybe if we make it look _REALLY_ lame, we can get prices down further (again)
I'd be fine with Marlboro if they would charge no more than, say, $1 a pack
even if I had money, I am a rebel, and do not wish to follow the crowd
just waitin' on D Lers, SnJ
ps-I kinda like the tacky look of "twisted ends", glad I started that again- Re: Warning
- Posted by bebop on Monday, 21-May-2007
Well I can't agree with MYO not going anywhere. My experience has been that hardly anyone I met knows it exists. The very few that did, didn't know about stuffing tubes. As word spreads, I believe it will become a huge market. I didn't know it existed till last year, when I saw an ad for smokers warehouse. Then i started checking out the internet and learned all i could. I started out with a hand injector and tried various tubes and tobacco. I loved all the variety and wow, I couldn't believe I could make a carton for $10. It's always going to have some labor in making, but well worth it, for quality, variety and price.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Warning
- Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Monday, 21-May-2007
I dunno, I haven't been able to switch anybody over to SYO but I could sell tons of little cigars for $1.00 a package.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Warning
- Posted by bebop on Wednesday, 23-May-2007
Well, I don't know about cigars, as i never smoked them. I've had a couple of my friends switch over to SYO, the rest act interested, but don't really ever seem to get around to doing it. Though that may change as the price of premades continues to go up. It does take a lot of experimenting with different tubes and tobacco's to come up with the combinations that taste good to you, but once you find that combination, you'll probably never go back to premades.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Warning
- Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Wednesday, 23-May-2007
I think everybody that looks into SYO does it for one of two reasons. They don't like the price of premades or they have a disdain for discriminatory taxes. The states now have enough historical data that they can tell you almost to the dollar what effect a tax increase will have. Not only to their income from it but they can tell you how many people will quit, how many people will cut back, how many people will switch to a cheaper brand and how many will switch to SYO or smokeless.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Warning
- Posted by bebop on Wednesday, 23-May-2007
True enough, I looked into it because of price. What the states are probably figuring out by now, is not all people quit, cut back or go to the cheaper brands. When I lived in RI, everybody I knew that smoked went to NH to get their cigarettes. There were even people at most workplaces that took the trip every few weeks, for themselves and would pick up for whoever needed some. States can overprice a product so bad, that they will recieve 0 tax dollars as people look for ways around it.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Warning
- Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Wednesday, 23-May-2007
A state can easily price themselves out of the market and that is happening in quite a few places but a there are a lot of states where you don't have that option. For example here in Arizona, the taxes in the surrounding states are as high or almost as high as they are here. Arizona added a dollar a pack tax to an already $1.18 tax or almost 100% increase. The numbers are just starting to come in and only 7% of the people quit smoking or found an alternative because of the added tax. So they lost 7% of their customers but gained 100% in revenue. Not a bad trade off. I'm sure there is a point at which their revenue will decrease instead of increase.....and I have no doubt that they will keep trying to find it.
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- Re: Warning
- Posted by Ralph on Tuesday, 22-May-2007
I already told you that manufactured ciggies are 50% slurry. You keep hoping that RJ Reynolds puts out a "stuff you own slurry". Ain't gonna happen. The reasons are obvious. Go back to manufactured, spare us your inane posts.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Warning
- Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Tuesday, 22-May-2007
"I already told you that manufactured ciggies are 50% slurry."
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Yeah right! I'm sure the major tobacco companies would reveal their closely guarded formulas and ratios to an asshat like you. They couldn't sell 50% reconstituted tobacco to anyone, not even an SYO aficionado.
"You keep hoping that RJ Reynolds puts out a "stuff you own slurry". Ain't gonna happen."
Really! RJ Reynolds is quite involved in the SYO market. Ever heard of any of the following?
"Go back to manufactured, spare us your inane posts."
