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- Stokkebye (New Albany)
- Posted by Matt on Monday, 19-Mar-2007
Kaiser's in New Albany carries Stokkebye blends now. They just got them in and the full range isn't represented. (I think it's limited to Stockholm, Norwegian, and London) They just got them in and when I was in today they still didn't have them priced. (I told the very sweet lady who runs the shop that I'd only seen and bought Stokkebye from Kremer's in Louisville...when she asked me what I'd paid for it I had to be honest and tell her $20 even. Sorry if I set a high precedent, though Kaiser's is expensive.)
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Stokkebye (New Albany)
- Posted by Ross Green on Tuesday, 20-Mar-2007
Thanks for the info Matt, although I've found with most the the "european" ( I say that loosely )types of tobacco they seem to have something missing. I usually favor the american style blends (ie strong, usually a little harsh, but good flavor underneath). But alas, I've been sick and not rolling too much. Bought a carton of premades for a little under seventeen dollars since I cant taste anything anyways; cant wait to give the rest of them away this week. I've been thinking of I think it was your earlier post talking of really breaking the underlying addiction of tobacco use and using tobacco solely for purposes of pleasure, and think I'm going to try to do the same. I'm sick of simply smoking because I don't like not smoking, if that makes any sense. I just rolled a non-filter McClintock FF and this is seemed to really make sense in my head. And if it wasnt Matts post then props to whoever wrote it!
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Stokkebye (New Albany)
- Posted by Matt on Wednesday, 21-Mar-2007
...cant' take credit for the addiction/pleasure post but I agree.
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- Meeting another roller...
- Posted by Matt on Monday, 12-Mar-2007
Met a fella yesterday who had a pouch of Bugler in his shirt pocket, which followed, of course, in a very interesting conversation. This is probably the third or fourth roller I have ever met besides my Dad & Grandpa.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Meeting another roller...
- Posted by ally on Saturday, 17-Mar-2007
upon my last and second inquest of 72 hrs (both forced, of course), the final one where I ended up at the mercy of the state.......WOW, now that's where the rollers are at!!!!!!!
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- Smoking and Weight Loss
- Posted by Mike T. on Saturday, 03-Mar-2007
I am a college student so I don’t usually have time for a healthy meal. I started the semester in January, and noticed that I put on a few pounds. I found that if I smoke before a meal I eat less. I started this in February, and I have lost about 20 pounds. Has anyone else experienced this?
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Smoking and Weight Loss
- Posted by Smokin n Jokin on Saturday, 03-Mar-2007
Generally if you don't smoke and start you will lose weight, if you do smoke and stop you will gain weight. However; I don't think you're going to find many health care professionals that would recommend that a person take up smoking as a weight loss program.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Smoking and Weight Loss(straying off topi
- Posted by scott johnson on Monday, 05-Mar-2007
I quit smoking for 10 months in 2003 and really didn't see that much weight gain. Maybe 5 - 10 pounds. In 2005 I switched from Regular Mountain Dew to the diet version and so far have lost 60 pounds. Go figure. If I had switched when I quit smoking, I would have seen weight loss then.
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- Wonder if this will hurt RYO?
- Posted by Matt on Monday, 26-Feb-2007
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Hope not.
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- Re: Wonder if this will hurt RYO?
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Monday, 26-Feb-2007
More governmental bullshit, more intrusion, more lawyer fodder and more assumed government power. Screw the tobacco companies siding with this absurdist crap. You know why they're doing it ... because the Nanny State and the health Nazis have convinced them they could muster the votes to ban the use (and probably even the posession of) tobacco.
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Is this a great country or what?- Re: Wonder if this will hurt RYO?
- Posted by mike c on Monday, 26-Feb-2007
yes, when you are destroying it in small increments from the comfort of one's very home.
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- Re: Wonder if this will hurt RYO?
- Posted by Warren on Monday, 26-Feb-2007
> Nanny State and the health Nazis have convinced
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> them they could muster the votes to ban the use
> (and probably even the posession of) tobacco.
