Machines : Electric : Fresh Choice :

Fresh Choice Archive (Oct '05 - Apr '07)

Fresh ChoiceAn electric cigarette making machine from the Fresh Choice Tobacco Company. The machine was previously called the Revolution. The retail price is $449 but new ones sell for as low as $360 (shipped) on eBay...more

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Re: Fresh Choice (Revolution)
Posted by Audrey Silk on Thursday, 26-Apr-2007

I switched to Roll Your Own when I came across the answer to my prayers. It's not a hand-held little plastic doo-dad roller that's frustrating to use and makes inconsistent cigarettes. It's an electric machine (think coffee maker-like) that does the work for you and they all come out the same!! I'm talking about the Fresh Choice machine.

Let me tell you, as a New Yorker, that while I'm making my cigarettes with this machine a complete feeling of defiant satisfaction comes over me and I find myself thinking, "Take THAT Mayor Bloomberg. Take THAT Gov. Spitzer. See if I'll let you get ME you bastards!" Getting over on two control freaks (that want to use their power to tax to make me "behave") for a change is emotionally priceless.

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Re: Fresh Choice (Revolution)
Posted by Sabrina Witt New York on Thursday, 26-Apr-2007

I have been using the fresh choice cigarette system for months now.
I had no problems with the machine, and it does make perfect cigarettes as it is said to.

I have saved hundreds in expense figuring the cost of around 60 to 70 cents a pack, compared to 7 dollars and up in stores for commercially made cigarettes. Here in NYC, with cigarettes so expensive and so many preservatives and additives in the commercially made brands, I am actually afraid to smoke anything other than my own made with no additive tobacco. I would recommend this machine to anyone who would like to save expense, smoke pure tobacco instead of dangerous additives and preservatives.

I love this machine and I am glad I bought it, I had used hand rolling machines and also the mackroller in the past.

The benefit of this machine is it is computerized and, it measures the exact amount of tobacco needed to load a filter tube.

It is absolutely wonderful for the smoker that wishes to use fresh tobacco and save a lot of money.

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Re: (Revolution vs Quick Roller)
Posted by RichJ on Wednesday, 25-Apr-2007

We MYO's need new Reviews

Can a few 6 month owners\users of
the Revolutions- $375.^
or the Quick Rollers- $140^
please give us some fresh "NOT bias" review's?

??? quality, ease, mess, cleaning, packing, consistency, repairs, tuning, suspected lifespan, sticking, likes and shortcomings, ???

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Re: (Revolution vs Quick Roller)
Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Thursday, 26-Apr-2007

Still running strong, and efficiently! I opened a can of Look Out Milde Shag, and checking the RH found it to be 73%. I was amazed when my Quick Roller made me a perfect smoke with no problems at that high an RH! I still feel the QR is the best electric machine to have; simply because there isn't much to go wrong. I'm not even concerned about the free 2 year warranty. My Topomatic has been put in storage for a while now, and all I use is the QR.Since I have made a cover for the tobacco hopper I can keep it loaded and make smokes when I want one. I couldn't be happier with the machine! A wonderful, reasonably priced machine. Capt'n

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Fresh Choice
Posted by John Pearson on Thursday, 22-Feb-2007

I tried the machine at my local store.


Cheaper to buy it from a local shop, because they support their dealers. This seemed wierd at first, but it is good business.

I have talked with Sally,the owner I believe,several times and liked everything I heard about the company and the machine.

I ordered mine and hopefully it will be in today.

John Pearson

Mine was $350

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Fresh Choice (Revolution)
Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Friday, 29-Dec-2006

After seeing this machine in person, and making a few smokes with Their tobacco; I'n not impressed! If the machine sold for half the asked price, and worked perfectly with all my tobacco blends--I still wouldn't buy it! Why? Because, it is an awful shade of shit brindle brown--to be blunt about it! No, I'll wait and get a green electric machine from Denmark if I want an electric! It would be more pleasing to the eye, and take up less space. Plus, if it breaks I will be able to fix it myself; after the free Two Year Warranty is up! Mike

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Fresh Choice (Revolution)
Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Wednesday, 13-Dec-2006

It seems my local Cheap Tobacco outlet has been allowed to keep their machine. I was told that they are going to order some, so the machine could stat as a demo. I made a couple smokes with it while I was there, but the counter girl put in the tobacco. I looked at the serial number of this machine; it is:60005XX. I'd venture to say the 6000 part of the serial # is some sort of reference number, and the 5XX is the actual production number. They offered to sell me the demo for $400$. Mike

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Fresh Choice (Revolution)
Posted by Ralph on Saturday, 11-Nov-2006

People need to stuff their opinions. Can the machine produce? Can it do it for 20 cartons, 50 cartons, 100 cartons? These are the questions that need answered. I'm cranking but I won't be able to in my old age. It's taking a wear and tear on my wrists, arms and fingers. People need to shut their traps unless they actually use the machine. Older people need to know the real scoop and not opinions from people who never used the machine.

