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Tube related discussions (Nov '03 - Dec '05).
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- Tubes simular to Nat Sherman?
- Posted by Mr Sniffles on Saturday, 10-Dec-2005
I'm trying to make a SYO starter kit for a friend as an x-mas gift.
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His absolute favorite pre-rolled are Nat Sherman Cigarettellos.
So, in attempts to create a similar SYO smoke, I was wondering if there were any tubes like the dark brown, thick, and possibly sugared papers that are Sherman's trademark.
Thanks in advance
- Re: Tubes simular to Nat Sherman?
- Posted by Dave L on Monday, 12-Dec-2005
I'm pretty sure the Vera Cruz tubes are as close as you will get.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Tubes simular to Nat Sherman?
- Posted by Mr Sniffles on Wednesday, 14-Dec-2005
Ah, those...
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I saw those awhile ago, but couldn't remember the name.
They'll do. Thanks a bunch.
- Posted by David Wilson on Friday, 21-Oct-2005
Anyone ever try any of these? From Discount World Online..
[dead link removed]
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- Tube Dispenser
- Posted by Sambo on Saturday, 08-Oct-2005
Invariably, once I open a box of tubes, my fumbling for them will eventually mangle a few. Especially once the box starts to get empty. So, I decided to spend a few moments to make something better using the box they come in as a dispenser.
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It's very simple.
Cut a straight 1" wide strip off of one end of the box lid. This will form a slot for the tubes to roll out of. (if you're right-handed, cut the left side of the box)
Insert the cut-off piece into the box where you just made the slot, flat against the side of the box with the fold from the lid pointing in. This will act as a stopper.
Turn box on side with opening now on the bottom. Tubes will roll out, then stop. Tap tops of tubes to skew before picking up by the filter.
If too many roll out, shorten stopper. If tubes get stuck, tap box.
I'm sure this sounds a bit anal-retentive... but I found this prevents damage to the tubes, and I can pick them up much quicker when making a pile of sticks.
- Re: Tube Dispenser
- Posted by Mary on Tuesday, 11-Oct-2005
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Thanks for the tip. It works great.
- Re: Tube Dispenser
- Posted by tom on Tuesday, 11-Oct-2005
i think you should develop your idea. perhaps a plastic insert. i'm thinking about buying "Single Stick" display just to see if it will work as well with empty tubes as it does with thier single smokes.
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- Re: Tube Dispenser
- Posted by Harry on Sunday, 05-Mar-2006
Sambo, I just wanted to thank you for posting the "tube dispenser" idea. Works very well and makes the MYO experience a little more enjoyable and tube handling hassle free.
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- tube information needed
- Posted by Mary on Tuesday, 02-Aug-2005
I am new to SYO and have been using ZigZag full flavor tubes. Last night I burnt my lip not from the burning end but from the filter end. Does the tube make a difference in how hot a cigarette burns or is it the tobacco? If it is the tubes are there any that are better?(Won't cause me to do this again) Thanks for any advice.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: tube information needed
- Posted by platoslostdialogue on Tuesday, 02-Aug-2005
What probably happened was the filter became detached from the paper around it, thus letting non-filtered, hot smoke pass the filter. Try some of the tubes with the full circumfrence glue (rizla, and I think el rey, never tried them though) and you shouldnt have that problem.
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- Re: tube information needed
- Posted by Kev on Wednesday, 03-Aug-2005
While we talk a lot about overstuffing tubes, if it's understuffed and too loose then it can burn your lips. If it's squishy close to the filter where you are smoking then it's too loose. Also, some tobaccos do tend to burn hotter than others. I can't recall specific ones but I believe there are some comments under the tobacco review on this site.
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- tube lengths?
- Posted by dan Slater on Sunday, 31-Jul-2005
I thought there were three sizes of tubes
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KIng, 100's, and filterless
but on the D&R tobacco website they have
kings, regular length (70mm), and filterless
- Re: tube lengths?
- Posted by Tim Aydt on Wednesday, 03-Aug-2005
My vintage Premier has a settings for filterless, king, and regular. It was my assumption that regular tubes were short, filtered tubes, that were no longer made. What brand are the regular tubes?
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: tube lengths?
- Posted by Redrac on Wednesday, 03-Aug-2005
the twister and rizla tubes maybe some others are 15 mm European size filters standard filters are 17mm. I had problems with the twisters in a hand injector not filling filter end but problem solved when got supermatic II. It fills twister perfect and leaves a little out on regular tubes zigzag, premier, bugler, top, el ray.
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- Re: tube lengths?
- Posted by dan Slater on Wednesday, 03-Aug-2005
Rayo Regular (70mm, Full Flavor, Brown Tip)
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Century (70mm, Full Flavor, Brown Tip)- Re: tube lengths?
- Posted by Dave L on Wednesday, 03-Aug-2005
I see what you mean
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- Re: tube lengths?
- Posted by tom on Tuesday, 11-Oct-2005
IMO tubes are 70mm regular (i think excel is the only brand name), 78mm kingsize, and 100's. the 70mm have no filters the 78mm and 100mm do have filters but the length of the filter can change with different brands.
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- Re: tube lengths?
- Posted by dan S on Saturday, 03-Mar-2007
OK I am replying to my own post I made, quite a while ago.
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I finally ordered the Century regular size tubes from D&R.
They are 70mm tubes with filters. The filters seem a bit shorter then 15mm. Made by CTC. Not as well made as the Rizla FF I usually use but they smoke OK.Stuff with supermatic set on regular. A little less tobacco in the chamber makes a nice smoke. The box looks kind of dated I wonder if these are stil being manufactured.
I do like the shorter length, good for those stronger smokes where a kingsize might be little to much.Or if just want a shorter smoke.