I seriously doubt that you speak for every one on this forum. You certainly don't speak for me.- Re: Warning
- Posted by Ralph on Saturday, 26-May-2007
Did my post have your name on it? What the heck is wrong with this picture? Manufactured ciggies are made from slurry. I saw it with my own eyes on the history channel. What the heck.
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As for calling me an asshat, let the pug try a HALFZWARE SHAG and let me know how he/she adapts to it. You half-wit.- Re: Warning
- Posted by mike c on Saturday, 26-May-2007
a quick google search and you'll get proof of sheet easy enough
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here is just one
I don't care if it may even be less-harmful, anybody that would "tweak" this hard out of how to cut costs, or decide what binary code I will smoke should self-implode
childlike warning: If I ever get flamed I have one word and it is the absolute worst nightmare word anyone could ever fear being called
it came from a piano in Southpark and I'm not sure I will ever forgive my friend for pointing it out
- Re: Warning
- Posted by easymo on Wednesday, 23-May-2007
I mistook this forum for a place where ADULTS discuss cigarettes. This assumption was clearly wrong, and my own misperception. I'll move along.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Warning
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Wednesday, 23-May-2007
Give up kinda easily, don'cha? Just one question, unrelated to tobacco but tied closely to the statement that you'll "move along"; when it's so much easier to ignore certain posts, why deny yourself the rest of this forum just because a couple of posts de-evolve into sludge?
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- Re: Warning
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Wednesday, 23-May-2007
I can attest that not all MYO/SYO tobaccos are harsh. That you haven't found one to your satisfaction is likely more to do with the choices you've made; most any tobacco for sale in bricks and mortar tobacco shops will be shite. There are exceptions, like Drum, Jester, Stokkebye and a few others, but for the most part (IMO) stuff like Zig-Zag, Bugler, Top, Gambler, Stoker's, and most any pound sack festooned with a non-descript white label will hardly be representative of the real tobacco experience you can involve yourself in. You should probably avail yourself of the American Thrust Sampler program at the very least....
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That said, undoubtedly there are people who enjoy the non-tobacco taste available in most premades...it's what they're familiar with and used to. It's bland, boring and safe (when it comes to being familar--not health-wise obviously); kinda like the food in most chain restaurants. If that floats your boat, cool. Everything isn't for everybody after all; but to suggest a blanket condemnation/warning based on your admittedly small sample size is a bit OTT.
Another piece of advice I might offer...most SYO tubes (until very recently) haven't been anywhere near as aggressive as pre-made filtration. SYO tubes have typically used less dense, far smaller (lengthwise) filter elements. You might try any of the more aggressive "after-market" filters available...Tar-Gard, SANDA, etc.
- Re: Warning
- Posted by Jo on Tuesday, 07-Aug-2007
I had trouble finding a cigarette tobacco that I really like, too. There are others in the family who smoke so I can usually pass the ones that I don't like on to them and they like them.
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I smoke the mildest each company offers. The rest make me congested or cough.
I recently tried Custom Blend's #1 and I love the taste of it. It is expensive though.
- Cigarette Smoke Magic (Photos)
- Posted by Warren on Sunday, 13-May-2007
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]Here are few links with beautiful photos of cigarette smoke:
Smoke #1. [link]
Smoke #2. [link]
Smoke #3. [link]
Smoke #4. [link]
Smoke #5. [link] How to make your own...- Re: Cigarette Smoke Magic (OT)
- Posted by Dave L on Monday, 14-May-2007
Missing uploaded image link/src removed. Added the first image from the first link. When I have time I'll add a zero byte (e.g. bad address) check to the upload code.
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- Re: Cigarette Smoke Magic (Photos)
- Posted by swamibop on Saturday, 07-Jul-2007
You are a fine photographer. I make half my living with photography
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and teaching digital techniques, and I'm so curious how you lit
those plumes of smoke. They are gorgeous. I've done some similar
work in that direction, and subjecting the plumes to various Pshop
filters until they are unrecognizable as such. You can see my site at www.artsdigitalphoto.com. All your work is excellent!- Re: Cigarette Smoke Magic (Photos)
- Posted by Warren on Sunday, 08-Jul-2007
> You are a fine photographer.