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Fresh Choice (Revolution)-the other side
Posted by mike 1 seconded on Thursday, 09-Nov-2006

Good evening fellow enthusiasts,,,,
I just saw a post about the fresh choice machine from Barbara and then Mike and when I came back, the posts had disappeared from the "what's new" section...hum??
anyway I believe Mike saw this thing recently and had some reluctance. I am certainly not trying to take any happiness away from sir....however I must tell that I found a thread today at the smokers lobby with others that have bought it and it definately isn't all roses. First of all, people are getting it from shops at $375.00, so keep this in mind. I also wish to add that if finances are not a problem, shoot I wouldn't mind one as a conversation piece.
Now the negatives,,,it is sensitive to tobacco...apparently VERY sensitive to tobacco. It only holds enough tobacco at one time for one pack. One of the users commented that the up side is that while you are getting another tube out, the machine is readying itself to make another. Apparently just saves a couple seconds compared to the crankers most here are using. If anyone wants to look at the thread, here it was interesting as a representative of the company was popping up and making comments,,,,
It sounds to me like people would mostly be best to stick to their crankers and just buy the custom tray that the listowner Dave makes, etc. *another mike*

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Re: Fresh Choice (Revolution)-the other side
Posted by Kerry on Thursday, 09-Nov-2006

Many of the posts at smokinglobby read like an info-mercial.

I don't recognize any of the people posting positively about the machine and there is a strange familiarity in some of the anonymous aliases between here and there. Dave Lers knows who I am although I don't post my email or full name. I have made a few posts I was not proud of and have also been at the "newbie" end of posting messages here. However, I have learned a lot from Dave and others and have also found out a lot of good techniques and methods on my own. It is called experience.

In any case, the link I posted in an earlier message still seems to be very valid, especially given the way this machine has been marketed and the outrageously high price.

If Mike was correct (he may have been being sarcastic, dont know) then on top of the initial price there is an "additional" $100 for a one year warranty? If this is true, then the Fresh Choice machine borders on the ridiculous.

In any case, the machine has NEVER been made available to ANYONE trusted by this site (TMK) for a full examination and review. Without an unbiased review from a known, trusted and experienced SYO enthusiast with absolutely no ties to the product or any compensation over or under the table being offered for a favorable review, I will continue to keep from $375-$449 (+$100 warranty?) for better and more useful things.

I have no connections to ANY tobacco company or manufacturers of stuffing machines or third party products for said machines or tobacco companies.

That said, either buy an inexpensive handheld machine (good for the learning curve) or a Supermatic, and learn how to use it. Even if you break the first Supermatic, the parts are cheap and available to fix it and at worst you can buy another one after the "learning curve" and still only be out less than $100. Much cheaper than paying for your learning curve on a machine that still hasn't been proven and costs so much more. Not to mention the Fresh Choice (Revolution) has at least the same probems, if not worse, with over-humid tobacco and it would seem it has a problem with most of the cuts of tobacco other than the Fresh Choice brand based on the smokinglobby posts.

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Re: Fresh Choice (Revolution)-the other side
Posted by Kerry on Friday, 10-Nov-2006

My apologies Mike (Captain U-96 aka Mike). Although I think you actually were being sarcastic, I finally went to the site and read that they do offer an "extended warranty" for $100.

"Note: We are now offering an
extended 12 month warranty for $100
more. It can be purchased anytime
during the first year."

After paying $375-449 for the machine I would expect more than one year of warranty without paying another $100 for only one more year and it MUST make the sticks without the same problems associated with the much less expensive and proven machines we already have. For that matter, for $449 it out to have a cat waxer built in! (sarcasm) LOL!

Once again, my apologies to Mike if he took any offense at my earlier post. No offense was intended, but after I reread my post I thought it could have been taken that way.


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Re: Fresh Choice (Revolution)-the other side
Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Saturday, 11-Nov-2006

Hey Kerry no problem. I knew they offered a $100 warranty, but was wondering if any of these new Electro--Connoisseurs would care to admit they bought it; since after spending $449--$100 is just a drop in the bucket to "protect their investment"! And, I meant it when I asked them to keep us posted on how their machines are holding up. O.K., I'll admit to feeling a bit facetious, because I get the feeling that those that have bought the electro have a different view of $449$ than I do! And, I believe everyone here knows "the real deal"; as it's already been touched on further down.
   I also can't figure out why the owners of the Fresh Choice Co. won't offer Dave Lers a machine to evaluate--one machine? But I understand! Mike

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Fresh Choice (Revolution) SATISFIED
Posted by Barbara on Thursday, 09-Nov-2006

I have several comments about the Fresh Choice Machine that I feel not only justifies the price but also some thoughts that some of you are not considering. We have rolled our own cigarettes for the better part of a decade and used the two major brands of crank rollers for that period of time. Cartons of cigarettes in Alaska are $65.00 plus depending where you buy them, the crank machine although worked although not with any consistency did save us money on cigarettes but cost on replacing the amount of cloths burnt by the non consistency of compaction, which is something we do not have with the Fresh Choice Machine. Time alone pays for the machine when you can roll a pack in 2 minutes, (What is your time worth? I know mine is valuable!) As for the service from Fresh Choice wonderful, if you experience any problem they are there to help above and beyond. The Fresh Choice tobacco speaks for itself my husband and I have smoked over 30 years and tried every brand in the past 10 years of rolling our own we have bought about every bulk tobacco we could find and after smoking Fresh Choice Gold Label, you would be hard pressed to find a smoother milder smoke. I am just a happy customer that gives credit where credit is deserved.