DS- Re: tube lengths?
- Posted by today my diminishment?? on Saturday, 03-Mar-2007
This is one of the greatest posts to me I have ever read!!!!
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You achieved "Regular" cigarettes on the 3rd right setting...
I didn't know this could be done in 2007. I thought it was total history!!! dated box or not, HOW COOL!!!! I wish I could try one for fun
thanks for that
mike "looking scorned" c
- Re: tube lengths?
- Posted by scott johnson on Saturday, 03-Mar-2007
I have thought about using those for around the house. I never get to smoke a whole cigarette anyway at home. It would be a little less waste. I would rather have a full length 17 or 20 mm filter though. I don't think I would like anything shorter than 15mm. Might as well use papers and a rolling box and smoke them unfiltered.
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How do you like them so far? Any funny taste from the paper used or filter being pushed out by the machine?
a curious "sj"- Re: tube lengths?
- Posted by Dan S on Sunday, 04-Mar-2007
Yes the paper taste is very noticable. I do wonder if it's because they have been sitting around for a long time. Can tubes get "stale"
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I haven't had any problem with the filter getting pushed out , except when I tried using a hand held stuffer. Setting the Supermatic on regular works OK, but I do get alot of overhanging tobacco.That I trim off. No problem with filter end voids though. I just took another look at a filter and it is 15mm. The printing on them is OK "Century Delux " with a little crown logo.
Like SJ a hardly get to smoke a whole stick that's why I gave these a try.
If Rizla made this size I'd probably smoke them all the time. As of now I am still on the fence mainly because of the paper taste.
I will try and thow up a pic.- Re: tube lengths?
- Posted by Dan S on Sunday, 04-Mar-2007
[ link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]maybe saying the paper taste is "very noticable" is an over statement. I just smoked one and it didn't bother me a bit.
I suppose tube choice is as subjective as what tobacco you like. One persons trash is anothers treasure. So if you think you might like a shorter smoke give them a try.- Re: tube lengths?
- Posted by Boldly Posting More on Sunday, 04-Mar-2007
Dear Dan, the people here with more experience than me will tell you that papers CAN and DO get stale...,.if memory serves me right, Wazmo Nariz, aka Slap Maxwell, aka, "Larry" (to me, he knows why) and also known by a real name which I can't who you should ask...just post to Wazmo....I think he knows how to rehydrate them...disclaimer..his fees are on the highish end, but then you get what you pay for in this "world"? (ps-bullshitting about the FEE, if you somehow didn't know that)
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*waiting is the hardest part, MC*- Re: tube lengths?
- Posted by Dan S on Sunday, 04-Mar-2007
Previously posted that these are 70 mm tubes. Which is what they are called on the D&R website . However they are actually 76 mm overall the same as the Athey filterless tubes.
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My Supermatic settings are 100, kingsize, and, regular size filter. Not filterless.- Re: tube lengths?
- Posted by Dave L on Sunday, 04-Mar-2007
Which means that the amount of tobacco they hold is basically the same as the Rizla cigarette size (76-15 = 61 VS 84-22 = 62 with a smaller diameter).
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The size selector label changed when 100's became more popular than filter-less [link]
- Re: tube lengths?
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Sunday, 04-Mar-2007
I don't know if tubes go stale, but the paper (and presumably the filter itself) can pick up aromas and such...I once had to try to air out a box of tubes that reeked of incense that I had picked up at a local shop. I never did fully get rid of the taste it left in the tubes and ended up chucking them out. I'm pretty sure D&R doesn't store anything near incense... . ;-)
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I'd think it's possible whatever process the paper or filters are made with may impart chemicals that may change state over time--maybe even the glue itself, which could alter the tube's "taste."- Re: tube lengths?
- Posted by Matt on Friday, 09-Mar-2007
I've often wondered whether it was the newsprint packing material in my order or if it was just me. The tubes did seem to have a cardboard taste. In particular Club and Mascotte tubes.
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- Club Tubes
- Posted by platoslostdialogue on Monday, 25-Jul-2005
Has anyone tried the club brand tubes? If I remember correctly, club is the brand that makes those super-thin, non-gummed rolling papers that produce almost zero ash. I was wondering if the tubes were built to similar specifications, as brands such as zen, gambler, and premier, leach a chemical taste to the tobacco and also burn kinda fast.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Club Tubes
- Posted by Matt on Monday, 25-Jul-2005
I just mailed a money order Friday to D&R for some tobacco, Club, Rizla Deluxe (not "cigarette size"), & Vera Cruz tubes.
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I'll be sure to post back as soon as I get them as I'm looking forward to trying them myself, along with the Vera Cruz and Rizla.
As a side note, this is my first time ordering from D&R, and I'm really anxious to try new blends from a company I've heard so many good things about.- Re: Club Tubes
- Posted by platoslostdialogue on Tuesday, 26-Jul-2005
Yeah D&R is awesome but theyre pretty far from SF, and their shipping prices are rather high (not to mention theyre more expensive shipping method is just USPS Priority) so I don't order from them often. I was going to get that kit with those tubes, too, but opted to order from lil brown instead because theyre in yakima, WA.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Club Tubes
- Posted by Matt on Wednesday, 27-Jul-2005
I got my Club tubes today & they have a strange taste that is evident when dry puffed. I may have just gotten a bad box that had picked up that taste in storage or shipping, however, the Rizla and Vera Cruz tubes seem fine.
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D&R sure did get my order here pretty fast (from NC to IN) considering I mailed them a money order on a friday and got them wednesday afternoon. The tobacco's great too.
- Why are rolling papers more expensive than tubes?
