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question about Excel spoon

Posted by Swamibop on Friday, 06-Jul-2007
I've noticed in the last couple of days that the spoon on
my four month old Excel is sticking up slightly into the
tobacco chamber. Makes cigs okay, but slightly rougher
than before, some gaps, etc. What, if anything, can be done?
I've had the machine apart a bit but haven't gone deeply into
the guts of it. The handle works itself loose about once a week
and I tighten it up, etc.



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Re: question about Excel spoon
Posted by Nate V on Saturday, 07-Jul-2007

You can try slowly cranking the machine and extending the spoon out to the point where the bend starts. Then with firm, yet gentle pressure, bend it backwards to where it should be. Just don't try to muscle it.

That should work. If you find that its still bent, or not performing to your expectations, you can easily order a new spoon. Either with the order form that came with your machine, or at [link]

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Re: question about Excel spoon
Posted by swamibop on Sunday, 08-Jul-2007

Thanks, Nate. I'll try that. I'm looking for a Supermatic
but holding out for the new model with the plastic cutter.

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