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Re: Fresh Choice (Revolution) SATISFIED
Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Thursday, 09-Nov-2006

Barbara: I'm truly glad you are happy with your new Fresh Choice Revolution. I'm curious though, do you tamp your smokes after injecting them on your hand cranker? it sounds to me that either your tobacco is dried out, and/or you aren't giving your smokes a tamp or two. I've been rolling my own and using a Top-O-Matic here of late for the last 15 years or so solid and have never had the problem you describe. Just once; when I was in my teens I used a funnel type thing that I wrapped a cigarette paper around to form the tube--then filled it with the funnel using Bull Durham. I ended up with tobacco in my mouth, and hot ashes in my lap! I've wondered what they charge for pre made in Alaska after hearing it costs five bucks for a loaf of bread!
Please do keep us here up to date with your experiences; since you actually have the machine. Did you get the extended warranty for a year? It only costs $100, and you can get it any time within the first year of ownership! We appreciate people sharing their experience with us. Good Luck! Mike

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Re: Fresh Choice (Revolution) SATISFIED
Posted by platoslostdialogue on Friday, 10-Nov-2006

A decade of using the supermatic/excel and you couldn't make a consistent smoke? It's not that freakin' hard, and is an extra three minutes a day worth an extra four-hundred clams? You fresh choice guys are gonna have to try harder than that to get us onboard with your scam. This is ludicrous, stop posting on our forum, we all know what you're doing.

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Re: Fresh Choice (Revolution) SATISFIED
Posted by mike c on Friday, 10-Nov-2006

"This is ludicrous, stop posting on our forum, we all know what you're doing."

And how the hell do you get "hard spots" in your cigarette?
and packing so tight you can't even get a draw? I haven't heard any complaints like that from what's tried and true...
I noticed the company is based in Benicia, Ca., the old home base of Cigarettes Cheaper, and I recall they once did a contest in their own newsletter for inventors to invent a better cig machine.....can't help but wonder if this is a result and it is a type of "comeback"...they're pushing their own tobacco again if so...

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Re: Fresh Choice (Revolution) SATISFIED
Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Saturday, 11-Nov-2006

Barbara, don't get me wrong, but the fact that my Top-O-Matic makes near perfect smokes, regular, Kings, and 100's justifies the $29.99 I paid for it! It isn't quite idiot proof since you have to fill the ends then the middle of the chamber, but I can live with that! Please let us know if you are still happy after 12 months or so, after the gee whiz and looki see's wear off. Mike

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Posted by Sabrina on Sunday, 05-Nov-2006

It upsets me to see all these home rollers downing the fresh choice machine.
Maybe they are not willing to spend the 449 it costs or cannot afford it?, maybe this is the reason? It is high priced, I will admit that.
I recently purchased a machine, and had did a lot of investigating and asking questions via phone to Sally Baldwin of fresh choice company. I originally did not want to purchase the machine as I use 100 mm filter tips and this machine will only make kingsize filtered cigs.

Anyway, after a week of questioning as the machine is expensive, i think maybe the most expensive home automatic machine i have seen.
I purchased it. I did run into a little problem as you do have to know how to load the tobacco in the machine. After very carefully reading the full directions and restarting the machine which has a start button and is programed to make 20 perfect cigs per cycle, it ran beautifully.

What baffles me is, how can people make a negative comment on a machine when they dont even own one. the person that made the comment of the cigarette tip being ripped? evidently they did not insert it right into the machine and maybe pulled it off the machine without pressing the release.

The machine injects the cigarette then, you will hear it compacting for a few seconds all according to how you set the compaction dial. it has ten settings.

I have tried the rolling boxes, superautomatica, mack roller. I wanted an electric machine because pulling handles and pushing rolling boxes can take its toll on your fingers and hands. This fresh choice machine is my baby.

When i get visitors now, they say, oh whats that an air purifier? i say no, its my cigarette machine, i will not pay 75 dollars anymore for a carton. I now make them myself for 60 cents a pack and there fresher and no additives or preservatives.

There was someone that was upset because they felt it can only use fresh choice tobacco, thats another myth. if you use a stringy tobacco, the machine will take it, however I found that you have to dry it more and break it apart before loading it into the hopper. I have owned numerous machines from manual to the mack roller, the manual machines are hard on the fingers, the mack roller broke down and was not repairable in a year.

My advice, buy it! I hope that in the future they make one that will do 100mm tubes and will auto load and release the tubes to, then that would be a miracle machine!

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Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Sunday, 05-Nov-2006

Thanks for the lengthy and informative post. I still can't say that'd I need to shell out that kind of geedus for the machine, but I've often thought I might change my mind were the price to drop by about 50% or so. Two minutes is some nice production time, which certainly cannot be beat by any other machines I've ever used, but I don't smoke enough to worry about spending 6 or 7 minutes to crank out a pack.

If I were ever to get one, it would be because of the potential for a more uniformly packed smoke without the need for tamping the sticks--and to put out of my mind forever the various vagaries of crank type machines. Which leads to a couple of questions...what's the deal with cleaning this machine? Does it require periodic maintenance of any type, and do any parts appear to be potential common replacement items? Cheers....