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I did explore art photography for couple years in high school and college (that was before digital photography, when you worked in the darkroom with harsh chemicals and under red or green lights), but none those photos are mine. I only ran into one smoke photo somewhere, then tracked down via google few more for the links. The last link there has an article on how to produce your own.
- Storage
- Posted by jim on Wednesday, 09-May-2007
should tobacco be stored in the fridge or freezer once made into cigs?
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Storage
- Posted by mike c on Wednesday, 09-May-2007
no, although it can/could
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I just happened to see this and I'll give my answer, although others longer at this may take it from here-
Dave the owner uses as jar, I believe, and I am sure that is a good way....I myself have a couple wooden cigarette boxes, and one of them holds about 2-1/2 packs which is the most I personally ever care to make at a time. I will sometimes wrap that in a freezer bag and squeeze the air out, but this may be eccentric......I think the key to everything including tobacco storage is airtight containers.- Re: Storage
- Posted by Dave L on Saturday, 12-May-2007
I don't know the circumstances but, if the wood boxes are stored in a room with a relative humidity below 65% (pretty common), the wood boxes will absorb moisture from your smokes (i.e. dry them out). The plastic bags will only limit the moisture loss to what the wood can absorb (i.e. moisture won't be able to travel from the smokes to the wood to the room).
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To the OP, see the Tobacco Storage page (top paragraph...because of the above I added impervious. Wood is the opposite of impervious, its hygroscopic)
- I QUIT!!!
- Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Wednesday, 09-May-2007
Not smoking but stuffing. It ain't worth the time and the hassle. I'm going to start smoking little cigars. You can get Deans for .95 a pack, Cheyenne for .70 a pack or Santa Fe for .80 a pack at Lil Browns. I can't make them for that, especially if I figure my time is worth anything. I'll probably buy premades just for a change and still stuff one once in awhile but I'm pretty much done with it.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: I QUIT!!!
- Posted by mike c on Wednesday, 09-May-2007
I just woke up and was looking for activity on the Hawkwind scene, and came here
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I find it strange for someone as prolific as you....
as for me, stuffing is a form of "passifier", and I'd feel uncomfortable without a machine to work on.
I like taking it to friends where it gives me something to do with my hands while I listen, etc.
Just like my friend Chris(topher) needs a telephone glued to his ear too often, to give him security, and my friend Mark needs a computer almost all non-working hours to play video-games, etc....I need my machine.
may you find what you seek.....- Re: I QUIT!!!
- Posted by bebop on Wednesday, 09-May-2007
I think we'll said that quite few times, when we first started. In my case, I lived in Rhode Island at the time and there was just no way we could afford premades there. I found out that if i made them while watching our shows at night, it took a little longer, but it didn't seem like a chore, cause you weren't really thinking about making them. I have since moved to Florida and we can afford the premades here. But after buying one carton and ended up not being able to smoke them, because we missed the flavor and variety we got with stuffing our own. I'll be starting school soon and between school and work, time will be critical for me also, so i am looking to invest in an electronic injector soon.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: I QUIT!!!
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Wednesday, 09-May-2007
Anything worth doing is gonna take some time. I still can't fathom it taking more than 10 minutes to stuff a pack of smokes (which, no matter how busy one is, is no time at all)...but time or saving money was never the prime motivator for me in MYO anyway. Sure, saving enormous amounts of cash which the friggin' State no longer gets makes me smile like the Cheshire Cat, but it's a happy side effect of having the opportunity to make my own smokes that will taste exactly how I want them to taste, fresher than any premades and containing far fewer Werid Things that I don't like paying for and smoking.
