Made by Wind River Tobacco Company. Comes in Halfzware, English and five flavored blends. The English and Halfzware (don't know about the others) are "Additive-Free Natural". The English is mild and tasty. The tobacco is a light colored, clean, medium-cut, leafy shag that's easy to stuff. Oct '07: The halfzware is not a halfzware in any respect. The tobacco is similar to the English with a bit of dark tobacco. While its an OK FF blend, it has a hint of an unpleasant aftertaste. ~$14LB
Comments [ new ]
- Canoe or another nice Halfzware
- Posted by A Lee on Saturday, 01-Oct-2011
It's my one-year anniversary for making a clean break from the grip of manufactured, mass-produced sticks, and have tried every brand, flavor, cut and species of loose tobacco I could find, and in almost every combination and ratio (with the exception of artificially flavored leaves).
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At present, I've grown quite fond of a blend consisting of 35-40% Turkish and Blended pipe-cut; 35% of organic, additive-free US blend in a medium-cut, and 25-30% of a traditional Dutch Halfzware shag. I'm quite happy with the resulting simply complex flavor and intensity paired with this blends balance between all-purpose smokability, character and economy so I'm not ready to mess with the recipe now that I've found one I can enjoy for years to come. However, I've yet to come across a zware or halfzware shag sold in bulk quantities (I usually give up my search quickly and make the trip to my neighborhood smoke shop, where the proprietor makes sure to keep two pouches of Bali-Shag around just for me). Drum is similar but I keep hearing and reading rumors that Republic is planning on discontinuing Drum.
How and where can I find a good halfzware in bulk quantities over the 5.29 oz canister I can purchase behind the counter at the drug store? I've read about Canoe and other shags, but I can't seem to find any halfzware in larger quantities. Can anyone refer me to a web-based retailer that sells a blend similar to Drum or Bali Shag in quantities 6 Oz's or larger? Winter is right around the corner and nothing tastes better in cold weather than a large cup of fresh-ground, French-pressed dark roast paired with an organic Turkish, American and fire-cured halfzware-blended smoke on my back patio.
Any assistance or suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks!!!- Re: Canoe or another nice Halfzware
- Posted by Dan L on Saturday, 01-Oct-2011
I don't know about Canoe. But have you tried D&R's Ryback. It's a dark fired shag. Also Gawith, Hoggarth & Co. makes some wonderful shags but kind of expensive (well worth it).
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- Re: Canoe or another nice Halfzware
- Posted by Dave L on Saturday, 01-Oct-2011
Ditto on the Ryback or Ryback Gold. I haven't tried the former but love the latter for the smell, cut (one of the few remaining fine cuts) and taste. Reviews [link], buy [link].
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Stokkebye Amsterdam is another good one. My understanding is that the new stuff is just cut wider, but I haven't tried it (still have a jar of the old). Reviews [link], buy [link].- Re: Canoe or another nice Halfzware
- Posted by CTsmoker on Thursday, 20-Oct-2011
I've found that PS Norwegian pipe, when blended with D&R's 3 Sails, somewhat resembles the taste of NorShag. But the PS Amsterdam pipe is nothing like AmShag, and i haven't found a shag to blend it with that makes it taste anything like AmShag.
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- Canoe: Cherry & Vanilla
- Posted by Jeffo on Friday, 14-Mar-2008
If you want to try a good, reasonably priced, flavored tobacco for a break from the usual or like a dessert smoke with lots of sweet flavor that comes through when smoked as well as just smelling the raw tobacco at $6.35 for a 6 oz. bag try these. I got mine here: [link] I'm not affiliated with this store in any way accept as a customer wanting to share his experience so others can avoid the potholes in the road these people are great. I've only tried the Cherry and Vanilla and have mixed them as well and I highly recommend both.