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Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Monday, 06-Nov-2006

I think you may not appreciate what this site is all about; which is rolling, tubing, blending, and enjoying tobacco as we see fit! It's not fair of you to imply that we are not willing to shell out $449, or can't afford to as the only reasons we haven't all bought one yet! I'd venture to say that none of us regulars on this site have been concerned about the cost of a carton of cigarettes for years.
This Fresh Choice machine hasn't even been seen by many of us; let alone proved in the world yet. It isn't too many months back that they were taking $10.00 non--refundable deposits on the machine for when it went into production. I actually never expected to see one, and the fact that I haven't heard of any of the tobacco shops stocking them is also strange for a machine that's suppose to be so great!

I enjoy making my smokes one at a time; unless I'm going out someplace. I enjoy being able to smoke what ever kind of tobacco I want at any given moment; and taking five minutes to inject a pack doesn't put me out one way or another; nor does operating a cranker! So until this machine is proven, and we know there is a decent support structure; backed up by a meaningful Warrentee and so on I at least will invest in good, quality tobacco, and not in brand new unproven machines! Mike

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Posted by Warren on Monday, 06-Nov-2006

Can this machne make non-filtered cigarettes? If you don't have non-filtered tubes, try one or two of your filtered tubes with filter snipped off.

Considering that a nicely working hand-loading/cranking machines are around $30, I think electric ones ought not to be more than $99, if they are meant to capture any market beyond a handful of curious and rich SYO smokers.

By the way, can you check on your unit or the box, where is this machine manufactured?

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Posted by chaotic michael on Monday, 06-Nov-2006

dear $400.oo+ machine owner, while commending you on bringing knowledge here from a 1st hand view, which is EXCELLENT, once again I have learned something from the answers you received. I didn't know that cranked smokes still require tamping, and for me this would bo o-so-important in an expensive machine such as the one you are blessed? by!! I wish to point out that when you refer to the person who drew our attention to it in his local shop as a display model, he noticed a definate strained, plastic parts noise,,,this is frightening as it could indicate future machine melt-down. Further, he only pointed out that the semi-knowldegeable employee only used a tube that came with it (or something similar) when the tube ripped and he clearly told us that she may have not hit the release button correctly due to lack of training AS WEL AS, telling us he grabbed a tube from the sample table (I believe an El Ray) and it produced one fine. I think most people here are custom makers and one argument I have is that I like to make smokes sraight-out-of can or bag as these provide the ultimate delicious taste that seems to disapper very quickly (I'll be posting those much more knowlegable about this than myself in near future.) Anything that makes a tired, straining sound is frightening looking to the future . That said, COOL that you brought this here, keep us informed, and just remember to many it is a hobby and an artform regardless if sticks even have to be made one-by-one

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Posted by Kerry on Monday, 06-Nov-2006

Here's a link that I think applies here:


It may apply to at least one other message recently posted on this site, but who am I to say one way or another.

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Posted by platoslostdialogue on Monday, 06-Nov-2006

My thoughts exactly. I'm surprised noone has mentioned that yet.

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Posted by Kerry on Monday, 06-Nov-2006

But do you know which "other" mesasge I was referring to? (grin)

I just calls 'em as I sees 'em.

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Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Tuesday, 07-Nov-2006

Yes, I believe you are correct; especially in light of that other post?

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Posted by Dave Grant on Wednesday, 08-Nov-2006

The same thought had occurred to me after reading the post extolling the virtues of the machine. I think at that price, I'll stick with my Supermatic.....

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Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Wednesday, 08-Nov-2006

Good question. :-)

I just discovered that they're showing off this contraption here in Fl near where I live; I'm interested to see if they'll allow any actual hands-on testing and pictures for a thorough review....

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Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Wednesday, 08-Nov-2006

Please do see if they are willing to let you check it out! I'm wishing I had pressed it when I had the chance; but 20/20 is always hindsight. Mike

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Fresh Choice (Revolution)
Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Thursday, 02-Nov-2006

I finally got to see this machine in action. The machine is on loan to Cheap Tobacco on Oberlin Ave. in Lorain, Ohio. The sales pitch went like this: Do you make your own cigarettes? We have something to show you! And, up next to the cash register sat the Fresh Choice Revolution. A sales girl who worked for Cheap tobacco was operating the machine, and made me a cigarette with their branded tobacco and 22mm filter tube. I was handed a stick with about 1/4 inch ripped off the end by the machine to inspect and try. I was told if I wanted one I only had to pay them $449$, and they'd have one delivered to me in two to three days. Actually for that kind of money I'd expect to see some metal used in the high wear area such as the gear driven spoon; instead of all plastic. Listening to the machine working doesn't give me the impression of quality, and I can easily imagine hearing the sound of skipping plastic gears etc.
   In all honesty I enjoy making my own smokes with my Top-O-Matic, and believe I can make better smokes with it! Not to mention that I could buy a lifetime supply of Top-O-Matics for a lot less than their asking price, and service my own machine as well.

The machine will be there for another 4 days for anyone in the area that would like to have a look--see. BTW, Cheap Tobacco has had a supply of Fresh Choice Cigarette Tins in stock. They are silver, and look like the old Band-Aid box.

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Re: Fresh Choice (Revolution)
Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Thursday, 02-Nov-2006

Since I'm pretty far away from Ohio, I gotta ask a witness like yourself these things...Did you watch this contraption in operation? How and why did it rip such a large piece off the tube? Was the stick firmly packed at all, or was it kinda loose? Any sort of adjustments for tube lengths/filter lengths? Just curious as to what they are really offering for that kinda cash....