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Since moving back to the States I'm in Florida as well. Around where I live (Central Florida) a pack of top-tier smokes is about $3.75 - $3.95/pack. The smokes I make using Windsail Platinum cost me about a dollar even to make--Sagamore Virginia a bit less. That's the equivalent of making $16.50/hr or more tax free at 10 minutes per pack. Not bad pay for time I'd normally be nothing with anyway.... :-)- Re: I QUIT!!!
- Posted by Paul on Wednesday, 09-May-2007
Yes your math is correct. And many who seem to think that their time is more important than to make a pack of smokes. Here in my state premades cost $4.50 to $7.00. A person could save the extra money from $3.50 to $6.00 in 10 or 15 minutes I too can stuff a pack in the same time it takes to smoke one or two. Some days I don't get to smoke too much depending on my work job assignment. So some days it takes less to make than others. One of the guys I work with will sit down once a week and make enough for a week or two while watching a movie. Since I've began making my own smokes I think that if they had the same quality tobacco as they have today I would have been making my own many years ago. Taking my time or not they just taste better and I hack very little or not at all. Some of my co-workers will mooch a "really good smoke" from me every once and a while.
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- Re: I QUIT!!!
- Posted by Mike T. on Thursday, 10-May-2007
I purchased a pack of Cheyenne Vanilla 100's from Lil' Brown a while back. I think that if stuffing is taking you too much time it would be a good idea to switch. I won't switch to little cigars because I like to roll my cigarette before smoking it. I don't do much stuffing, but I can see how you may be tired of it.
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- Highwaymen Tactics on Tobacco and OTP
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Monday, 30-Apr-2007
Found some recent data concerning state excise taxes on tobacco and OTP...seems the jackbooted thugs in Oregon, Rhode Island and NJ are the worst offenders for packaged cigs. [link]
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OTP link: [link]
Note the outrageous taxes levied against OTP, sometimes as high as 75%! What the hell is wrong with tobacco users that they'll roll over so readily and let these goons rob us blind? Jeez....
"Democracy is a device that ensures we shall be governed no better than we deserve."
- George Bernard Shaw
Ain't it the truth.- Re: Highwaymen Tactics on Tobacco and OTP
- Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Monday, 30-Apr-2007
Let's see......How far is it from South Carolina to New Jersey......and how many cartons of cigarettes can I get into a 28 foot motor home......
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- Re: Highwaymen Tactics on Tobacco and OTP
- Posted by Dave L on Monday, 30-Apr-2007
Your graphic link is good. For text options see two page pdf (all tobacco related taxes) and OTP plain text. Both are kept reasonably up to date (links were originally posted in '05).
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- Re: Highwaymen Tactics on Tobacco and OTP
- Posted by jcat on Wednesday, 02-May-2007
you think Oregon is bad look at Washington, smokes here are so high priced and then you pay sales tax on top of that!Then once you have them ,you can't smoke anywhere in public!No smoking within 25ft of any public place including bars or smoke shops but all these places benefit from the taxes smokers pay.this is why i buy my tobacco from out of state or a sovereign tribe;take their taxation without representation away from them!In this state the lawmakers say they want everyone to stop smoking but they know if we did there state revenue would come up millions short.I say screw em!There is my one rant sorry had to let it out happy rolling everyone. I'm not usually this much a bitch
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Highwaymen Tactics on Tobacco and OTP
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Wednesday, 02-May-2007
Apparently not enough of us *are* a bitch -- which is why we keep letting ourselves get pooched by scumbags and Nannies.
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- Status of MYO in Canada
- Posted by Hua Kul on Sunday, 29-Apr-2007
What's the status of MYO in Canada? Is the bulk tobacco taxed higher than in the US? Is it legal to take over the border from the US? Are there good high quality brands made in Canada? Just curious.