- Posted by jeff on Monday, 27-Jun-2005
A box of filter tubes cost about 2.50 per 200.
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A box of rolling papers averages about 1.00 per 50 sheets or even less. Why is this so? Is the quality of rolling paper superior?
- Re: Why are rolling papers more expensive than tubes?
- Posted by Tim Aydt on Tuesday, 28-Jun-2005
I'd guess packaging costs, and because they can.
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- Re: Why are rolling papers more expensive than tubes?
- Posted by Kev on Tuesday, 28-Jun-2005
I'll take a cynical view. The majority of rolling papers are sold for rolling marijuana. Since a pot smoker smokes maybe a few joints a day, 50 sheets at $1 is rather cheap when your "tobacco" cost $100+ an ounce.
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- Re: Why are rolling papers more expensive than tubes?
- Posted by Dave L on Tuesday, 28-Jun-2005
Because the market will bear it? One trick is to find a good sale on tobacco. I got a bunch of Look-Out Milde on sale for $3.50 a can. Each can has _five_ books of 50 papers. My paper cost was only $.70 a book :)
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Why are rolling papers more expensive than tubes?
- Posted by jeff on Tuesday, 28-Jun-2005
Nice. Did you get the sale online? If so, care to post the site? Thanks.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Why are rolling papers more expensive than tubes?
- Posted by Dave L on Wednesday, 29-Jun-2005
Lil' Brown occasionally has some really good deals (like the current Rizla FF tubes for $1 box).
For good prices on rolling papers check eBay.
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- Tube Filters
- Posted by Stan on Friday, 10-Jun-2005
Hi, Just started to roll my own. I need help with filter tubes. Does anyone know the length of the filter in the various brands of the tubes we buy? So far all the tobacco brands I tried seem strong. Even the ultra lite. What I see is the filter is only about 5/8 of an inch long. Are there any tubes that have a longer filter?
Thank You, Stan
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Tube Filters
- Posted by Kev on Saturday, 11-Jun-2005
Let me throw out some other ideas. My wife smokes premade ultra-lights but likes to have some SYO vanilla to smoke too. I use a Stoker's #2 light with a little Arango vanilla in a light 100 tube for her. It is slightly stronger than her premades but she only complains when one of two things occur.
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If the tobacco is too dry, it will be harsh. If the tube is stuffed too loose, it will be harsh. Any idea of the moisture content of your tobacco? It should not crumble in your fingers. If your stuffed tubes have any "squishy" areas then it may be too loose.
What brands of tobacco do you use for stuffing? Some brands seem to be harsh regardless.
- Re: Tube Filters
- Posted by Ralph on Saturday, 11-Jun-2005
According to this article, the US standard is a 17mm filter, the European standard is a 15mm filter. I consume a lot of Stoker's #2 light. I would give that a try with a light US made tube. If you find that strong, I'll be real surprised.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ] Re: Tube Filters
- Posted by Dave L on Saturday, 11-Jun-2005
Real world length is 15-17mm (5/8") regardless of country or brand (the Premier Light I just checked has a 15mm filter).
The only longer filters I know of are the Rizla Cigarette Size Tubes with 7/8" filters. You need a special Rizla injector or a modified Supermatic to use them. You can also customize your tubes with bigger filters.
Light tubes introduce air into the smoke to lighten it up. Gizeh Charbon, and longer filters, lighten (and smooth) the smoke with better filtration.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Tube Filters
- Posted by platoslostdialogue on Saturday, 23-Jul-2005
Can someone explain this process of adding more filter media to the tubes? Ive seen the picture but it doesnt really explain much. I would like to have a bigger filter in the regular sized tubes so I wouldnt have to go with the rizla cigarette size tubes, but I cant figure out how to fashion myself one of those tools. Does any place sell them?
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Tube Filters
- Posted by Dave L on Monday, 25-Jul-2005
The wood blocks are mortised to hold filters so that they can be cut in half with a utility knife. What is essentially a nozzle (5/16" brass pipe) that is flared at the end (using a copper pipe flaring tool) is used to funnel the half filters into the tube (pushed in with the piece of copper pipe). It takes about 45 minutes to do a box of tubes. After doing an awful lot of boxes (30-40!?), the Rizla 'cigarette size' tubes (on my Supermatic with a turned down nozzle) are a treat.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Tube Filters
- Posted by platoslostdialogue on Monday, 25-Jul-2005
Thank you for your help, Dave. It really bothers me that all the tubes have such miniscule filters. The cigarrettes I've gotten from friends on trips to Europe ALWAYS had standard length filters, so its my guess that the "real world" size filter applies to only filter tubes (as I have in front of me packs of sovereigns and dunhill). I suppose I'll either try to increase the filter media on the reg tubes or attempt to use my excel with the cig sized tubes. Has anyone tried to modify this machine?
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- Cigarette tubes
- Posted by okc on Thursday, 09-Jun-2005
Could anyone recommend a good cigarette tube? I started stuffing my own about two months ago and I love it especially the price. I have been using Gamblers Tubes full flavor and as far as SYO they do find and the price for a box is great, but I seemed to get too much of a tar taste from them. The tobacco I’ve been using is full flavor Midnight Special, Zip Zag and Top. Thanks.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Cigarette tubes
- Posted by Chuck on Thursday, 09-Jun-2005
Tobacco and tubes are such a subjective thing - no two people seem to like the same thing. I would recommend ordering one of the many sampler kits available. D&R, for example, offers several different sample packages with a variety of tubes and tobaccos. Even if you find that you like some of the more expensive tubes and tobaccos, the cost really only goes up a few pennies per pack. My current favorite tube for most tobaccos is the Silver Tip Light by Gizeh. My tobacco of choice right now is a toss-up between S.J. Rimboche, and a blend of 2 parts Penhooker to 1 part Ramback. Try a few new things from your vendor of choice, and tell us what you like best!