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Re: Fresh Choice (Revolution)
Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Thursday, 02-Nov-2006

Yes I watched it work, and rip the end off the Cheap Tobacco Tube. The CT tube has a 22mm filter, and I believe the spoon, or tobacco caused the damage to the finished smoke I mentioned. There's an outside chance the girl didn't push the release button to release the tube after injection, but I believe she did; as the stick was laying crookidly in the plastic tube that protects the injecter. I gave the girl supervising the machine an El Ray tube off the sample table and it made a nicely packed stick. There is an adjustment for firmness of the cigarette, and that's the only adjustment I could see. There's an add tobacco light, and a clean the machine light and button under the button you have to push to cycle the machine. But since it appeared they weren't going to allow anyone to experiment with the machine--I can't comment on how well it works. The tobacco seemed to be against the filter, and was firmly packed. But as I mentioned; this machine sounds cheap! It sounds like it's "plastic". Having seen it and touched it I wouldn't pay $449$ for it if I hit the lottery! For me that's saying a lot since I like "gizmos" and other one of a kind stuff! Even if I could say I had the use of the machine, and it made perfect smokes 100% of the time--it still IMHO isn't worth $449$! Mike

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Re: Fresh Choice (Revolution)
Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Thursday, 02-Nov-2006

Thanks for the info. No way would I likely pay that much for such a machine, either...plastic parts or no. Maybe if they drop the price down to a c-note, perhaps. :-)

I wonder how many (if any) they've actually sold....

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Re: Fresh Choice (Revolution)
Posted by sabrina on Sunday, 05-Nov-2006

I own a fresh choice machine, it does not rip off the ends unless you do not know how to properly operate it. if you follow the directions of the machine, it makes a perfect cigarette all the time, and yes, it will do a pack in about two minutes, believe me

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Re: Revolution - electric injector
Posted by Randall on Sunday, 18-Dec-2005

Electronics appeal to me, but, you can buy a toaster for less than $10.00, you can buy a VCR/DVDfor less than $100.00, You can buy a 27" TV for less than $200.00. Why $300.00 for an appliance which hasn't proven the reliability of the aformententioned devices? Show me an industrial strength machine that lives up to it's hype. Then I'll buy.

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Re: Revolution - electric injector
Posted by Dan the littledog on Sunday, 18-Dec-2005

It is a matter of mass production as well as competition and the availability of highly skilled workers. The web site they have points out the lack of skilled Chinese workers [*]. This is not as true as they make it sound. They do exist in China but they are still not cheap. There is a surplus of such workers in the US which is why they want to make it here. As a former tool maker this is how I see it. If they sold 10,000 of them surely competitors would start up factories in China to make them and drive the price way down. And the US and state governments would then dry up the supply of MYO tobacco and/or tax it to make it unfeasible to buy the machine anyway.

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Re: Revolution - electric injector
Posted by Lise Vernasco on Monday, 02-Jan-2006

I represent Fresh Choice Tobacco. First, let me assure you that you can use any brand of tobacco in The Revolution. As a matter of fact, we can't even sell tobacco in some states. Also, it has taken us 7 years and beaucoup bucks to develop this machine. Your 27" TV was a heck of alot more than $200 fifty years ago. I think you will be very surprised by the quality and reliability of The Revolution. In fact, I think you'll find it difficult to justify all the time you spend rolling now. It's called The Revolution because we believe it is going to change the way cigarettes are made and sold. You guys are a tougher sell because you understand how much sense it makes to roll your own, but you have to know that come next January when cartons in California cost $ 57.00, things are going to change.

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Re: Revolution - electric injector
Posted by MyFaceFrozeThatWay on Monday, 02-Jan-2006

Thanks for the post. I've been looking at your website and pondering your machine. A couple of quick this a king-size only injector, or will mulitple size tubes be accomodated? How tightly packed is the tobacco in the tubes (i.e. could I finally be rid of the peculiar ritual of tapping my smokes after injection to get the tobacco down to the filter? If so, that would be worth it to me alone. ;-)

Also, What about the newer tubes with the longer (20mm) filter elements? Will this pose any problems or are there any user adjustments to tweak around these things?

Good luck, and who may have a few more customers than you might think from this tough crowd.

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Re: Revolution - electric injector
Posted by Lise Vernasco on Tuesday, 03-Jan-2006

The Revolution is designed to do king-size tubes. I don't know what 20mm filter elements are. If you give me more info. I can check them out.

You control how tightly the tobacco is packed with the compaction setting. The tubes can be filled down to the filter without that gap. I demonstrate this machine all day long, it's fantastic. Anyone in Northern California or the Morro Bay area interested in a demonstration should let me know.

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Re: Revolution - electric injector
Posted by Gerry on Friday, 17-Mar-2006


In response to your comments on the new Revolution, I am near Morro Bay (Lompoc) and I would be interested in a demonstration of the machine. There definitely seems to be some controversy over the price of the unit in its unproven state. Perhaps I could go 'hand on' with you during a demonstration and provide the group with some feedback.
I am an ex-machinist. I can sure spot quality manufacturing, precision and reliability!