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- Re: Status of MYO in Canada
- Posted by Dave L on Thursday, 03-May-2007
The only Canadian brands I know of are Export 'A' and Canadian Natural/Yankee Blend
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Status of MYO in Canada
- Posted by Hua Kul on Saturday, 05-May-2007
I should probably clarify my question. Can Canadians receive shipments of tobacco and tubes, etc., from the US? If so, are any customs duties or taxes added on, and if so how much? Thanks for any help.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Status of MYO in Canada
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Saturday, 05-May-2007
E-mail a few of the retailers listed here on this site and ask 'em. D&R doesn't ship outside the States at all last I checked. I do know that there are lots of UK tobacconists who ship into Canada. Google "online tobacco shops uk" and you'll get a bunch of 'em. I've used [link] before as well as [link] with good, prompt results every time. You'll wanna see what the deal is with paying customs duties and other taxes....
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- mycigarettes dot com / more great "law" in Na
- Posted by cheap & chippy chopper on Monday, 16-Apr-2007
In the "Look Out" thread, I complained that the only place I could find Look Out Vanilla Shag online (mycigarettes.com) has splashed their website with:
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"We're sorry, due to the implementation of Public Health Law §1399-ll which prohibits ALL online and mail order cigarette shipments into the state of New York we are unable to accept new Customers and process orders. Thank You."
Being me, I went and read "Public Health Law §1399-ll."
Here's the verbiage ( [link] ):
* § 1399-ll. Unlawful shipment or transport of cigarettes. 1. It shall be unlawful for any person engaged in the business of selling cigarettes to ship or cause to be shipped any cigarettes to any person in this state who is not:
(a) a person licensed as a cigarette tax agent or wholesale dealer under article twenty of the tax law or registered retail dealer under section four hundred eighty-a of the tax law;
(b) an export warehouse proprietor pursuant to chapter 52 of the internal revenue code or an operator of a customs bonded warehouse pursuant to section 1311 or 1555 of title 19 of the United States Code; or
(c) a person who is an officer, employee or agent of the United States government, this state or a department, agency, instrumentality or political subdivision of the United States or this state, when such person is acting in accordance with his or her official duties.
For purposes of this subdivision, a person is a licensed or registered agent or dealer described in paragraph (a) of this subdivision if his or her name appears on a list of licensed or registered agents or dealers published by the department of taxation and finance, or if such person is licensed or registered as an agent or dealer under article twenty of the tax law."
LOL, there are actually two sections of the same name, the second one dealing with bidis, but that kind of incompetence is to be expected of people who thieve from others in order to get a paycheck. Also notice, govacrats are permitted to receive cig shipments. Just not the productive (rest of us) folk.
Mycigarettes.com is correct: that section of the "law" states that no cig seller may send cigs to retail customers in "NYS."
However, my point is that it's shipment of *cigarettes* that this "law" prohibits -- *not Tobacco Products.* Each term is defined in the first few paragraphs in this "law." Cigarettes are defined as a subgroup of tobacco products, not the other way around.
I called mycigs' toll-free number (1-800-821-0632) to chat with them about it. On two separate tries, no one answered.
The phone would just ring 15 times, then disconnect.
I'll send them an email, but anyone who won't answer their phone during business hours is unlikely to get my business anyway.
I hope this won't put all the Indian reservation smoke shops out of business.
These criminal thieving middlemen are the scourge of humanity.- . . . / more great "law" in NaziYork
- Posted by cheap & chippy chopper on Monday, 16-Apr-2007
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^ the rest of the subject line. :-(- mycigarettes.com > mailboxes R full
- Posted by cheap & chippy chopper on Monday, 16-Apr-2007
I sent an email to sales-at, copied to info-at.
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Both addresses bounced:
"User mailbox exceeds allowed size"
I gather there are others trying to talk sense to mycigarettes.com.
On the other hand, they may have been the victim of bureaucratic attacks, and no one's there to man the shop.
