Forum Future
Posted by Dave L on Thursday, 06-Sep-2007
Unfortunately Mark and Doug have a valid point. I've been countering ignorance and inaccuracies when and where I can for close to four years. I had hoped that folks like Mark and Doug would contribute but it looks like that isn't going to happen and I no longer have the time or interest. Site maintenance alone takes too much of my time. There are a lot of good and informative posts on this site and, overall, its usefulness outweighs the BS. So, at least for now, the site is in the hands of the folks that read and use it. If anyone wants to start another forum, they are more than welcome.
Comments [ new ]
- Re: Forum Future
- Posted by Dave L on Tuesday, 11-Sep-2007
Folks may now wonder what this is all about because I saw no way around doing a massive delete (including a post of mine that I spent a day thinking about). Only an edited OP remains.
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The key issue is time. I can no longer spend as much time with the site as I used to. While the replies (below) make some good points and kudos are nice, I will need help for the site to remain viable. I have some ideas but for now it would help if you email (stufferATdalrunDOTcom) me a link (right click and copy the 'link' URL) when you see posts that are OT or likely to cause another firestorm.- Re: Forum Future
- Posted by Dave L on Friday, 28-Dec-2007
I'm sorry guys. I've tried to make it work, but enough is enough. Its time for the site to get back to its roots as an information and review site. The forum scripts will be disabled Jan 1 '08. I'm leaving them active until then so that you can talk about alternative forums. The only one I know of is the Smoking Lobby RYO forum. I have no idea what Mike B's, invitation only?, New Yahoo Group is about.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | topic | top ]- Re: Forum Future
- Posted by Kerry on Friday, 28-Dec-2007
Sorry to hear that Dave.
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Having owned, maintained, operated and moderated a free and open online forum myself, I know all about how frustrating it can be. In my case, the abusive spam was what ended it and the script I used was old and didn't offer much in the way of stopping it other than banning IP addresses, which is practically useless in the long run.
However, I am planning on putting it back up when I decide on/find a decent message forum script. Any suggestions? No, it isn't about tobacco and I doubt I could do it as well as you have in any case.
The thing I hate most about closing my forum down is that I genuinely liked the people, for the most part, and am missing the camaraderie and information that flowed through the portal. Warts and all. Hell, I am as interested and more so than most users, in the topic of my own forum. I guess, there is the rub. I think you may find yourself in the same place some time in the future.
I hope I haven't been too much of a drain on your patience with my participation here. I really have tried to be an asset to this forum, although some will say I was only 3/5's of that. (grin)
If so, my apologies.
In any case, I can understand and I just want to thank you for all your hard work for and patience with all of us. I sincerely hope the reason for closing the site is not simply for differences of opinion in an open forum. Surely not.
This site will be sorely missed. As you have pointed out, nothing else out there exists like this site and most likely nothing will for a long time.
I won't ask if you have considered making this a registration site for posting because I am sure you have weighed your options. I am just sad to see it go.
Best regards,
Kerry- Re: Forum Future
- Posted by mike c on Friday, 28-Dec-2007
please don't do it
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the decision is brilliant as well as sinister.
I don't think certain parties meant to deliver an insult, however I must say I was shocked myself at what I was reading
not having the input of all of us, plus the input of new persons to come will hurt everyone in a way, you will have total control, yes, but you will end up lacking in knowledge as we will over time
I'll just rebel myself and quit smoking, I certainly hope
ps-the industry will love you, but knowing how smart you are I'm pretty sure you thought of that aspect- Re: Forum Future
- Posted by KL on Saturday, 29-Dec-2007
"I don't think certain parties meant to deliver an insult, however I must say I was shocked myself at what I was reading"
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Is it possible to read what you read ?
reading the input on this site has been priceless to me and others I know.- Re: Forum Future
- Posted by mike c on Saturday, 29-Dec-2007
good first thing in the morn to you
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well I'm confused, however I will tailor my statement
*I don't think a certain party meant to deliver an insult....*
...and if my sense is correct the person is not looking here at the moment
I agree, and I was thinking eventually someone else will just attempt to restart what is here but I don't want that
I've grown used to Dave's demeanor and for me, mental challenge which is a good thing
- Re: Forum Future
- Posted by Rob S on Friday, 28-Dec-2007
Thank you for allowing me the brief opportunity to post on your forum. You were a good host. Good luck with your redacted website.