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Re: Revolution - electric injector
Posted by Gerry on Wednesday, 22-Mar-2006

Well Lise didn't seem to jump all over my response ... not a problem.
I visited my local discount tobacco retailer today to pick up some tobacco and tubes, when my friend the owner, excitedly said "Hey! You gotta check this out. You need one of these". Low and behold on a table in the center of the store was the Revolution. I had the opportunity to set down with my favorite tobacco (Fresh Choice Light) and a box of Zen Light tubes and play. The store owner explained to me that it was reported to him that there were only 15 of these things in existence. This particular machine was on loan from the manufacturer to the chain, and it was making the rounds of the individual stores. They were going to have to give it back in a couple of days. Ok I thought ... let's put this thing to the test.
Well my initial impression of the machine was "not with my $399.00 you don't".
I looked the unit over really good and inspected the parts as it was operating. I was less than totally impressed. The 'carriage' for lack of a better term, which performs the injection (I could only see it as it was extended briefly during the load), appeared to be made of plastic. Not what I would call quality on an obviously high wear part. The loading of the tube is a rather laborious operation. You have to push down on a sliding lever/knob located on the front of the machine, and while holding that down with you right hand, you have to finesse the tube on the the nipple with your left hand, then release the spring loaded lever to capture the tube. I had some trouble slipping the tube onto the nipple. It seemed to catch on something, and in several cases, required a retry to get the tube slid all the way into the nipple. When you push the 'start' button, the mechanism slides out toward you and performs the injection. Then the machine goes through several gyrations where you hear a whirring noise for about 3-4 seconds, and you see the tobacco in the hopper's clear front window sort of moving around. I assume that it is performing the compaction for the next shot. Then you hit the lever again and hold that down to pull the tube off of the nipple. Hmmmm ... I rather liked the way that my Premiere machines pop the loaded tube off the nipple for you.
I inspected the finished product to find that the cigarette was quite a bit looser than my normal loads with the Premiere, and the tobacco was recessed just slightly in the end of the tube. When I checked the compaction near the filter, I saw that the tobacco was really loose in that area. Another annoyance. I loaded cigarette after cigarette (about 15 total), playing with the compaction setting knob located on the front of the machine, expecting some sort of change in the density of the load. There didn't appear to be a big difference, whether the knob was set from one extreme of its travel to the other.
The best I could get the load was sort of firm, with some loose tobacco near the filter, and tobacco slightly recessed at the end. So after tamping for a bit, I was able to get it sort of uniform and firm, but the tobacco at the end of the cigarette was recessed maybe 1/4" or so.
Was this due to the fact that this was a demo loaner with high mileage on it, perhaps not properly adjusted or calibrated? Who knows. But the machine in home will certainly be subject to the same wear and tear as this unit, and that was worrisome.
But the machine does not have that solid industrial feel to it which was rather disappointing. It feels a little 'fragile'.
I think I will withold my funds for this unit until it's been out there a while and proven itself to be sturdy, and a good value. It just didn't reach out and grab me, and say 'you gotta have this thing!!!'.

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Re: Revolution - electric injector
Posted by slap maxwell on Thursday, 23-Mar-2006

Thanks for the review. I had hoped that this might be a chance to get away from the highly annoying and time consuming practice of having to tamp an injected cig a few times (which adds up quickly and unnecessarily increases the length of time spent producing), but I suppose I'll have to keep waiting.... As Fleetwood Mac once sang, "Oh, well...."

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Re: Revolution - electric injector
Posted by Shirly Ujest on Monday, 27-Mar-2006

Are you the type that puts something in the microwave for ten seconds and yells at the microwave to hurry up, I don't have all day.

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Re: Revolution - electric injector
Posted by Jeff March on Tuesday, 11-Apr-2006

I just started stuffing tubes as of March, and considering I've finally got a decent combo going as far as tube/tobacco and the supermatic, I sure dont mind a little labor of love, and time to go from $50 to $15 bucks a carton here in the Chicago area. BTW, stuffing king tubes on the 100 setting has been working well for me! Later all, Jeff

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Re: Revolution - electric injector
Posted by Kerry on Tuesday, 03-Jan-2006

"We" are a tougher sell because your machine costs the equivalent of essentially a lifetime's supply of Supermatics or Top-O-Matics without any discernable proof, other than the advertising and your word, that it will be any better, last any longer or actually cost less in the long run than what is readily available and proven already.

$400 is quite a large amount to spend without such proof and even with proof, this is still too large a price when a lifetime supply of the presently available machines can be obtained with that much $$$ and have a proven track record. Not only that, at least in the Supermatic's case, there is a tried and tested proven system in place for obtaining replacement parts at a reasonable price.

No matter how you claim to guarantee your product and no matter how much you scream that it is the best thing since sliced bread, experienced SYO folks will most likely hold their $$$ until you have proven your product and support structure.

To that end, I suggest you supply at least a few of the folks here with complimentary machines to try out and critique. Dave Lers would probably be one good one for this. I wouldn't mind doing that type of research myself.

In other words, until "we" get word from people "we" trust that your product is better than sliced bread, you won't sell many to experienced SYO folks.

On the other hand, if you decide not to allow unbiased reviews of your product, then I would say you may be dead in the water. If not soon, then evevitably.

Good luck! The choice is yours.



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Re: Revolution - electric injector
Posted by Matt on Tuesday, 03-Jan-2006

I 2nd that! Before I finished the 3rd paragraph you wrote, I was thinking 'ol Dave Lers should get one of these (complimentary, of course) to try out so he could tell the rest of us his take on the Revolution. (C'mon Dave, we know you can work it out.)
This is an arena w/some razor sharp opinions, so if the product is worthwhile, this is the best forum for evaluation...Can't say any of us would be turned on to it at that price, but if California prices escalate to the $ amount you mentioned, who's to say you won't break even?