Hopefully the greedy will prevail over the prohibitionists. Government, at all levels, is quite addicted to the vast billions they steal from us every year. If they were to ban it, illegal tobacco dealers would get all the loot, while the government would end up spending money on the prohibition enforcement. I think the antismoking scum, blinded by the hysteria as they may be, are still smart enough and gready enaough to oppose the prohibition. There is even a limit on the tobacco taxes, a sweat spot beyond which the black market moves in and elbows out the legalized thieves.- Re: Wonder if this will hurt RYO?
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Monday, 26-Feb-2007
I'm hoping you're correct, but politicians have no problems with shifting the burden to another sector if need be; after all, they are never going to give up their plushy, massively bloated gubmint (and their hubris-filled powerlust) for anything--at least until people wise up. Problem is, by the time they do it'll probably be too late and it'll take another revolution to clean out the dumper.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Wonder if this will hurt RYO?
- Posted by Matt on Tuesday, 27-Feb-2007
Wazmo, I recall you saying you've spent some time in the UK. What are the tobacco laws like over there? I've heard it's a lot more expensive. I've also heard that they've taken the warning labels off of snuff due to inconclusive evidence that it's bad for you & the hopes to reel smokers in at a discount to health care costs.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Wonder if this will hurt RYO?
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Tuesday, 27-Feb-2007
Yeah, I lived in London for about 5 years and then moved to Oz for about a year. I still do a lot of traveling to London (a few times a year).
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In the UK, a pack of top tier smokes (Dunhill or Silk Cut, say) is about £6.50-£7.50/pack, which is why so many roll their own over there. I'd dare say RYOers outnumber premade smokers 8 to 1. A 25 gram pouch of Drum or such was just £2.49, a pack of Rizlas is about 40 pence and a box of Swann filters is about 99 pence for 200. Sales and use of snuff has skyrocketed recently in the UK.
Not to long ago they passed legislation to ban all indoor smoking in the UK by this summer, although a ban in restaurants, pubs and clubs has been in effect since last year (and figures show that a noticable decrease in patronage has been reported in most pubs and clubs).
Australia is even worse as far as prices and such (I lived in Brisbane for about a year). A pack of top tier smokes is about $10.00-$11.00AUS, and there is no indoor smoking allowed except in casinos and private homes ... even if you go outside, you have to make sure you're about 5 meters away from any doors or entranceways to businesses and other public buildings. RYO isn't all that big there for some reason even though loose tobacco is cheaper--one reason I guess is that most wages are *very* high in Australia and people don't mind paying $85.00AUS a carton.
- Re: Wonder if this will hurt RYO?
- Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Monday, 26-Feb-2007
Marlboro is the one responsible for bringing a lot of the crap on the rest of the industry. I think the rest just followed suit to stay competitive. I've read about Marlboro's clean Nicotine Inhalers; just like a Bronkaid type deal.
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Bottom line is that at least somebody in Washington see's this for what it is, the "Marlboro Monopoly Act." Relax, everyone's on the take in that town! The FDA isn't going to be able to do anything more than the tobacco companies can do for themselves! All that's going to be accomplished is adding more people to the envelope and briefcase money transfer list! It makes me sick to think of these Social Leaches! Where has our beloved country gone to? Mike- Re: Wonder if this will hurt RYO?
- Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Monday, 26-Feb-2007
Check out RYO Magazine for the real deal concerning Marlboro, and all the crap they added to get people hooked!Mike
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- Off Topic
- Posted by Matt on Friday, 23-Feb-2007
Any of you out there chew or dip? I LOVE a good chew (Mammoth Cave, Redman Original, Beechnut) or a lip-hanger of dip. You just can't beat the headrush. Alas, I've drank & thrown up too much and it's hurt my teeth or I'd chew a lot more often than the rare one I allow myself now.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Off Topic
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Friday, 23-Feb-2007
Every now and again I enjoy some good nasal snuff, like Kendal Ambassador or Samuel Gawith Apricot; especially if I'm coding away and don't want to leave the 'puter to go have a smoke. I used to use nasal snuff alot in the UK; I'm always under the impression someone will call the cops on me if I do it *here* in public, thinking I'm snorting coke or something.
