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What are card filters?

Posted by Hua Kul on Monday, 24-Sep-2007
The UK retailer at the link below sells "card filters". Apparently these are used when rolling. Can someone tell me how they work and what they do? Thanks.


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Re: What are card filters?
Posted by Spacechip on Monday, 24-Sep-2007

They're just little pieces of cardstock (like paper a business card might be made out of). You roll them into your cigarette like you would use a filter tip (I was never actually any good at this, I would roll the cigarette first and then stick it in after, if you roll it into a tight spiral and then stuff it in on end of the cigarette it kindof unwinds inside and holds itself there). So what you end up with is a spiral of sturdy paper at one end of the cigarette that provides stability and helps keep loose tobacco out of your mouth, but not the same kind of filtration as the cellulose acetate filter of a packaged or syo smoke.

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