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Re: Revolution - electric injector
Posted by Butters on Thursday, 05-Jan-2006

Also, it has taken us 7 years and beaucoup bucks to develop this machine

Your 27" TV was a heck of alot more than $200 fifty years ago.

but you have to know that come next January when cartons in California cost $ 57.00, things are going to change.

I think you'll find it difficult to justify all the time you spend rolling now.

I don't know about the rest of you people but,I could care less how long it took or how much this item cost to develop.I would not be buying a 27" tv and it is certainly not 50 years ago.

I could also care less how much premade smokes cost,as I will be making my own for the rest of my days.

I cannot see this being any faster than a hand crank unit as you still have to manually load the tubes and tobacco.

If these reasons are supposed to justify the outrageous price of this machine ,they certainly are not good ones.
What it looks like your doing is overcharging people for the equipment because premade smokes are so expensive.
Good luck with that buisness model.
Until they drop below $100.00(likely never)I wouldn't even look at this machine.

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Re: Revolution - electric injector
Posted by MyFaceFrozeThatWay on Thursday, 05-Jan-2006

Undoubtedly, if these things sell well enough to increase production, prices will drop. I remember my parents buying a brand new VCR back in 1971 for the outrageously low price (for then) of $800. As demand and production increased, you could get one after a couple years for less than $300 on sale--and we all know they almost give the things away these days. It's the nature of the game.

Sure, I can crank out a pack of smokes in 3 to 4 minutes with my Premier Supermatic...but I also spend about the same amount of time tamping the things down so that the tubes are properly filled against the filter. IF I didn't have to do so with one of these gizmos (a big if, since I haven't seen one in operation and probably won't any time soon, not being in California), my production time would decrease almost by half.

For me, at least, it would be worth the initial price (regardless of the fact that they'll certainly come down eventually) just to recoup that amount of time--if it did so. Pretty much comes down to what your time is worth and what you can afford.

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Re: Revolution - electric injector
Posted by Kerry on Thursday, 05-Jan-2006

I would like to be as optomistic about this device, but the fact that there is absolutely no unbiased review on the thing, gives me serious doubts. Seems to me if the machine was "all that" and more, they would be quick on the draw to provide at least a few machines (even if only temporarily for testing/review purposes) to some people in order to verify their claims. I mean, heck, if they have spent all that money on designing and perfecting it, seems to me that they would be eager for it to be tested by at least a few unbiased experienced SYO folks. The costs would be extremely cheap compared to what they claim to have spent in development even if the machines were given away!

I can make a pack of quality smokes in about 5 minutes, including the two or three taps to pack each one. Probably faster if I only cared about quantity with quality taking a back seat. In any case, this is a VERY expensive machine which hasn't been proven or even reviewed or critiqued by ANY unbiased experienced SYO person. To boot, you still can't buy one. You can only pay to get on a "waiting list". Hmmm...

The fact that they only have a waiting list, not an actual outlet to buy them and the fact that they haven't provided machines for review to unbiased experienced SYO people says enough for me to say no way no how for $400.


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Re: Revolution - electric injector
Posted by Kerry on Thursday, 05-Jan-2006


Not to mention that my original post seems to have been ignored completely, although she did respond to other posts after mine. Hmmm...?

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Re: Revolution - electric injector
Posted by Lise Vernasco on Friday, 06-Jan-2006

I don't attend every fight I'm invited to. If you'll check the website, beginning Monday I'll be posting the addresses of the stores I'll be visiting to demonstrate. If you're in the area, come by. Sit a bit, smoke a while, talk to me.   I'm glad some of you are non believers. I'd hate to think we all just believed whatever we heard or were told. I think if I was you, I might feel the same way. Time will tell my friend, time will tell...

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Re: Revolution - electric injector
Posted by Kerry on Saturday, 07-Jan-2006

That's all fine and dandy, but you still haven't addressed getting a small number of machines into the hands of unbiased experienced SYO people for the purpose of impartial testing and review.

I've been to sales presentations and anyone who has been to them knows that it is not a good way to judge an unproven product.

Once again, put a few of them into the hands of people we trust so they can test and review them. If your machine stands up to their scrutiny it can only help your sales. Someone with so much confidence in their product should be eager for this chance to prove it.

Of course, I am not crossing my fingers or holding my breath. I'll leave that to you! LOL!

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Re: Revolution - electric injector & Fresh Choice Tobacco
Posted by Dano on Tuesday, 28-Mar-2006

I'm totally confused here. I went to the website you mention to see where you are holding demonstrations. I notice that all your demonstrations are with *fill in the blank Five Friends*, I also notice that one of the demonstration locations, "Carolyn & Diana's Five Friends" web site, if you do a google is "" which if clicked on mysteriously brings you back to your Electrict Cig website.

After looking over your site I was interested in some of your flavored blends but there's absolutely no information about any of your tobacco's nor is there anyway to actually purchase any of them. Under the tab 'BUY' it says click here and we will put you on a Priority List. What the heck is that??? We have to be on a Priority List to buy tubes & tobacco???