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I never got into dipping or chewing, but I had a grandfather who used Copenhagen from his teens well up into his 80's.- Re: Off Topic
- Posted by Matt on Friday, 23-Feb-2007
Nasal snuff is terrific. I like "Medicated" snuffs like Wilson's S.M. Blue and McChrystal's Original. A good medicated snuff for the beginner is Ozona President as it's a smooth? snuff and you can use the mirror finish dispenser to check for any smears under the nose.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Off Topic
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Saturday, 24-Feb-2007
While I can't stand menthol cigs, I don't mind a small touch in nasal snuff; the Apricot I mentioned has a light touch of it. I'm not sure if I'd care for a big dose of menthol, though, unless the sinuses were plugged. :-)
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- Minnesota cig taxes
- Posted by Keith on Thursday, 15-Feb-2007
Maybe it's coming back to bite 'em in the butts. Seems that so many people are quitting smoking that states are starting to see a decline in "sin tax" revenue.
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- Re: Minnesota cig taxes
- Posted by Dave Grant on Thursday, 15-Feb-2007
Here in Indiana, there is a bill (in committee) to double the cigarette tax from 55 cents to $1.10. But, at least in this part of the state, all it's going to do is drive more customers over to Kentucky to buy their smokes, or maybe to MYO/SYO. If they make it retroactive to material already in stock at stores and distributors, it'll likely put some out of business. So far no mention of upping the tax on OTP (Other Tobacco Products). Yet...
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- Re: Minnesota cig taxes
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Thursday, 15-Feb-2007
It's time for a serious revolt in this country, akin to the Boston Tea Party at the very least. The very notion of so-called "sin taxes" is an outrage and an affront to the concept of this great country. No way should any one group be bled for more taxes than any other -- especially when our group, smokers, tends to get precious little in the way of representation and protection of rights. Screw these scumbags ... .
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Minnesota cig taxes
- Posted by Steve on Monday, 19-Mar-2007
Iowa taxes on premades just went up from .36 per pack to 1.36 per pack on Friday. According to lawmakers, stores of premades with the old tax stamp were to be sold under the old tax. But, guess what retailers did the minute the bill was signed? Yup, they marked up EVERY pack.
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Here's what gets me - they debated and debated saying that raising the tax a dollar would make 20% of smokers quit. They wanted to better the health of the people. One lawmaker proposed, then, that if $1 increase will cause 20% to quit, and that is the goal, then he wanted to raise the tax $5 - by his math, then, 100% would quit. Logically, if what the lawmakers want is for people to quit smoking, his idea should have passed right through. But, no, they didn't even consider that and moved ahead with the $1 raise - hoping to cause 20% to quit - and increasing revenue to the state to the tune of $120 million or so.
Now, are they worried about our health or is it the MONEY that they want??- Re: Minnesota cig taxes
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Monday, 19-Mar-2007
We all know they don't give a damn about your health....
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- Pipes
- Posted by Matt on Thursday, 08-Feb-2007
As one gets deeper & deeper into SYO, one eventually becomes a connoisseur of sorts. Consider the money saved & try out a cheap pipe & some good tobacoos. A plain old corn cob pipe is a good start. I would recommend Big Ben pipes for anyone to start with if the one I bought is any indicator of quality. I got pipe #305 & I could not be happier with it.
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This inevitably led to a few more purchases. ( A couple nice ones too.).
There are so many choices of HIGH quality tobaccos out there that taste like you wouldn't believe. Straight tobacco blends are the best for me as aromatics don't deliver in taste. One of my favorites is Esoterica's Stonehaven. Very heavy with the burley and a very rich smoke.- Re: Pipes
- Posted by Dan S on Saturday, 10-Feb-2007
I have been thinking of trying a pipe for a while.
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But my wife already thinks I am crazy for trying so many different cigarette tobaccos. I don't want to push it : )
- Re: Pipes
- Posted by Brandon on Thursday, 08-Mar-2007
I smoke pipes as well as RYO smokes. I actually began pipe smoking first, thanks to my Uncle John. Anyway, if you like a straight tobacco that is full in flavor for your pipe get some Paul Olsen A's "My Own Blend #111". The brand puts out a few dozen blends, make sure to get #111. It's straight Virginia and I don't believe it's much perique in there at all if any. Very strong and is nice on a cold day here in KY.
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- truth.com
- Posted by Matt on Thursday, 08-Feb-2007
Have any of you seen that truth.com commercial with the hipster in the mattress outlet? He brings up board minutes of a major tobacco company and quotes one exec about banning sleep. Do they really expect me to think that the exec wasn't saying that in jest?