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- Re: Cigarette tubes
- Posted by Dave L on Thursday, 09-Jun-2005
I moved your post from the tobacco forum. Have you browsed Brands or this page?
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Gambler/Top (and depending on source/manufacturer, Zig Zag) are good tubes. Their quality isn't as consistent as Silver Tip, you will occasionally get tight fitting tubes. EFKA tubes (ElRey and Rizla) have the best construction (less smoke bypasses the filter) and are probably equal to the Silver Tip's in consistency of quality. I'm currently leaning towards switching from Silver Tip lights to Rizla 'cigarette size' tubes.
For reducing 'tar taste' I would suggest trying light tubes and or lighter tobaccos.
- Re: Cigarette tubes
- Posted by Ralph on Thursday, 09-Jun-2005
I use Premeir Supermatic Light tubes and like them a lot. They should remove the tar taste. I also use the Supermatic regular and they are excellent as well. I found the Gambler tubes a notch lower than the Supermatic and priced accordingly.
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- Re: Cigarette tubes
- Posted by Kev on Thursday, 09-Jun-2005
I've tried Premier, Zig-Zag, Gizeh Charbon, Gizeh Silver Tip Lights, Rizla, Twister, Mascotte and probably a few others. My favorites are the Silver Tips and the Mascottes aren't bad. Good, consistent tubes. The Charbons are nice but I don't notice a big difference to justify their price. Premier and Zig-Zag vary too much in quality.
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- Need advice on OVER FILLING a cigarette
- Posted by Mark on Tuesday, 26-Apr-2005
Hello all, need some help.
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I been RYO cigarettes for sometime now, i have been using a hand injector and 3 days ago i bought be a Excel, which i must say is awesome. ANYWAYS
The cigarettes i make seem to have WAY to much tobacco in them.. There real hard, tightly packed, Hard to smoke ( need to really suck) and last SUPER long..
I was curious as to what i can do about this? It seems if i use to less of tobacco that when i go to pack them the tip of the tube is empty and its about 1/4 of paper. and when i over stuff them it seems there it to much tobacco in them, and there just impossible to smoke.
I knw they say a teaspoon of tobacco, but when i put to less it seems when i go to pack i have some empty tube at the end. What can i do? Any pointers?
Also one more thing, do alot of people who RYO and have cases put there smokes in the case UPSIDE DOWN? so that over time the tobacco wont shake out of the tube?- Re: Need advice on OVER FILLING
- Posted by Tim Aydt on Tuesday, 26-Apr-2005
Pack each end of the tobacco chamber a little tighter than you pack the rest of it. I also sift out the powdery stuff using a wire mesh colander. This seems to help a great deal. What you lose just takes up the empty spaces in a cigarette and make them harder to draw.
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Also, your tobacco may be a little too moist.
As for upside down cigs, I don't lose a whole lot more tobacco that pre-mades, so I don't worry about it.- Re: Need advice on OVER FILLING
- Posted by Kev on Tuesday, 26-Apr-2005
I agree with Tim's advice - fill the ends a little tighter. The Excel is more forgiving than the Supermatic. I just tap down the center and have more tobacco in the slot than needed. The cutter will take care of the rest. Too much tobacco in an Excel will also cause the tube release to rip the end of the tube.
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I use Smoky cases with my kings and lose very little tobacco storing the normal way. When I stuff 100's with a Supermatic, it tends to not stuff the tube completely and leaves it a little loose. I was storing the 100's upside down due to losing tobacco.
But some of this could be operator error or flaws/wear on my Supermatic. I used it for 1.5 years and switched to an Excel about a month ago. It took a few days to get comfortable with the different machine so be patient. Also, if you're using a tube which varies in the quality of the tube diameter, that can be a little tricky too.
- Re: Need advice on OVER FILLING a cigarette
- Posted by Ralph on Tuesday, 03-May-2005
As Tim points out, on an Excel, make sure both ends of the chamber are filled. This will eliminate the problem of empty space at the filter or end of the cigarette. If you want a looser cigarette in the middle, don't press down as hard when stuffing the chamber.
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After I make a cigarette, I press the tip down with my thumb or forefinger to pack any loose tobacco at the end of the cigarette. This will reduce the number of cigs which empty themselves in travel. I also store them upside down in my case to minimize tobacco loss.
Finally, if you are a heavy smoker, you should invest in a Supermatic and use the Excel as a backup. I make kings on it with the 100 setting and the thing produces an amazingly consistent and well packed cigarette. The longer you use it, the better you will be at making cigs that are perfectly packed. You'll also want to find a good tobacco that packs consistently and suits your taste. I use quite a bit of Stoker's #2 light but there are plenty of brands to choose from. Some pack better than others. Some tobacco is unpackable unless you dry it out ahead of time.
- Re: Need advice on OVER FILLING a cigarette
- Posted by HOSS on Friday, 06-May-2005
If you stuff the filter end of the chamber with the smaller pieces and shake tobacco, and the middle and opened end with the longer thicker strands of tobacco, just even with the cutter you will produce perfect smokes. When the stick ejects, tap the filter end on a hard surface to pack the tobacco down. Snip off the loose tobacco from the end with scissors, tap down a couple more times and then the perfect cig. You dont have to store them upside down as the longer strands at the end will hold in the tobacco.
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- Re: Need advice on OVER FILLING a cigarette
- Posted by Matt on Saturday, 23-Jul-2005
In regards to putting cigarettes in the case upside down; my father was a roofer and would open his cigarettes from the bottom of the pack because it wouldn't get the filter end grimy when you took one out.