- Re: mycigarettes dot com / more great "law" i
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Monday, 16-Apr-2007
Typical Nannyism run amok...yet another reason Amnerika is heading towards the slagheap of history if people continue to buy into these politician's full-bore BS. It's a shame that it looks like the Founding Father's efforts have been pretty much wasted on the ignorant and those who believe "red vs. blue" is real philosophical/political discourse....
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- Re: Double Diamond
- Posted by jcat on Saturday, 14-Apr-2007
Has anyone tried double diamond?good,bad,ugly?
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Double Diamond
- Posted by Dave L on Sunday, 15-Apr-2007
Its another cigarette brand also available as MYO. The cigarettes, and likely the tobacco, are made in India by GTC Industries Limited and imported by Jash International/HTD Distributors/A&T Cigarette Imports/A&T Tobacco Imports.
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- Fair Price Tobacco
- Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Monday, 09-Apr-2007
Has anybody tried it? I couldn't find any reviews on here for it. I see ryocigarettes has it on sale. 26 oz bags for $9.99. That's .38 an ounce, you can't even buy compost for that here.
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- I used to smoke menthol.
- Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Saturday, 07-Apr-2007
In fact menthol cigarettes were the ONLY thing I smoked. If I ran out of cigs and someone offered me a non menthol chances are I would turn it down. Since I started stuffing my own now I very rarely ever smoke a menthol and I never make a pack of them, just one or two, and when I do it's a hard hit, usually Iceberg or Smokin Joe's in a menthol tube. I have about four pounds of menthol tobacco that I'll probably have until I die. Has anyone else experienced this and why do you suppose it is? Did you eventually go back to menthol? I've heard that menthol is like a double addiction, you get addicted to the tobacco and the menthol both.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: I used to smoke menthol.
- Posted by Paul on Saturday, 07-Apr-2007
Yeah, me too,
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I was a non-menthol smoker for many years. And then for probably three years before I started to make my own I was a menthol smoker. I think it was because I was looking for a taste. I think non menthol's started tasting bad and were harsh. When I began making my own I started with menthol, it did not last long. I found too many no-menthol tobaccos that I liked. Though I don't have 4 lbs. I too have enough menthol tobacco to last me a while. I really have to cut the menthol tobacco with non-menthol to make it more smokable.
- Re: I used to smoke menthol.
- Posted by Dave Grant on Saturday, 07-Apr-2007
I've never been a menthol smoker, but my wife smoked menthol for years. She gradually drifted away from it, and since we've been stuffing our own for quite a while, she can't figure out why she *ever* liked menthol. Seems like the better quality of MYO/SYO tobaccos gives a more satisfying/better tasting smoke. Even the more inexpensive brands of tobacco are superior to pre-mades, hands down, IMHO.
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- Re: I used to smoke menthol.
- Posted by Kent C on Saturday, 07-Apr-2007
My MYO cigs have much less menthol that my former Salems. Some MYO menthol tobacco can be overwhelming. I find McClintock the best tasting menthol but only use it as 1 part of a 5 part blend, with Rowland light and McC light. 2 parts menthol is too strong, but I don't enjoy them as much if there's none. I think the 'addiction' to menthol isn't any stronger than say chocolate or ice cream :-) but I've seen the 'double addiction' stuff on antismoking sites.
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- Re: I used to smoke menthol.
- Posted by Mike T. on Saturday, 07-Apr-2007
Back when I smoked premades I couldn't stand menthol. now I smoke menthols a few times a week. i would recommend not buying menthol tobacco, but buying menthol tubes. I use Gizeh menthol tubes, with Lookout Milde.
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- DMI (Dunhill (Menthol) International)
- Posted by cheap & chippy chopper on Thursday, 12-Apr-2007
There's nothing quite like a really good menthol.
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I was a Dunhill menthol smoker for maybe 15 years. Dunhills (originally) feature very subtle mint-kick compared with other golden Virginia plus peppermint's. They're not the clear-your-sinuses kind of thing like American mades, Newport/Salem/Kools.