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- Re: Forum Future
- Posted by Paul on Saturday, 29-Dec-2007
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Well, you can't say you didn't try. Thanks again for everything that you do here. This site is the best in the world for it's intent, that is obvious. Although I have never operated a website I could only imagine the the effort that you put into this. I'm sure that you put a lot of thought into what ever you do. Thanks.
- Re: Forum Future
- Posted by Mike B on Saturday, 29-Dec-2007
Invitation keeps the spam out (I hope) and it's a standard feature on the Yahoo! Groups site.
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When I launch my online store, I'll put a forum on there too.
By the way, while I'm waiting for my Tobacco Tax License from the AZ Dept of Revenue, I've had the pleasure and opportunity to start making contacts with the peripheral companies. The young lady at Gizeh has been nothing but professional, understanding and just plain nice as I begin my new business venture.
When I launch, it will be Should exist this afternoon but with no navigable pages.
- Forum Future
- Posted by Paul on Friday, 07-Sep-2007
Dave I would like to thank you for the effort that you put into this spectacular site. I cannot begin to tell you how much this site has meant to me. This really is the only site to learn and exchange ideas on the topic of make your own smokes at least in our world. Anybody, be my guest, go ahead and do a google search,"stuff your own cigarettes", nothing else out there. I've been checking this site almost daily for the past two years since I discovered it. Whenever I order tobacco or make accessory purchases I refer to this site's reviews. I have read and re-read the reviews, there is a wealth of information here. I can only imagine how much work you have poured into this site. It must get tiring as a site administrator. I'm sure you see much more than meets our eye. I've alway thought of this as a smoking room for Ladies and Gentlemen. You've kept most of the trolls away. I thank you for your labors. I would probably be back to smoking premades if it were not for this site. I now smoke well and therefore I am. Thanks again Dave.
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- Forum Future!
- Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Friday, 07-Sep-2007
Dave, first off, let me apologize for being gone for so long! I feel bad for not being here when all the crap came down. I have an appreciation for this site, and your efforts to keep things straight! I believe this site is the best source of information on RYO, custom made smokes and tobaccos on the net! I can also relate with your feelings, but I don't understand why this incident is weighing so heavily?
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I also have an appreciation for Mark Ryan's D&R Tobacco, the finest tobaccos obtainable in my opinion! I know from my conversations with Mark, that he is very proud of all his creations/offerings, and is sensitive about what's said about them--especially if not true! For some reason Mark hasn't been comfortable posting here or anywhere else; and I don't know why. All I know is this: "If someone lands here in search of information on tobacco or related subject matter; they will most likely learn something here"!
If someone goes to D&R's site and orders tobacco--they'll receive their order asap!
If someone goes to RYO Magazine, it'll be there too; though not updated. Start another Forum? No way in hell--you have the original, and I appreciate all your efforts. Maybe, you can delegate some of the responsibility? Have someone be a moderator, someone you trust? Capt. Mike- Re: Forum Future!
- Posted by Hua Kul on Friday, 07-Sep-2007
This forum is where I learned, or was directed to, 90% of the information that's become so useful to me. I started MYO about 8 months ago. I had never smoked cigarettes but was making them for a disabled friend to save him money and I started with products from a local store, then went looking for information and found this site. When I found recon in the local store tobacco, and since they sold only their brands and a couple of others, I soon started buying online and found the fantastic tobaccos at D&R, and others. The brand descriptions on this site are extremely helpful, as is RYO magazine.
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- Chin UP Dave!
- Posted by Kerry on Thursday, 06-Sep-2007
If this forum becomes too much of a hassle for you, I would be the last one to say you should keep doing it! However, on the selfish side, it is the best moderated, open public forums for MYO there is. Hell, it is the only one of it's kind!
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I wouldn't blame you if you took some time off and shut the forum down for a while. I hope you don't, but if necessary it wouldn't hurt my feelings. But I would miss it and hope you would start it back up.