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- the healthy option
- Posted by Obi-Sam on Monday, 21-Mar-2005
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although I've been smoking RYO for some years now, I've just started looking into using different papers. apparently more 'porous' papers help reduce tar and nicotine levels. are tubes more porous than a standard rolling paper i.e. rizla blue. does the thickness of the paper make a difference on the levels of tar and nicotine?
any advice or ideas on the matter would be appreciated.
thanx Obi-Sam
- don't know that tubes are
- Posted by Martin on Thursday, 10-Mar-2005
hm i'm kinda new to this
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i'm from argentina and i don't what do you use the word 'tube' for
could somebody please explain?
thanks- Re: don't know that tubes are
- Posted by Kerry on Thursday, 10-Mar-2005
"Tubes" are pre-manufactured for stuffing. They consist of a filter and paper just like a regular manufactured cigarette, without the tobacco.
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- Tubes question...
- Posted by cruzion on Saturday, 05-Mar-2005
I have only ever used the zig-zags in the red and white box.
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I'm wondering if anyone has any reccomendations on some others i can try, and what effect, if any, they have on the smoke. My local only carries top, so i'm wary of buying different types to try from online, incase theyre just like the zigs. Do different tubes really have that much effect>?
Ive read good things about vera cruz, but the price of them is prohibitive. i mean, if they add something special to the tobacco, then prolly i would go for it, but i cant see that. for me, the zigs detracted from the flavor.- Re: Tubes question...
- Posted by Tim Aydt on Sunday, 06-Mar-2005
I think that tube brand and style really do make a difference. And in my opinion, the ZigZag Full Flavor in the red and white box, were some of the worst tubes I've tried, but I prefer a light smoke. To me, the best tubes are Gizeh Charbon, no added taste from the tube and it smoothes an even harsh tobacco. But, they are also the most expensive and only come in King size. For the cost, I find that Premier tubes, especially lights are the best buy.
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- Smashed, Wrinkled Tubes - Simple Cure.
- Posted by Frank on Monday, 28-Feb-2005
Maybe everyone knows this trick, but it took me 2 months to figure it out.
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It seems like there is always a few in every box of tubes that are wrinkled on the end. This means that it is impossible to install it on the brass end of my blue Supermatic without making the end round enough in order to fit. After struggling with inserting a pencil to straighten out the tube end, I stumbled upon a simple and quick solution.
Simply slide a sharp crease in the end of the tube between your thumb and forefinger, and if needed turn the tube 90 degrees and repeat. The tube will magically straighten out.
The whole process takes only a couple seconds to do and works every time. It takes less time than to just throw the tube away. I would guess this trick should work on just about any type of injector.- Re: Smashed, Wrinkled Tubes - Simple Cure.
- Posted by Dave L on Monday, 28-Feb-2005
Excellent tip. I've been stuffing my own for years without discovering that trick.
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- Re: Smashed, Wrinkled Tubes - Simple Cure.
- Posted by Dan on Wednesday, 09-Mar-2005
That is the same method I use. It really works great and just like you said it " works every time"!! I agree.
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- Common sense? Re: Smashed, Wrinkled Tubes - Simple Cure.
- Posted by Kerry on Thursday, 10-Mar-2005
Sorry, but I had to laugh a little about this.
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Been doing it ever since I started making my own. I never thought to post anything about it as I always figured that it was a "common sense" thing.
Just goes to show you that "common sense" is a misnomer. No offense meant to anyone.- Re: Common sense? Re: Smashed, Wrinkled Tubes - Simple Cure.
- Posted by mike on Sunday, 29-Oct-2006
I feel really inadequate!! my mind bent backwards and forwards trying to understand what is being described!! I *think* i *might* have figured it out! are you referring to putting a crease in the "nozzle end" of the tube, then simply rotating the tube a little to put another crease on the nozzle end if needed??? I use a handheld and have always needed to add a pinch of tobacco to the tip after making a smoke and discovered that many ball point pens fit inside the tubes perfectly to repair smashed ones as well as making a decent "tamp". A regular bic can be sanded down a little to fit nice,,,,anyway I just found this site and can't get away from it...what a wonderful place Dave...while I am at it I will mention that a regular rolling paper can be wrapped around proper pens and then used as a tube,,,this may be of interest to someone,,,maybe not...please pardon my lack of comprehension if anyone is willing to explain further.
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- 6.5 mm
- Posted by DaveBCcanada on Tuesday, 22-Feb-2005
Does anyone know if 6.5 mm tubes are being manufactured by anyone now? I have been told that Imperial Tobacco has put a stop to the production of the CTC tubes late last year. My local tobacconist has told me the 6.5 mm format is no longer available on the market. Perhaps he is right if he is looking only at the Canadian market but I wonder if they are being manufactured and sold in the international market. Any thoughts are welcome.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: 6.5 mm
- Posted by Dave L on Thursday, 24-Feb-2005
No more 6.5mm tubes. Imperial Tobacco apparently decided in favor of the Rizla "Cigarette Size" (7.8mm).
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- Re: 6.5 mm
- Posted by Paul Mc Shane on Saturday, 03-Sep-2005
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Thanks for the question about the 6.5 tubes it was my idea to make them when i was in a metting with Arnald Karstner (Arnald was the ceo of CTC) a few years back and the result was the RAYO 6.5 machine and tubes i sold these in Ireland this past 5 years and since Britsh Impreal Tobacco took over CTC they in there wisdom decided to discontnue making them much to my dismay as they were a great little machine i found that i was getting 90 smokes from a 50 gram pack now thats value and a smothe smoke too.
