Look Out
Old European brand made in Holland by Heupink & Bloemen. The Milde is a tasty medium/fine cut shag with some stem and leaf pieces. The halfzware is a slightly crude rats-nest fine-cut. The vanilla is mild and tasty (NLA in the US). ~$16lb.
Comments [ new ]
- Re: Look Out
- Posted by platoslostdialogue on Thursday, 23-Aug-2007
Does anyone know where I can buy this stuff? LBSS used to carry it but not any longer. Most disapointing.
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- Re: Look Out ... is right!
- Posted by cheap & chippy chopper on Saturday, 14-Apr-2007
well, not the tobacco, but the further nazification of my peaceful commercial activities.
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I went to the mycigarettes dot com site to pick up some of this famed Look Out Vanilla. During checkout, the message I got was:
"We're sorry, due to the implementation of Public Health Law §1399-ll which prohibits ALL online and mail order cigarette shipments into the state of New York we are unable to accept new Customers and process orders. Thank You."
Time for Plan B (from outer space). These vicious middlemen d/b/a "government" really get up my nose.
I guess I'd better make other arrangements to get hold of the Look Out Vanilla! :-/
- No Papers
- Posted by Mike T. on Monday, 09-Apr-2007
I usually buy Lookout Milde in pouches, but while placing my last order I was informed that there were only cans available. When I received my cans I found that there were no papers with the can. Does anyone know why there are no papers in the cans but papers in the pouches, or have they stopped packaging Lookout with papers?
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: No Papers
- Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Monday, 09-Apr-2007
I dunno, but if you need some papers just let me know what size and where to send them.
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- look out vanilla and mild shag
- Posted by adam on Friday, 16-Feb-2007
WOW this stuff is awsome and the price makes it that much better if you havnt tried these you owe it to yourself I highly recommend it. Happy smokin
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- Look Out Vanilla Shag!
- Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Monday, 05-Feb-2007
I found pouches of Look Out Shag Vanilla here, and thought I aught to post it.
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- Lookout Milde Unfiltered
- Posted by Mike T. on Friday, 02-Feb-2007
I have smoked unfiltered cigarettes since I was 16, I enjoyed them because they packed a punch, and if someone ever wanted a cigarette they would almost never smoke something unfiltered. I continued smoking unfiltered cigarettes until I was about 18, and my throat started to hurt. I tried filtered cigarettes, and light cigarettes, until I decided I would smoke unfiltered cigarettes, and be miserable. Not soon after all this I discovered RYO. I found that I liked shag tobacco, and while ordering from LBSS I decided to try some Lookout Halfzware, however they were out so I ordered 10 pouches of the Lookout Milde. The tobacco is everything I could possibly want, it is smooth, tasteful, full of nicotine, and easy to roll. The price only makes this wonderful tobacco more attractive, I pay about $2.00 for a 50 gram pouch. Do yourself a favor, and give this stuff a try.
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- Look Out Mild Shag
- Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Wednesday, 15-Nov-2006
I just received my can of Look Out Mild Shag yesterday from National Cigar Store for $11.65 (7.5 Oz.). What a wonderful, multi--character tobacco! This is one of the most complex blends I've ever smoked. The taste develops as you smoke. While mild in nature; there's no shortage of Nicotine. A mild, satisfying, and pleasant smoke for sure! One thing that is unusual is that it seems to brighten or enhance the flavor of other tobaccos smoked after it, like Ramback Gold? Curious? I think it's worth the price; even though I found it today at Lil Brown for $6 and some change a can. Comes in a rectangular shaped can made of ?, with a soft plastic lid. Better IMHO than 3 Sails or Bali Shag Red--certainly more flavorful! Delivered RH was 74% according to my Western Digital Caliber 3. Mike
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Look Out Mild Shag
- Posted by Dave L on Wednesday, 15-Nov-2006
Its unusual in that it stuffs fine @ 74%... smokes better too, it has a tendency to burn a bit hot otherwise.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Look Out Mild Shag
- Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Wednesday, 15-Nov-2006
Just like other Dutch Blends! The only other tobacco I have that will inject well at that RH is Ramback. I try to keep my Ramback between 70% to 73% tops! I also am keeping my Ramback Gold at 70%. All the rest of my tobacco seems best betweem 63 and 65% RH. The dry season is upon us here in Northern Ohio; we've even had the furnace on a few times already! Here it seems to go from one extreme to another with the Winter snow, and Summer rain. Mike
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]Old European brand made in Holland by Heupink & Bloemen. The Milde is a tasty medium/fine cut shag with some stem and leaf pieces. The halfzware is a slightly crude rats-nest fine-cut. The vanilla is mild and tasty (NLA in the US). ~$16lb.
Old European brand made in Holland by Heupink & Bloemen. The Milde is a tasty medium/fine cut shag with some stem and leaf pieces. The halfzware is a slightly crude rats-nest fine-cut. The vanilla is mild and tasty (NLA in the US). ~$16lb.