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- Canoe Vanilla
- Posted by dcp on Friday, 04-Jan-2008
I've been playing with a 6oz of Canoe Vanilla for a couple weeks now and thought I'd post my thoughts.. It's about the same texture as sagamores virginia blend. Side by side they look quite similar. Like someone else said, its kinda a little leafy- which is fun for me. I like to keep leaf segments and examine them under magnification. It's a simple straightforward tobacco- a quality light "english style" virginia. Other than the vanilla, supposed to be no additives- which is easy to believe based on the simplicity of the taste, and the absolute lack of humectants... which can be very frustrating. I think I've had a more difficult time keeping this stuff properly humidified than any other tobacco I've dealt with. Of course, it's a dry time of year- so that factors in. I was good for christmas so I bought myself a humidor that should arrive shortly. On the vanilla flavor/scent, it's crisp and clean. light. almost more of an afterthought. Mixes nicely pinch for pinch with Fairmorne Bright or Samson Bright for a little sweetness, complexity and burning stability. Or is fine on it's own for a simple and honest experience.
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- Canoe Tobacco
- Posted by TxGuy on Saturday, 29-Dec-2007
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ topic | top ]The Canoe English Blend and Canoe Cherry are both fine tobacco worth trying from LiL' Brown.
- Re: Canoe
- Posted by Leora on Thursday, 28-Jun-2007
First I want to say I am still a newb to SYO, with only one year since I started.I was nervous trying Canoe because of the lack of comments or reviews but I did try 3 of them. The Halfzware was what you would expect from a inexpensive tobacco but very smokable. The orange cream smelled of orange and the taste had a hint of cinnamon.Both I feel are decent( not a need to get used to type thing) compared to low end tobaccos I have tried. The peach was horrible smelling. I don't even know what it smelled like. I have never smelled anything like it. I couldn't smoke it.
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I would buy the halfzware again and possibly try the English in the future.It is IMO a good tobacco.
P.S I have learned my preferences really do not include the flavored tobaccos.- Re: Canoe
- Posted by jcat on Tuesday, 29-May-2007
Definitely try the english blend.I just got a of couple 6oz.I originally tried this 5 months ago and found it tasty but like dave said it was real leafy.These two packs I just got do not have all that big leaf; just nice finecut with a leafy bit here and there.A good virginia blend at a great price in my opinion.This would also be a good blend to start SYO with,not harsh or overpowering
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | topic | top ]- Re: Canoe
- Posted by Leora on Thursday, 28-Jun-2007
Thank you JCat. Have you ( or anyone ) tried Sagamore V ? Is it comparable to Canoe?
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | OP | topic | top ]- Re: Canoe
- Posted by jcat on Sunday, 03-Jun-2007
The Sagamore Virginia gets good reviews, it has a little sweeter taste than the Canoe to me.The cut is much coarser compared to Canoe,still good though.I know RYOT has two vanillas have'nt tried them sorry CCC maybe someone else has.
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- English Blend
- Posted by Dave L on Friday, 02-Mar-2007
Its been a while since I smoked any tobacco that costs less than $15LB and I was pleasantly surprised by this. I've smoked most of the bag and still like it. The taste and smell are clean and simple. The harshness and/or bitterness I usually associate with inexpensive tobaccos is missing. While the quantity of leafy bits is a turn-off, its a nice fluffy cut with almost no shake, stems, or anything else to complain about. I got some Bison at the same time and I like the smell, taste and cut of this better.
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- Re: Lil' Brown Smoke Shack--Canoe Vanilla?
- Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Tuesday, 19-Dec-2006
Has anyone tried the Canoe Vanilla? Canoe Tobacco? Mike
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Lil' Brown Smoke Shack--Canoe Vanilla?
- Posted by Dave L on Wednesday, 20-Dec-2006
Its another Wind River Tobacco Co. product (see also: Bison) but their site only says "Product Information Coming Soon!" and its not covered in the RYOM review. An unusual selection - English, Halfzware and five flavored tobaccos.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Lil' Brown Smoke Shack--Canoe Vanilla?
- Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Thursday, 21-Dec-2006
Yes, I thought it is an unusual selection as well! I'm curious, because I now and then inject a tube with Top New York Vanilla, and enjoy it as a breakaway smoke now and then. Thanks for the info, Mike.
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