I like youreself would like to know where i could get a suplier for this size of tube as i was selling a contaner every few months a nice money spiner in my spare time !!!
If any 1 knows where 6.5 tubes can be got PLEASE let me know!!! i need then so much !!!
Tahnks PMCS
- Re: 6.5 mm
- Posted by 6.5 mmaficiando on Sunday, 16-Jul-2006
I was just able to get a small kit from D & R. I have a whole carton of tubes and was looking everywhere for a new machine. best best might be to write directly to see if anyone has remaing items in stock.
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- David Ross filter tips
- Posted by Ray on Thursday, 10-Feb-2005
Has anyone tried these? If so,comments please.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: David Ross filter tips
- Posted by Dave L on Thursday, 10-Feb-2005
I like a light smoke but the David Ross tips take light to the extreme. I haven't experimented much but they are a hassle, get gross after only a few smokes and take too much of the taste away.
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I've been adding 10mm of filter to filter perforated lights for a long time now. It's only a minor hassle, I can do a box of tubes while watching an hour long TV show.
- New at This
- Posted by Phil on Thursday, 27-Jan-2005
I'm just getting started with MYO. There seems to be an almost infinite number of tubes on the market. How do I go about choosing? Does the tube effect the flavor?
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My preferred brand of manufactured cigarettes is Camel Filter Wide- Re: New at This
- Posted by Dave L on Monday, 07-Feb-2005
ElRey and Gizeh products seem to the the most consistently well made tubes. Other than relative strength (FF > CTC lights > perforated lights > Charbon) any difference in taste is pretty darn small.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: New at This
- Posted by Phil on Tuesday, 08-Feb-2005
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- Re: Supermatic Premier
- Posted by Helen on Friday, 10-Dec-2004
I stopped using Zig Zags after 2 cartons worth that had a defective filter. The machine injected the tobacco and also pushed the filter out about a quarter inch. "Top" brand is less expensive and so far I have not had any trouble with them.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Zig-Zag and Top
- Posted by Dave L on Friday, 10-Dec-2004
I moved this from what was becoming a misplaced tube/Zig-Zag thread (/Machines/187.html#32).
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I'm pretty sure the glue and sizing problems are CTC made Zig-Zags. I've seen these problems mentioned a few times in regards to Premiers and Zig-Zags.
Lil' Brown has recently started carrying Top tubes. If Top tubes are made by the same company (made in Austria) that makes the Gambler Light tubes (both Republic/Top brands) they are a good tube.- Re: Zig-Zag and Top
- Posted by Hey Pocky Way on Friday, 10-Dec-2004
I've seen boxes of Top tubes at Walgreen's in Louisiana. Since Walgreen's is a national chain, you might want to check your local store to see if they have them. I didn't check the price, but since you don't have to pay shipping, it might be less than mail order.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Zig-Zag and Top
- Posted by Kev on Friday, 10-Dec-2004
That's nice to know, I'll have to see if they have them around here. I've used Premier and ZigZag the past year. ZigZags for a long time then the paper crease became annoying so I switched to the slightly less expensive Premiers but the tube diameter varies from box to box. Some too tight and others real loose. Interesting are the tubes with the lightest print color are usually too loose and the ones with a darker print (and sometimes a run) are too tight.
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I haven't had a strong preference for either brand. Just trying to find a consistant tube.- Re: Zig-Zag and Top
- Posted by Dave L on Friday, 10-Dec-2004
I have made a lot of Silver Tip and ElRey orders over the last few years and both have been consistently high quality and problem free. I've only ordered Gambler once so its to early to tell on that one. CTC has long term quality control issues (creases, printing, sizing and glue).
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- Re: Zig-Zag and Top
- Posted by Sponnie on Saturday, 11-Dec-2004
Try any tube from Gizeh. I have used the Silvertip in full and light, the twister full flavor and the Mascotte full flavor. All are well made with a consistant diameter.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Zig-Zag and Top
- Posted by Kurt Wall on Sunday, 12-Dec-2004
Roger that. I've been quite pleased with the Silver Tip full
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flavor tubes I bought.
- Re: Zig Zag Tubes (was "Supermatic Premier")
- Posted by Kurt Wall on Sunday, 12-Dec-2004
I had no trouble with the few boxes of Zig Zag tubes I used.
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I moved on to other tubes because I was able to buy them
less expensively in larger quantities. As always, and as
Helen's post makes, YMMV.
- 6.5 mm tubes
- Posted by Scott on Sunday, 31-Oct-2004
It looks like CTC is discontinuing their line of 6.5 mm (Diameter) tubes in both the Rayo and the Premier lines. Does any one else make this size of tube. I've tried the Rizla "cigarette size tubes",but they are still not as slim as regular cigarettes. Like camel lights. You can get more of the slim cigs in your cig case.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- CTC 6.5 mm and Excel tubes being discontinued
- Posted by Dave L on Tuesday, 02-Nov-2004
I like the idea of a smaller smoke (smaller diameter and/or longer filter). I'd have been more interested in the 6.5mm tubes if there had been a 'machine' to stuff them. I'd guess there just wasn't enough of a market to justify continued production. The apparent popularity of 100's surprises me, too much tobacco/time for me to be remotely interested.
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Filter-less tubes must also have too small a market share. I see that the Excel filter-less tubes are also being discontinued.
If this is the hand of CTC's new ownership (Imperial Tobacco) at work, its not a comforting sign.
This appears to be a recent decision. A quick check at Lil' Brown shows both are still available.- Re: CTC 6.5 mm and Excel tubes being discontinued
- Posted by Kurt Wall on Thursday, 04-Nov-2004
sounds like it might be time to stock up. Stuffing the Excel tubes was pretty darn inconvenient.
