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Quazi Speed test - how long to make a pack

Posted by David Brown on Monday, 09-Jul-2007
I did a short video today to test out Adobe OnLocation CS3 and thought I would do a video showing my excel and I making 20 smokes.

I was amazed I did it under 7 min really not hurrying and after hearing some arguments that MYO isnt worth the time or effort this video should refute that :)


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Re: Quazi Speed test - how long to make a pack
Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Tuesday, 10-Jul-2007

The time factor is really a non-issue. The real reason MYO hasn't caught on to a greater extent than it has is laziness, pure and simple. Many people are simply too lazy to expend any effort whatsoever -- even if they could make a pack in 1 minute they'd find some excuse to avoid 60 second's worth of involvement.

I know someone who loves the MYO smokes I make for myself...used to hit me up all the time until I stopped letting him be a leech. Showed him how easy it was and how little it costs for those great-tasting smokes, but his reply was "Yeah, but it's just easier to grab a carton now and then, even if it's three or four times more expensive."

They call that "lazy" almost everywhere in the world. :-)

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Re: Quazi Speed test - how long to make a pack
Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Tuesday, 10-Jul-2007

That's a pretty broad brush you're using there. When they start taxing bulk tobacco at the same rate they do premades; and they eventually will. I seriously doubt that you'll see a black market for SYO tobacco evolve.

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Re: Quazi Speed test - how long to make a pack
Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Tuesday, 10-Jul-2007

"I seriously doubt that you'll see a black market for SYO tobacco evolve."

You may be right -- but regardless, that's one reason I'm learning how to grow my own tobacco; they can tax bulk and premades however much they want and I won't care. My first crop should be ready for initial harvesting soon. It's taken very little effort and relatively minimal tending and the flowers have been beautiful looking. I'm looking forward to experimenting with curing techniques.

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Re: Quazi Speed test - how long to make a pack
Posted by David Brown on Tuesday, 10-Jul-2007

I dont know if they will ever be able to tax loose tobacco at class A rates. I would speculate that the reason cigarettes are class A and tobacco is class J is that a cigarette is an end result of a manufacturing process. I would imagine that the big cigarette manufactures pay the class J tax on their tobacco as well as we do.

So without exempting manufacturers then they would be taxing cigarettes twice at the class A rate. Which I will admit isnt unheard of but on the bright side if they did, then we would stiill only be taxed class A once :)

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Re: Quazi Speed test - how long to make a pack
Posted by Dave L on Tuesday, 10-Jul-2007

In Arkansas (first example I found), the excise tax on loose tobacco is 32% of the manufacturers price, for cigarettes its only 26%. Excise taxes vary a _lot_ from state to state. I don't know why cigars don't have a tax class letter designation, but, everything else does (snuff - M, chewing - C, pipe - L, RYO - J and cigarettes - A and B). More often than not (~33), states charge the same Other Tobacco Products (OTP) excise tax for all OTP classes, some states collect different rates for different OTP classes. OTP class taxes can be higher (~17), or lower (~27), than the cigarette (typ class A) tax. The classes and taxes are for packaged goods, not the raw materials used to make those goods (cig mfr). edited

[link] [link] (pdfs)

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Re: Quazi Speed test - how long to make a pack
Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Wednesday, 11-Jul-2007

"I don't know why cigars don't have a tax class letter designation,"

I think that may be because a lot of politicians occasionaly smoke cigars or have to buy them for gifts.

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Re: Quazi Speed test - how long to make a pack
Posted by Dave L on Wednesday, 11-Jul-2007

At least for the feds, class letter labeling is optional, e.g. the RYO (gov label) class can be labeled "cigarette tobacco" or "Tax class J". For cigars its only "cigars" and "small" or "little" for small cigars. In a few states, cigars do get a break (no, or lower, excise tax than other OTP classes)... apparently they get a significant break on the federal level (federal VS state excise tax).

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Re: Quazi Speed test - how long to make a pack
Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Tuesday, 10-Jul-2007

Ahh but the manufacturer does not pay the class A tax rate, the consumer does.

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Re: Quazi Speed test - how long to make a pack
Posted by Dan S on Tuesday, 10-Jul-2007

Since I've been stuffing I've only managed to convert one person. I've given my SYO cigs to a lot of people most just something like "oh that's pretty cool"
Even my wife won't stop buying premades. What's kind of funny is in the time it takes my wife to go to the store and get a pack I can easily stuff a pack if not more.

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Re: Quazi Speed test
Posted by Dave Grant on Saturday, 14-Jul-2007

I get the same sort of reaction. People like the smokes, they think it's cool to save money, *and* get a better product, but for 90 per cent of them, when push comes to shove, it's "Well, it takes too much time." or, "It's too much trouble."
I agree, that's lazy.

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Re: Quazi Speed test - how long to make a pack
Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Tuesday, 10-Jul-2007

I didn't watch the whole video but I can do that too if I eliminate the two most time consuming tasks; tapping the sticks so you don't have any filter voids and trimming the tobacco hanging out of the end of the stick but I'm more concerned with quality than that.

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Re: Quazi Speed test - how long to make a pack
Posted by David Brown on Tuesday, 10-Jul-2007

For the most part my excel fills perfectly. The tapping I do is mostly old habit from my supermatiic. I tap just to get a firm pack and with the excel I dont have any overhang unless I use a veracruz with a 20mm filter.

Those 20 in the video are good quality and I tapped each one at least twice (some 3 times and one or 2, 4 times) mainly just to get a good even pack to the stick.

I show one at the end of the video that shows that they are filled to the edge with no overfill.

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Re: Quazi Speed test - how long to make a pack
Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Tuesday, 10-Jul-2007

My Excel used to be like that but the nozzle broke. I ordered a new one and put it in and now it leaves big filter voids; doesn't matter what kind of tube I use so I had to go back to my supermatic II.

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