They're all-white, and a standard premade diameter, but 94mm long - "luxury length" - and when considering this MYO lifechange, I thought that was important. lol.
Over the years, their formulation sneakily got lighter (read 'harsher'), meaning more fillers of one kind or another, and a faster burn, and less flavor.
A couple of weeks back, when DMI went AWOL for the fourteenth time, I picked up American Spirit menthol to see if I could get a better quality of tobacco. The lights are eye-wateringly mentholated, and the regular menthol is a little duller and harder-tasting than I'm accustomed to. It smokes ... OK... but it's a strange combination of heavy and harsh, and the menthol just barely takes the edge off it.
Amusing fact: They're so hard packed you can take the paper off and hold the tobacco in a stick in your fingers. And dry as a bone.
So, I thought I was married to menthol, but now I found out I was just used to it.
[ Actually, my first smoke was a gold-tobacco wrapped cigarette-sized... cigar? offered by the hostess at a party. Instant wake-up call.
After that, I went seeking out 'blonde tobacco.' First brand was Freiburg & Treyer, then I smoked Balkan Sobranies, Balkan Ovals, Sobranie Cocktails and Djarum Super (clove) for years, before I started with DMI. To give you a time reference, I didn't start till I was 30. I still get a chuckle out of that.
Previously, I'd been one of those awful anti-tobacco people who get vocal and obnoxious toward smokers. After a while reading my posts, you'll learn that my man's blonde but he's the brains of the operation. :-/ I also had lifelong chronic bronchitis, which let up and then gradually disappeared when I started smoking. More on that in another thread.]
I can only speak to what I know about taste/feel of menthols, and SYO is going to be superior to the originals no matter what you do, so with that in mind here it is:
Golden Harvest FF in a Premiere Menthol Light tube
Ryback in a Premiere Menthol tube
80% Bali Red, 10% Wintergold, 10% Wingate, in a Windsail FF tube.
As I said, I'm not married to menthol, but I'm cozying up to Wintergold as a blending ingredient, for sure. :-D
- Adding (Legal) Herbs
- Posted by Mike T. on Sunday, 01-Apr-2007
Just recently I witnessed one of my friends mix some Bugler with some herbs, I can’t recall the name, but I am talking about legal herbs. I was curious if anyone ever mixed tobacco with herbs, and if so how did it taste?
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Adding (Legal) Herbs
- Posted by Clarence W. Walker on Friday, 06-Apr-2007
Your question led me to some information about mint flavored cigarettes that used to be made commercially called juleps. There is a link on my daily blog in today's entry that you may find of interest.[link] Also, in the middle east there are a wide range of herbs and spices used in commercially made smokes. For a long time even menthol cigarettes were considered medicinal for a broad range of lung disorders. For that matter, tobacco itself was initially thought to be a cure all and used in all types of applications. The main thing about smoking any herbal mixtures is just being sure of what you are smoking. For example, pennyroyal, a sweet smelling member of the mint family is deadly.
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- American Spirit Now Available At Circle K
- Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Friday, 23-Mar-2007
For the amazing low price of $7.45 a package.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: American Spirit Now Available At Circle K
- Posted by Mike T. on Saturday, 24-Mar-2007
It's about $7.00 here in California, $3.45 at LBSS [link]
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: American Spirit Now Available At Circle K
- Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Saturday, 24-Mar-2007
No, I mean premades, not pouches.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: American Spirit Now Available At Circle K
- Posted by Mike T. on Saturday, 24-Mar-2007
Damn! I keep hearing about how cigarettes cost six or seven dollars in some places. I can’t imagine anyone paying this much money for cigarettes. I have never even seen a carton of cigarettes that cost more than $40.00. Such high taxes are just encouraging a black market.