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: truth.com
- Posted by Mike T. on Thursday, 08-Feb-2007
Does anyone else find after watching a truth commercial you get an urge to smoke?
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: truth.com
- Posted by platoslostdialogue on Friday, 09-Feb-2007
Every time.
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- Re: truth.com
- Posted by Turtle on Sunday, 11-Feb-2007
Thats funny, I seen the topic name and thought of asking the same thing. Every since those commercials came on I've been telling every one it just makes me want a smoke. Well that and say some things i can't repeat here lol. So far I think they just make everyone mad. even my friends who dont smoke hate them and want to light one up to try to make them mad.
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- portable machines and converts (blog)
- Posted by mike c on Friday, 26-Jan-2007
a couple nights ago I got called over to a friends on short notice, and is so often the case, I had no smokes made. Into the travel pack it went (the machines are little to me, i.e "little blue"). On that evening I witnessed the foul ritual of bickering over which one was buying, who was going, what special, damn we can't afford them, etc....
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later, during movie, I pre-pardoned some forthcoming spring noise...my friends husband commented "he's a got a frickin' machine"......(earlier he had proclaimed knowing RYO and not having time for it).....next day I was informed he would be able to buy one by weeks end. Then last night I get a call stating that he needed to borrow my spare for 2 weeks. OUCH!!! He is an eagle-sharp engineer-mechanic mind, and has some forth-coming work for me, so I off-guardedly agreed to it. Needless to say, I wasn't feeling good last night. I called them back and sent him here to SYO for a quick education and pre-certification conditional to his getting the favor. He didn't do it. I knew it. He said he's too smart to need a website, etc....he didn't get my machine....on their way home they bought the new Topomatic with the handle at the store I have been shopping for my PTT, and had asked them to get one..- Re: portable machines and converts (blog entry 2.0)
- Posted by mike c on Saturday, 27-Jan-2007
up early, called friend on cell to see if she's up and if they opened their Tom last night. I had told her husband if he had any problems I was going to be laughing......
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She was quick spoken and guarded seeming, told me she made about 80 with no problems at all.....as I dug I heard things like..."I hold my hand on the gripper" (changed for clarity), "you have to be a surgeon to get the Top tubes on nozzle", and "hard spots on some", and apparently she is compacting tobacco and then re-opening chamber to check it for some reason...
I'm laughing
- Posted by mike c on Wednesday, 07-Feb-2007
happy to report my friends are settled into their Topomatic with no problems, and have not broken down and bought any pre-mades and it doesn't look like that will happen. They currently are just fine with Kentucky's finest (PTT)(you know, like Kentucky Deluxe)(shiver) , but I have already toyed their mind with DnR....
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I think it's still in the savings and volume of produce mode.....
I feel guilty because when I was bragging on myself, I told the husband that I thought most guys got their wives to make them, and sure enough, it's on her.....and she wasn't particularly prone to enthrallment over a machine.
- Where are you?
- Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Saturday, 20-Jan-2007
I was thinking; it'd be kind of neat to see where in the world everyone is from. Just a general location!
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I'm in Northern Ohio.
Mike- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by Warren on Saturday, 20-Jan-2007
Lexington, Mass.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by scott johnson on Saturday, 20-Jan-2007
Alkol, WV
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- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by Jersey_Joe on Saturday, 20-Jan-2007
Del Haven NJ
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- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by Matt on Saturday, 20-Jan-2007
Right outside of Louisville, KY.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by smokin n jokin on Saturday, 20-Jan-2007
Tucson, AZ. Cigarette tax here is now $2.18 a package, plus 8% sales tax. If I lived in a state with a nickle a pack tax I'd still be making my own.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by Matt on Saturday, 20-Jan-2007
$2.18...DAMN! Not too long ago Kentucky raised their tax from $0.03 to $0.30.
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Indiana's is $0.55 1/2 cents. This earns an F across the board from the American Lung Association. The local papers printed this "news" as if the American Lung Association is some kind of pertinent, legitimate entity. Like I give a flying #%$* what the American Lung Association thinks. It is a sad state of affairs though if we let groups like this influence tax rates on anything from cigarettes to liquor to junk food. Whether the average American hates cigarettes or the people who smoke them, they need to realize this bullying is only the beginning and it will only spread to their vices next.- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by scott johnson on Saturday, 20-Jan-2007
Next thing they'll be taxing emails, downloads, and web surfing.