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- Tube prices
- Posted by Dan on Friday, 03-Sep-2004
I live in Rhode Island and the cost of a box of tubes here is around 18-22$ per 200. I was told they are taxed as if they are cigaretts or some nonsense like that. Needless to say nobody carries them and nobody seems to be interested in RYO. I'm glad I found this website. I have been rolling my own for three years now, but since moving to RI I have been kind of out of luck. I just ordered the silvertip deal at RYO. Thank you, and keep posting those deals.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Tube prices
- Posted by Kev on Friday, 03-Sep-2004
$18-$22 for tubes!? I could see them somehow coming up with the logic to tax the tobacco but tax the paper tubes?? Do they also tax rolling papers?
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Tube prices
- Posted by Dan on Wednesday, 08-Sep-2004
Yeah, they tax rolling papers, probably the most expensive in the country. My local tobacco shop told me the price for the tubes. I could not beleive what I was hearing. At first I thought they must not know what I was talking about, so I searched around at many shops. I could not find tubes anywhere in these parts. One guy had American Spirit pouches hidden. They are apparently also not allowed because they contain free rolling papers in the pouch.
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Remember this is the state where even the Indian tribes can not sell cigs at discount. Even on their own land!! It made big news last year when the State Police stormed in and abused the indians. It was all caught on film. They are nasty about tobacco tax here.
- Re: Tube prices
- Posted by Kurt Wall on Friday, 03-Sep-2004
Geez! That's damn pricey.
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- Gizeh Silver Tips @ RYO Cigarette
- Posted by Dave L on Tuesday, 24-Aug-2004
I see that RYO Cigarette is now carrying Silver Tip tubes and at a very nice price, $1.59 box (
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Gizeh Silver Tips @ RYO Cigarette
- Posted by Kurt Wall on Sunday, 29-Aug-2004
Great price on some great tubes!
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- Light Menthol Tubes
- Posted by Kurt Wall on Tuesday, 06-Jul-2004
Unless I've missed them, it would appear that no one is (yet) manufacturing, distributing, or selling menthol light tubes, which is making it difficult to convert my girlfriend the MYO way. :-( Has anyone seen light, mentholated tubes?
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Light Menthol Tubes
- Posted by Jennifer on Saturday, 10-Jul-2004
If you can't find the light menthol tubes there are some other options. Menthol tobacco in a light tube. You could also mix the menthol tobacco with other tobacco to lighten the menthol flavor. Not sure if these ideas would fit the bill.
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- Re: Light Menthol Tubes
- Posted by Dave L on Tuesday, 13-Jul-2004
I haven't seen any light menthol tubes but I just noticed that has a light menthol tobacco.
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- Rings on tube
- Posted by Jennifer on Tuesday, 29-Jun-2004
Someone had told me that the rings on going down the tubes and on manufactured cigaretes are rings of gun powder. This sounds a little fishy to me. I don't believe it. So what exactly are those rings?
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Rings on tube
- Posted by Roger on Tuesday, 29-Jun-2004
[dead link replaced with archived copy] is the best info I could find on google.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Rings on tube
- Posted by Dave L on Wednesday, 30-Jun-2004
Interesting article. They don't mention that taking a drag on a tube with porous paper actually reduces the burn rate/heat. The air you are sucking in doesn't all feed the burning tip. Like filter perforations, fresh air is introduced through the paper. Tubes that introduce a relatively high quantity of fresh air into the smoke stream are 'light' tubes.
The rings are just like watermarked or patterned paper, a controlled variation in paper texture/thickness/density. Under a microscope you can see the texture, that the rings are smooth shallow depressions in the paper. In the case of cigarette paper it can also be a variation in porosity (probably the compression of the paper at the rings squeezing the pores tighter/closed). A more transparent paper is not necessarily a more porous paper.
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- Re: Rings on tube
- Posted by Ron on Friday, 02-Jul-2004
I dont recall where on the web I read it but I did once read that the first cigarette was born on the battlefield & an Italian or French soldier's pipe was broken so he took the paper that the muskets pre measured gun powder charge came in & formed a cone or pipe shaped 'holder' for his tobacco-beyond reading that I dont know if its true or not BUT I do know that the powder charges & lead projectiles were so packaged before the invention of metallic rifle cartridges. So I could seean old legand coming down to us that cig paper needed powder to burn.
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- Re: Rings on tube
- Posted by Bob on Friday, 02-Jul-2004
I found the following in an article on the history of tobacco-
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"1832:- The cigarette is invented by an Egyptian artilleryman during the siege of Acre. the Egyptian's cannon crew had improved their rate of fire by rolling the gunpowder in paper tubes. For this, he and his crew were rewarded with a pound of tobacco.Their only pipe was broken, so they took to rolling the pipe tobacco in the paper tubes."
- Re: Rings on tube
- Posted by Ron Reed on Thursday, 24-Mar-2005
I worked for years in construction building huge industrial plants such as paper mills. Among them were plants that produced cigarette paper. While I never bothered to prove it by digging into the facts, the general word was that the rings on the cigarette paper are not gunpowder, but rather a component of gun powder, Salt Petre (Potassium Nitrate) which is a strong oxidizer. It is used to govern the burning characteristics of the cigarette. A commercially made cigarette will burn from beginning to end without the necessity for dragging on it. The Salt Petre is the reason. If you have ever rolled your own using some of the cheap old papers (e.g. "top/bugler") you'll find that these will not remain lit without dragging on them often. These papers had no such rings.
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It was also said that it was used to increase cigarette consumption by intensifying the rate of burn. One could demonstrate this by lighting a cigarette in a dark room and watching the cigarette burn. Those that were excessively loaded with salt petre would give of tiny sparks similar to fourth of July sparklers. The fire would literally leap across the non-ringed surface from ring to ring on ignition, at the same time providing a nice line of fire that was most always perpendicular the longitudinal axis of the tube.