On another note and I don't mean to be condescending, WHAT DID YOU EXPECT? I'm sure you know the old saying about opinions and rear ends. Right? Well, we've all got one and most people think everyone else's stinks, but not their own. (grin)
If the purpose of this forum is to educate and inform, then you have to expect the uneducated and ignorant to be a part of it, right? Otherwise you have missed your target audience. I mean, the educated and informed already have the information and don't need this forum, right? (can't help but snicker a little at that line!)
Well, maybe for socializing and trying to help out. Of course, even the informed and educated have well developed opinions and not all of them smell all that good either! LOL!
In any case, keep up the good work as long as you can! Although it might not be said often enough, your efforts are very much appreciated by many!
At least some of this message was written with tongue firmly implanted in cheek. However, not the parts about the appreciation for the job Dave does in providing this forum. Thanks again Dave!
- Forum Future
- Posted by Rob S on Thursday, 06-Sep-2007
I'm guilty of contributing to the latter, given this recent issue, insofar as it's not conducive to the intent of this all I can do is offer my apologies in that respect. I do not, however, think that the issue is BS per se, and neither do I think that the corollaries are unimportant.
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That said, I think you have a good site here Dave, and you do a wonderful job of it, so I wouldn't get discouraged. Not only does it serve a purpose for the consumers, but also of the businesses they support. Notwithstanding that a forum such as this can be taxing, I do hope you continue.
For now, and at least until this thing blows over, I'll probably revert back to lurker mode for the most part and continue to read. I will, however, respond if I see something that concerns me.
- Futures
- Posted by KentC on Thursday, 06-Sep-2007
Dave says:
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"Unfortunately Mark and Doug have a valid point."
They May have but it's the internet! Misguided facts and opinions are standare fare and they should know that. If they don't, they're on the wrong medium. Both mention how they would liked to correct what they saw as misinformation. No one is stopping them. And what makes them think that others can't sort it out themselves?
Opinions on taste/tobaccos can be completely opposite on the same product. But at least we're talking about it. What if there were no threads on Rowland or Ramback?
Dave again:
"I've been countering ignorance and inaccuracies when and where I can for close to four years."
And you've done a good job at too - actually better than good - useful. Cleared up some of my confusions. Thanks. There are three sites I check daily. This is one of them. Hope that continues to be the case, but if not, I'll understand and I can handle it.- Re: Futures
- Posted by pokey on Thursday, 06-Sep-2007
"Unfortunately Mark and Doug have a valid point."
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And just what would that valid point be?
That no one is entitled to an opinion; or that if you have an opinion that it must be pro D&R tobacco.
Me....I just wandered in here from a google search for flavored tobacco.
- Da Future
- Posted by Dano on Thursday, 06-Sep-2007
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ topic | top ]Well Dave, I for one think this is an excellent site and you do a hell of a good job. A port in a storm if you will, a beacon in the night, a puff of fresh air, an outpost of information, a realm for rollers, a studio for stuffers , a living testament to tobacco, a well spring NAY a veritable lake of information about the Leaf!
Aye Laddie tis that and much much more!
But seriously, after 4 years or more I know there's burn out. Frankly this thread Enough Already... seems like a tempest in a teapot. None of it, even the [SNIP] parts seemed all that outrageous to me.
Ultimately, everyday there are people turning to MYO and You and This Site offer an extremely valuable living resource! You deserve a hell of a lot of credit and I for one applaud and value your efforts.
Kudos!- Re: Da Future
- Posted by cheap & chippy chopper on Monday, 29-Oct-2007
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Dano just said everything I'd want to say.
I also echo the folks who offered help in the way of moderation or $$$.
Dave, shit I just sent about 75 people here, not knowing what had gone on while I was dealing with local emergencies. There are ways to keep this gorgeous place humming.
Please let me know if I can help. it's south lodge aTTTT att doTTTTT net. If it's money, or mod'ing, or whatever. I'll do it. Just give a call.
Love you and all the guys here -- magnificent.
- Forum Stuph
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Thursday, 06-Sep-2007
I'm sure that you could find someone computer-literate enough whom you could trust to lend a hand in the maintenance issues. I'd even be willing to kick in a contribution now and again to help defray costs were you to place a Pay-Pal donate link herein someplace....
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