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- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by Dave Grant on Tuesday, 23-Jan-2007
"Next thing they'll be taxing emails, downloads, and web surfing"
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Shhhhhh!! Not so loud....
- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by Brandon on Thursday, 08-Mar-2007
I'm in Louisville as well! Where do you go to shop for your supplies. I've had to hit three or four stores to make a hodgepodge of supplies. It would be nice to find one place to get everything.
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- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by Mike T. on Tuesday, 23-Jan-2007
Wow! I live in California, and the tax is only 87 cents a pack. The state just voted against raising taxes by $2.60 per pack, which left me puzzled since California is a huge anti-tobacco state. But I too would roll my own smokes, regardless of the price difference.
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- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Saturday, 20-Jan-2007
Central Florida, although I spend part of the year in London, UK.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by mike c on Saturday, 20-Jan-2007
ahhh....thus the use of "u" in the world color (response to wazmo)
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(I love the smart-ass British rockers with whom I engage in insulting sessions regular,,,it's tricky.)
i'm in a jailcell apt, Dallas, Tx.- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by platoslostdialogue on Saturday, 20-Jan-2007
San Francisco Bay Area. Fremont to be exact.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Where are you? (OFF)
- Posted by mike c on Saturday, 20-Jan-2007
could you tell those guys to up the mic's again, Delysid is inherently supposed to be a demonic experience
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- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Saturday, 20-Jan-2007
I do a lot of programming work for a few large UK companies, so I have my 'puters set for UK English for correspondence purposes; plus I've pretty much picked up their spellings on my own for the most part.
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- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by Kev on Saturday, 27-Jan-2007
60 miles NE of Dallas but I work in a skyscraper in Dallas.
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- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by mike c on Saturday, 20-Jan-2007
hey Mike
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if you have a sturdy vehicle and don't mind dining with the frumpy, uncultured, poorly-mannered, lowly, come on over and i'll take you to dinner
bring the Top as I figure you'll enjoy showing me what you've been modestly saying
you are welcome at my home
so there!
ps-could you save a stick of tonight's mixture for me?
do you like Texican?
- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by jcat on Sunday, 21-Jan-2007
just outside of seattle,wa
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- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by Tim Aydt on Sunday, 21-Jan-2007
I'm in Southern Illinois, near Mt. Vernon. Soon to be in Southern Missouri, near Branson.
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- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by Dave Grant on Tuesday, 23-Jan-2007
Southern Indiana, about 20 miles N. of Louisville, KY.
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- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by David Wilson on Friday, 26-Jan-2007
I'm from Harleton, Tx 200 miles east of Dallas and about 250 miles north of Houston..
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.. David ..- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by Dan S on Saturday, 27-Jan-2007
Mt. Laurel NJ
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Between Trenton & Philly
- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by kristi on Monday, 12-Feb-2007
I'm in Henderson, Nevada. It's the nice part of Las Vegas. Also a colony of California by the way anti smoking legislation has pushed through. I've been here 15 years, but still a Hoosier at heart.
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- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by Ross Green on Monday, 12-Feb-2007
I live a couple miles north of Louisville Kentucky. I've been watching here they want to raise the tax on cigarettes by a dollar a pack, not sure how that will affect syo products.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by Matt on Friday, 23-Feb-2007
I've lived in Clark County near the Colgate Clock almost all of my life.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by Ross on Saturday, 24-Feb-2007
I'm born and raised here in Clark myself.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by scott johnson on Saturday, 24-Feb-2007
what state is that in?
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by Matt on Saturday, 24-Feb-2007
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Clark County is in Indiana across the Ohio River from Louisville, KY. All the local news channels call the area "Kentuckiana".
- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by Matt on Saturday, 24-Feb-2007
Hey Ross, any smoke shops in the area I need to know about? I got my Supermatic & Top-O-Matic from Kaiser's in New Albany. There have been quite a few smokeshops with varying degrees of RYO stock that have opened and closed in the Clarksville, Jeffersonville, and New Albany area since I've been rolling. I've been buying SYO supplies at a smokeshop in Corydon as of late.