Old European brand made in Holland by Heupink & Bloemen. The Milde is a tasty medium/fine cut shag with some stem and leaf pieces. The halfzware is a slightly crude rats-nest fine-cut. The vanilla is mild and tasty (NLA in the US). ~$16lb.
Old European brand made in Holland by Heupink & Bloemen. The Milde is a tasty medium/fine cut shag with some stem and leaf pieces. The halfzware is a slightly crude rats-nest fine-cut. The vanilla is mild and tasty (NLA in the US). ~$16lb.
Old European brand made in Holland by Heupink & Bloemen. The Milde is a tasty medium/fine cut shag with some stem and leaf pieces. The halfzware is a slightly crude rats-nest fine-cut. The vanilla is mild and tasty (NLA in the US). ~$16lb.
- Re: Look Out Mild Shag
- Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Thursday, 16-Nov-2006
Today I decided to put the Look Out in one of my Lock & Lock 2Qt. rectangular containers, because it was getting hard to reach in that narrow container it comes in. I discovered that there is also a block of uncompressed tobacco in the bottom as well as the top of the container! I again measured the RH of the loose stuff and found it to be 76%! Moving the Caliber 3 over to the compressed tobacco provided a reading of 75%. I guess what I'm getting at here is I've never seen tobacco packaged this way before! A loose section found upon opening the container, next to a compressed core, sitting on top of loose, moist tobacco on the bottom. Other than to perpetuate shelf life, I don't have a clue why they'd do it that way; except to make it easier to myo straight away without having to mess with the compressed tobacco? Mike
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- Re: Look Out Mild Shag
- Posted by Oldtimer on Tuesday, 26-Dec-2006
Have been using the Mild Shag for several months now - mixed with a more "robust" Canadian blend (30%/70%). Find the Milde Shag a little too mild for my taste straight, but certainly smooths out any harshness in more robust blends. I have found the RH in the pouches to often be close to 80% (have never purchased the cans) and dry it down to 70% before mixing/injecting in my Supermatic. Definitely a mild, tasteful, satisfying tobacco straight - excellent "mixer" for harsher (stronger) blends.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Look Out Mild Shag
- Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Friday, 29-Dec-2006
I've been smoking the can'd version and the RH hasn't been a problem with my Topomatic. No problem with over moist tobacco here; as the RH in the room is 38%, which is typical of Northern Ohio this time of year! For instance, I've been now and then buying pouches of Five Brothers Smoking Tobacco at the local grocery store; that is always dried out and in need of re-hydration! I generally only buy can'd tobacco because of this fact, but I enjoy the Five Brothers now and then so--. Look Out Milde is an excellent tobacco! Mike
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- Re: Look Out Zware
- Posted by Ian on Thursday, 06-Jul-2006
If anyone runs across Look Out Zware, jump on it. It beats the others hands down. and, yeah, send me an e-mail where I can find it. Thanks
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- Re: Look Out
- Posted by Ian on Thursday, 06-Jul-2006
It is hard to find these days, but, if you can find it somewhere, the LookOut, Zware, is tops. I don't know if it is still manufactured, but, some places still have it in stock and it can easily be rejuvinated. For those of us who enjoyed Black Death Zware and Jan Willem, Look Out Zware, was/is a treat and shows us what great talent has been lost by not manufacturing it anymore.
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- Re: Look Out Halfzware
- Posted by Dan the littledog on Friday, 16-Dec-2005
This a very tasty halfzware at a very good price. Only Stokkebye Amsterdam and Jester are more to my liking as they have more nicotine. But they are also much pricier. Lookout beats Drum,Ryback and many other halfzwares for balanced flavor,smoothness and quality of tobacco. It developes in flavor and strength as it is smoked which a commercial cigarette doesn't do. A good smoke at a bargain price.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Look Out Halfzware
- Posted by Raymond Morris on Sunday, 18-Dec-2005
"Lookout beats Drum,Ryback and many other halfzwares for balanced flavor,smoothness and quality of tobacco".=you have lost your mind. The look out I tried=pirat,sagmore halfzware easily beat it. Unless they have got a lot better in 6-8 months. I bought 4 tubs when lil brown had buy one get one free=know I know why=they had to give it away!!! Smoked 1/2 tub=gave the rest (7.5 tubs) away.
