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Sixty 1

Nice tobacco smell, unique nice taste but not very clean (not just the occasional twig--spongy chunks of tobacco, weed stems, etc.) and occasionally a shot of very harsh smoke (probably some piece of garbage). Medium cut, with long interlocked strands...I've decided its a chocolate smell and I got tired of this blend pretty fast. Its one of the cheapest tobaccos around. Low ~$8 per lb.

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Re: Sixty 1
Posted by Dano on Thursday, 13-Apr-2006

When I first got into myo I was looking for something that would take the place of Marlboro Red's. I must admit that 61 fit that bill pretty good. I don't recall any chocolate smell and the reason that I abandoned it after about a month was because I had trouble getting it. During that time I was turned on to McClintock Virginia which turned out to be a quantum leap in taste over the Marlboro's & 61.

So, if you view this tobacco (imho) as a replacement for Marlboro's then i'd say it's pretty much what you are looking for. It's cheap and if you put it in a good tube like a FF Rizla or Zig Zag then you have a Marlboro Red type smoke for about $10 a carton.

Ultimately there's too many other really good tobacco's out there that don't cost that much more and are really much better tasting. But if all you want is something cheap to replace your $60 carton of Marlboro Reds then this isn't a bad smoke.

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