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I don't really go to Louisville much but you can get some exotic stuff & Stokkebye (based on a visit a little over a year ago) at Kremer's downtown. I have to warn you though, you might see a busted can of Norweigan shag, don't buy it because they've kept it an awful long time based on the span I saw it over a year or two. ( That reason and I know you have the common sense not to.) I did find fresh Gauloises on my last visit there and it's the only place I've ever found Zware shags. [Mynheer, Gauloises, & Black Death] I haven't been to Cox's. If you've been there, what's the RYO section like?- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by Matt on Saturday, 24-Feb-2007
As a sidebar...I really miss some of those shops that closed. I used to buy Export A from a shop off of 131 in Clarksville. That was one of the best tobaccos I've had. (Plus I really liked the hard plastic, 7.05oz. can that had the Prince Albert style plunger in it to maintain freshness.) I used to buy 61 at a shop in Jeffersonville. I also used to get Lookout Milde from a shop off Bardstown Rd. in Louisville.
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As a side-sidebar, I also lament the passing of Douwe Egberts stlye Drum as they had the very best menthol ever in Drum Milde Menthol. (And again with the cool packaging with the quotes on the inside flap.)- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by Ross on Wednesday, 28-Feb-2007
I havent been to Coxs since I smoked premades, might have to take a jaunt down there and check them out. The two smoke shops I go to with any regularity is smokeys in Jeff, they actually keep only fresh tobacco in stock, but nothing exotic, Top, Bugler, Zig Zag, Gambler, Stokers and a few others, although they will special order for you. They also have a really good selection of tubes. The other one is Smokers Village on Bardstown road, although they offer only token SYO products they have a really good selection of midrange cigars and the widest selection of generic premades I've ever seen. I used to go down there and buy cartons of tough guy cigarettes for 12.99 a carton not too long ago. Theres also a smoke shop in NA down past Krogers on Charlestown road but the only thing worth mentioning there is Our Advertiser smoking tobacco, it's something different at least.
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- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by Brandon on Thursday, 08-Mar-2007
The Cox's Smoker's Outlet on Hikes Lane in Louisville has Premier tubes and a Top starter kit, there is a smoke shop on Taylorsville Rd by Breckenridge Ln that has Stoker's #2 (regular, light, menthol) as well as 61, Top, Drum, Bugler, Zig-Zag, and Kite. The Cox's that is on Whipps Mill Rd by UofL Shelby Campus has a selection of papers that I hadn't seen elsewhere, but nothing fantastic (I'm looking for rice, not flax) in addition to a less-than-stellar selection of tobaccos. You would think that living in the tobacco mecca that we do, we would have a larger selection available to us. This is frustrating.
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- Posted by Matt on Thursday, 08-Mar-2007
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Have you been to Kremer's? (Cremer's?) downtown? They carry Stokkebye but their RYO stock looked depleted last time I was there. I couldn't tell you what their pipe tobacco section is like since I haven't been there since I've picked up pipe smoking.
The best place I know of for pipe tobacoos is Oxmoor Smoke Shop in Oxmoor Mall. I'd say the full line of MacBaren is represented with some others. I really like the place though and it's fun to talk to the owner.- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by mike p on Sunday, 25-Mar-2007
granbury texas
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- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by Dano on Thursday, 08-Mar-2007
Jersey born & bred, down around Wall Township, Manasquan, Toms River. Currently on eastern Long Island, NY.
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Stay Frosty!
- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by Ralph on Thursday, 29-Mar-2007
Howdy neighbor! Southeastern Michigan. How bout dem Buckeyes?
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- Re: Where are you?
- Posted by Hua Kul on Friday, 30-Mar-2007
Hi Mike, I'm in Cleveland. I'm not a cigarette smoker but my brother-in-law is. He's disabled and lives with his dad. When his dad retired and had to live on less than 1000/month I told my brother-in-law he couldn't keep spending 120/month of his dad's money on smokes. I bought an Excel and started making his smokes and now I'm really getting into it. I just started buying some premium tobaccos and plan to make some for my friends, hopefully they'll want me to keep supplying them. I even started enjoying smoking without inhaling, it still gives me some sense of how much better these good tobaccos are.
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See also: Posts from Jul 2006 to Feb 2007 and Posts from 2003 to Jul 2006