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Tube Gripper

Tube_Gripper_1.jpgWhile the Tube Release Timing determines when the machine lets go of the tube, it can be overridden by a weak gripper. When the gripper isn't working well you will have filter end voids because the tube can slip off the machine prematurely, i.e. before the release engages.

First check to see that the gripper is free to pivot. The pivot nut should be just loose enough to allow the gripper plate to move freely. Next check to see that the gripper will grip even when the rubber worn. Take the rubber cap off the gripper arm and crank the machine until the tobacco chamber is closed. There's probably a gap between the gripper arm and the tube nozzle. While a very small gap is fine, having no gap is good insurance. The easiest way to tighten the gap is to use pliers to lightly twist the gripper arm (when the tobacco chamber is open) clockwise until it will just touch the nozzle when the tobacco chamber is closed. You don't want to twist it too much or you won't have enough clearance to slide the tube on (open chamber). I'd previously shown how you could file the opening in the machine body, twisting the arm is better. When the gripper is working well check the tube release timing.

The gripper material and spring tension determine how well the machine holds onto the tube. I've used surgical rubber tubing on my gripper arm for years. Its got a bit more 'give' and is much more durable than the stock rubber cap. The drawback is that it requires a bit more spring tension. I've played with various ways to increase spring tension using the stock spring and shorter springs (the shorter Supermatic spring works well on the Supermatic II and TOM). While providing a slightly stronger grip, the effect is minimal and increasing the spring tension, more than a little, noticeably affects the smoothness of the action (when the griper plate and release tab, on the 'H' linkage, rub). My solution was the Adjustable Spring Tension and Roller Release mods.

If increasing the spring tension (after checking/adjusting the release timing) results in an occasional torn tube (an overly delayed release will also tear the tube when the gripper is gripping well), you know everything is setup well and any voids at the filter end are the result of not packing enough tobacco into the left side of the chamber or from using too much and/or overly moist tobacco. Overly dry tobacco falls in the too much tobacco category because its fragile and easy to over pack.
edited Dec '07

Comments [ new ]

Re: TOM tube Gripper adjustment
Posted by box222 on Monday, 12-Jul-2010

Some people have problems with the tuning of the release time on Top-O-Matic (T2) machines. Yes, some machines have not correct release of the different tubes size.
Simplest way to adjust the tube release timing:
1) Take off the rubber cap-gripper from the metal shank.
2) Then, using the sticky bend for electric isolation, wrap the metal shank round (1-2 or more layers, just try).
3) Put the rubber cap back on the shank over the wrapped band.
4) Try your machine. It’s gonna work perfectly.
This method is the very useful when you need to quick readjustment the release time of the gripper on your machine.

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