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- Re: Look Out Milde Shag
- Posted by Dan the littledog on Friday, 16-Dec-2005
How can a tobacco this inexpensive be so good? I drifted away from this brand when they quit selling the Zware. I find the Milde to be very smooth and yet full of rich flavor. Slightly sweet with a little bit of smokiness. I would buy it at twice the price. As another reviewer,Dave, said it is a 3 dimensional smoke. A keeper.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Look Out Milde Shag
- Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Wednesday, 13-Dec-2006
That can be easily arranged--just buy some from LBSS--then buy it anywhere else, and you will have paid "twice the price"! Mike
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- Re: Look Out
- Posted by Jim Willis on Wednesday, 14-Sep-2005
Where can I purchase Lookout Vanilla Shag? I used to buy it from eSmokes up until 2 yrs. ago. I bought it in 10-pk.pouch lots at a very reasonable price. Now I would prefer to buy it in tins. I'm a little leery of eSmokes right now as I can't contact them at their 800 # on their website. I smoked this for about a yr. and never wanted anything else. I read the reviews for Sportsmans Vanilla but am worried that some people
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hinted that it was a tad strong. Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated. I have been smoking Bali Golden lately (non-filter in cheap top handroller) which I like a lot but still prefer the Lookout Vanilla. Also: your site is absolutely FANTASTIC!!! I can't beleive all the info that is available here! I stopped smoking RYO about 2 yrs. ago and went back to store bought but now that I'm in a financial crunch I'm rediscovering RYO. Probably will buy a machine soon to make filters. Store bought prices are thru the roof here in southern Az. Even some RYO is pretty expensive here. Anyway; thanks again for such a great, informative site!- Re: Look Out
- Posted by Tim Aydt on Thursday, 15-Sep-2005
Maybe strong is the wrong word for Arango Sportsman. Rich would be a better word.
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As far as I can tell, Lookout has stopped production of it's vanilla shag. I was only able to ever find it in pouches anyway.
I now use Harvest Vanilla in my wifes blend. It can be purchased by the pouch or by the pound. From RYO Tobacco, it's only $20.00 per pound, much cheaper and better, than Lookout Vanilla.
- Re: Look Out
- Posted by Kev on Thursday, 15-Sep-2005
The spouse likes vanilla and she's always smoked lights/ultra-lights. I'm currently mixing Penhooker light (D&R) with Arrango Sportsman Vanilla for her. Probably 1 part vanilla to 4 or 5 parts Penhooker (I've also used other light tobaccos as a base in the past) stuffed into a Premier 100 light tube. I've never tried to smoke 100% vanilla. The term "strong" might be too much vanilla flavor rather than harsh/too much nicotine if smoked just by itself. I have tried a pouch of plain Arrango and it did have a kick by itself.
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- Re: Look Out
- Posted by mahfudzmn on Tuesday, 04-Oct-2005
yeah, i did too smoke lookout vanilla for about a year and never find anything better to replace. now i'm surfing all over the net tryin to find them but sadly still in search of them. what a great tobacco blend. a must try, i mean it.
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- Re: Look Out
- Posted by Laura on Friday, 03-Dec-2004
I use the Lokk Out Halfzware shag. I too, am from Oregon.
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I have smoked it for the last year and find I like it much better than any other brand I have ever tried.
They now have a new designed can and the last two cans I have bought have no papers for rolling and I find this a bit of inconvenice, especially as I am blind and do not drive, plus having to wait several days to be able to get papers delivered to e so I could roll some cigarettes. Has anyone else encountered this problem.
- Re: Lookout
- Posted by Dave L on Wednesday, 21-Apr-2004
It's worth noting that Look-Out Halfzware, Look-Out Milde and Look-Out Vanilla are not just shades of strength and the addition of vanilla.
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The halfzware is a fairly typical looking/smelling/tasting and relatively mild Dutch halfzware.
The Milde neither smells or tastes like the halfzware. While it is a milder tobacco it still has a bit of a dark component (unlike the golden colored Sampson Milde and Mynheer American).
The Vanilla Shag is a golden shag that gets it richness from the Vanilla.
- Lookout Mild
- Posted by Dave L on Saturday, 06-Dec-2003
It really is mild, almost a light, yet complex. I don't know how to describe it. Its like some tobaccos are two dimensional in taste and the good ones are three dimensional. Lookout is in the later category. I also love the smell. I now understand cigar folks sliding their cigars under their noses. If I had to make a single tobacco choice, this would be it.
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I'm not sure but it seems the cut in the cans is coarser and shorter than in the pouches. It also seems a bit cleaner, just a few stem pieces, no birdseye or leaf pieces (cleaner than Drum but not as clean as Bali).
- LookOut Vanilla Shag
- Posted by Tim Aydt on Saturday, 04-Oct-2003
I picked this up on a lark. I was curious as to what it would taste like, and was surprisingly pleased. This is another fine-cut shag, like Bali and Drum, but not as quality of cut. There is a lot of birds-eye in it and I found a portion of a leaf, one inch square, plus several hard stem portions that I picked out. Yet, the flavor was very mild, even when smoked alone, with just a hint of vanilla. My wife quickly decided that it would blend well with her WindSail. Best price I have found on the internet is ten pouches for $15.49 which comes to $18.00 per pound.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: LookOut Vanilla Shag
- Posted by Dave L on Monday, 15-Dec-2003
The vanilla adds a nice touch to an already good tasting tobacco. After a pack of this everything else is seeming a bit plain.
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- Re: LookOut Vanilla Shag
- Posted by Jennifer on Monday, 23-Aug-2004
When I first opened the pouch it had a bit of a funky smell to it. I hand rolled some to try it out. It was a very nice mild flavor. I prefer this over the zen vanilla, which has to strong a vanilla flavor. I will probobly buy some of this again
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