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- Harshest Tobacco With The Most Bite and Sting
- Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Friday, 23-Mar-2007
What's the harshest tobacco with the most bite and sting you've found. I'm trying out SBE's tobacco enhancers. The descripton says it's supposed to "smoothe tobacco flavor, removes harshness and nasal sting, greatly improves flavor of poorer grade tobacco. Good flavor enhancer for pipes and cigars." I tried the TOB601 basic enhancer on some Blackjack light, it wasn't that harsh to begin with and about all the enhancer did was turn it into a fruit bowl.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Harshest Tobacco With The Most Bite and S
- Posted by Mike T. on Friday, 23-Mar-2007
Try it with some American Spirit .
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- Re: Harshest Tobacco With The Most Bite and S
- Posted by Dano on Thursday, 29-Mar-2007
The tobacco called '61' is really cheap and harsh.
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- SBE's tobacco enhancers
- Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Tuesday, 20-Mar-2007
Has anybody tried these or have any experience with them. I ordered some after Wazmo posted a link. They really don't tell you much about them. I think custom blends may be using something like this. [link]
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: SBE's tobacco enhancers
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Tuesday, 20-Mar-2007
I haven't personally tried them, but someone I know who did liked it...I believe she had used the maple and the vanilla.
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I'm going to be ordering some, just to check out, along with some Virginia seeds. Gonna try my hand at a small crop just to practice, just in case. :-)- Re: SBE's tobacco enhancers
- Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Tuesday, 20-Mar-2007
I'm doing the same thing. Have some Virginia and Canadian ready to transplant and a small greenhouse going up next week. The day can't be that far away when the taxes on stuff your own will be the same as on premades. I just ordered the enhancers, no flavoring. I wish now I would have ordered some of the maple flavor but I'll probably be ordering again soon anyway.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: SBE's tobacco enhancers
- Posted by Wazmo Nairz on Tuesday, 20-Mar-2007
I'm working on the kiln now...I'm gonna try to have it finished this weekend. I'm going to be moving in a couple of weeks, so I'll wait to actually plant then; hopefully I can put up a decent greenhouse as well. Maybe it's time for a dedicated GYO (Grow Your Own) topic :-) .
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- Re: SBE's tobacco enhancers
- Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Wednesday, 21-Mar-2007
I got this stuff today. It's definitely more than just sugar water. It has a peculiar smell, can't quite put my finger on it. They screwed the order up, sent me two bottles of basic enhancer and no English.
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- Speaking of nightmare blends
- Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Wednesday, 14-Mar-2007
I threw together all of the full flavor and light $10.00 or $11.00 a pound tobacco that I had. Added about eight or ten 1oz samples of ultra light and additive free that I got from American Thrust and stuffed it into tube. Ended up with almost two pounds of the best smokes I've got. I'm guessing it must be possible for different toppings and casings to compliment each other. I'm going to hate it when I run out of it.
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- It's Just Tobacco
- Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Tuesday, 13-Mar-2007
It doesn't matter to me if it's pseudo-exquisite, semi-exquisite, mondo exquisite, or give me a screaming climax exquisite. If it doesn't give me a splitting headache, collapse my lungs, rip my throat out, set my tongue on fire or send me on a puke fest I'm pretty much good with it.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: It's Just Tobacco
- Posted by Matt on Tuesday, 13-Mar-2007
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Sort of like me & Scotch. I don't need a 12 year old single malt when Usher's Green Stripe suits me fine.- Re: It's Just Tobacco
- Posted by Clarence Walker on Tuesday, 13-Mar-2007
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- Re: It's Just Tobacco
- Posted by scott johnson on Tuesday, 13-Mar-2007
I know what you mean, Smokin. Most of the time I smoke a straight from the bag, full flavor tobacco. Usually something inexpensive. Though I do enjoy some of the more expensive blends on occasion. I do like Peter Stokkeby's stuff, especially Danish, London, and Stockholm blends. My favorite is the Amsterdam Shag, but I can't smoke it every day. I save those for when I have time to kick back and relax and really savor the moment.
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