One persistent thought that has always occured to me in a related sense is that heavy smoking has often been associted with loss of male sexual libido. Since Salt Petre has been used forever in the military food to control young men's libido, it has occured to me that indeed the loss of libido is just as likely to be related to the Salt Petre in the cigarette paper. I have never seen this possibility discussed anywhere, which is surprising, given the recent hub-bub about "chemical additives in Tobacco etc." used by big tobacco companies. It also may be that as a result of the suits the use of this agent has been reduced if not curtailed.- Re: Rings on tube
- Posted by G on Thursday, 24-Mar-2005
Thanks for the info... very interesting.
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Its too bad there is no disclosure of ingredients in papers/tubes as there is with tobaccos.
- Re: Rings on tube
- Posted by Tim Aydt on Thursday, 24-Mar-2005
I'm sorry, but this just smacks of urban legend to me.
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Urban Legend
- Posted by Tim Aydt on Thursday, 24-Mar-2005
Urban Legends Reference Pages:
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Near the bottom of the page they debunk the idea that saltpeter is used in cigarettes or their paper.
- Re: Tubes, et. al.
- Posted by Dave L on Wednesday, 07-Apr-2004
The only thing I've noticed about filters is that there are two sizes, 15 and 17mm (RYO filter plugs can be as long as 20mm). While I don't think CTC (manufacturer of the Vera Cruz) makes the best tubes I doubt there'd be anything 'wrong' with the Vera Cruz tubes. I'll buy a box myself when/if they make the light version.
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Sixty-1 is being discontinued. Lil' Brown was selling pounds for $4.50 and still had 6oz. bags for $2 last time I checked. I didn't think much of Sixty-1 and my bag of North, the manufacturers new brand(name - pretty similar stuff), may never get smoked.
Check out the tobacco reviews/comments. H&R is the cheapest good tobacco (~$10LB). For a buck or two more there's Peoples Pride, Classic Canadian and Gambler. Spend another buck or two and there's even more choices...There's also Lil' Brown's 2 for one sale on Look-Out (a great Dutch tobacco), a mere $9LB.
- Re: Tubes, et. al.
- Posted by Kurt Wall on Thursday, 08-Apr-2004
I love the Vera Cruz tubes. They smoke nicely and stay out
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of the way of the tobacco. They look very nice, too.
- Re: Tubes, et. al.
- Posted by Cyndi M on Thursday, 02-Sep-2004
I saw the new Vera Cruz tubes and HAD to try them! I have never had a more pleasurable smoke...ever! The paper is somewhat thicker which is a plus. There is no bad after taste and no sulfer smell or flavor. And they do look more refined than the white papered tubes. I kind of wish they had come out with the Elegante, but you can't have everything. I am extremely glad I tried them, they are about to go to the top of my list of tubes.
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As for tobaccos, the H&R in the 1 or 5 lb. bags is very good. It has an extremely good price ($8.35 lb. or $36.00 for 5 lbs. at the local Reservation) and you can get it in light, regular, or menthol. A one pound bag will do almost 2 1/2 cartons. I tried the Sixty-1, but it was a little too harsh for me. The McClintock is really really good, but like everything else, has gone up in price (now $11.99 for 13 oz can). I liked it, not only because of the flavor, but the tobacco didn't get powdered out like it does in the bag. It also seemed to be fresher.
- Zig-Zag blows it
- Posted by Dave L on Friday, 23-Jan-2004
Zig-Zag used to make a pretty classy light tube, white with gold bands and logo. The new tubes are all white with no bands, just a small Zig-Zag logo (still gold). The new design is incredibly plain and naked looking.
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They have also switched to the cheaper CTC style construction - a single seam (instead of the smoother 2 offset seams) and micro-perf paper (presumably) instead of filter perforations.
A couple other Zig-Zag beefs I have are that they are the only folks that give you less tobacco when you buy 'light' (5 instead of 6oz., same price) and that the only way to contact them is via snail mail (no email or 800# is listed on their site).- Re: Zig-Zag blows it
- Posted by Tim Mc. on Friday, 06-Feb-2004
That stinks. I used to love their Light tubes. Any thoughts on a suitable or comparable replacement?
[ link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Zig-Zag light alternatives
- Posted by Dave L on Tuesday, 10-Feb-2004
D&R has special edition Premier lights, white w/ gold and blue bands, which should be an aesthetic improvement over the lame Rayo/Premier and new Zig-Zag. Top lights are the only other white tipped light tube I know of (I've never seen/used them).
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There's a lot of cork tip lights. I've covered Silver Tip, ElRey and Escort. I haven't seen/tried Rizla or Mascotte light. D&R stocks all the above mentioned tubes.
- Re: Zig-Zag blows it, 100's too!
- Posted by Tim Aydt on Friday, 21-May-2004
My last box of Zig-Zag light 100's has had serious problems. They too, exhibit the 'CTC' crimp and my cigarettes have been rupturing. So far this has only happened when I have overstuffed them and try to roll them between my fingers to loosen them up, or as I put them out.
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I am very disappointed in them.
- Cheap Tubes
- Posted by Dave L on Wednesday, 19-Nov-2003
Bob sent me this link to low tube prices at RYO Cigarette. TTBOMK the tubes priced at $1.49 and $1.59 are the cheapest you will find.
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If you buy McClintock Virginia in bulk (i.e. 10-6oz. cans at a time) you can also save a buck or two over Lil' Brown prices (anything else in 13oz. cans is noticeably cheaper at Lil' Brown)