I also notice that 99% of your listed stores are in California and a curious amount are named " ---And Friends", what is that about? Are you a chain? A Cult? A Co-Op? Hooked up with Scientology?

For someone trying to sell something, ya'll sure don't make it easy. Looks more like you're trying to collect names and addresses than actually sell tobacco.

I would also like to know, since your websuite says your electric machine, "Will Save You $1,000 A Year" how it is that you came to the conclusion.

This isn't a fight, these are valid Consumer Questions which you need to address.

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Re: Revolution - electric injector
Posted by Denny on Thursday, 05-Jan-2006

First I wish you well with the Revolution. I know first hand that research and development is not cheap, and needs to be passed along to the buying public (if there willing to buy).
The Stuff Your Own people, or at least the people who support this form are a whole new breed of smokers.
A lot of us are here initially for the economics of stuffing our own, but when we tasted what we used to smoke, a new reinforcing reason exists, and that is the quality of the smoke.
Keep in mind that Roll Your Own / Stuff Your Own people have been around for quite some time. The reason why the SYO/RYO market is growing is basically economics. As this market grows, so does the visibility of the market. When the government wakes up and notices (which they are doing) the dream will soon turn into a nightmare.
I think that $400.00 is a nice sum of money to lay out for people who are just trying to live from week to week, especially when your product has not proven it's self either in reliability or longevity.
You are competing against some older crank machine designs which have been around for decades, and are a small fraction of the price that you are asking for yours.
I can not speak for anybody except for myself, but I can say that I look forward to sitting down and spending about an hour every day stuffing my own. I make the time, and I use this as my down time to reflect and enjoy the simpler things in life.
If your machine survives and I hope it does, and I am still smoking, I would consider buying your product. Until then I'll just have to put up with my tennis elbow, and my hand crank Top O Matic.
Good Luck and Good Fortune to you and your company!
P.S. It might work to your favor and to your advantage to supply these machines to some of the more influential SYO people who many of us readers look up to.
Thanks Denny

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Re: Revolution - electric injector
Posted by Dano on Monday, 06-Feb-2006

Although I think for this community a electric machine is the holy grail I haven't seen any of the few available that would excite me enough to open my wallet.

Until there's an electric machine where you can load both the tubes & tobacco, push a button and POOF your done, ie: no tamping down, no removing the filled tube from the machine, then it just seems to me to be an expensive silly little gimmick thing.

I initially got into SYO because of the price of tailor mades, now i'm in it for the superior tobacco AND the low price. Until you have a machine that does what I outlined above i'll stick with my little $5 Premier hand injector. (which I like better than my Supermatic II)

PS: A carton of cigs in New York City is about $65

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Re: Revolution - electric injector
Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Wednesday, 23-Aug-2006

I believe Californians have access to Top-O-Matic, and the Supermatics which are good machines for a fraction of the cost of The Revolution. I can't understand what difference there is to justify the $449.00 you are asking on your website? By the way, I enjoyed the German WW2 music on the video. As for the rest of the country; it's the same deal--everyone can get their hands on one of the above mentioned machines! I guess what I'm getting at is why should I go with the Revolution rather than spend my money on great tobacco? Even with the (Gee Whiz factor), I'm hard put to justify the $419.00 difference in cost to my Top-O-Matic? Don't get me wrong, I wish you and your company the best of luck, but I figure many folks will opt to pull the crank handle, and tap their stick two or three times--especially with the cost of gas etc.   

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Too greasy; Revolution - electric injector
Posted by Art on Saturday, 07-Jan-2006

This is way too greasy for me. Waiting lists, product demonstrations, smoke and curtains. And Valesco's promises of wait and see. I'll wait a couple of years until this is a common household item. I don't have to get the latest color in cel phones, the latest rage in electronics or the SUV to beat my neighbors'. I did not take part in the mini-van revolution. So We'll see as Valesco writes and that's the truth. We'll see. Let those with the money burning in their pocket fall for this marketing promotion and those with patience, well, we'll just have to wait to see. For now, I'll just have to flip coins over my decision for a back-up machine between a premier or top-o-matic. If this really is a revolution, others would be involved or will be involved. Especially if money in to be made and when that happens? Wait until big tobacco really get's involved in the Make Your Own scene.

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Re: Too greasy; Revolution - electric injector
Posted by Kev on Saturday, 07-Jan-2006

You make a good point. I don't have anything against the company/product but will let others be the guinea pigs.

When someone truly makes an easy/fast machine that doesn't require manual intervention for every tube, the SYO market will be in trouble. Granted, some business will make a fortune. But when SYO becomes non-labor intensive, the pre-made crowd will join us, the states/government/big tobacco will take notice for different reasons and your bulk tobacco will be taxed at the same rate as carton cigs.

I began SYO due to cost but have stayed due to quality. I'm not looking forward to the day a 14oz bag costs $60+ due to SYO grabbing too much market share.

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Re: Too greasy; Revolution - electric injector
Posted by Mustafa Jones on Saturday, 07-Jan-2006

Greasy? It's obvious you've never bought an expensive limited-production car, or indeed anything limited production where up-front fees are common.

Keep on crankin'!

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Re: Too greasy; Revolution - electric injector
Posted by Kerry on Saturday, 07-Jan-2006

That analogy simply doesn't have wings. That is, it doesn't fly.

Nobody said anything about "limited" production of this machine. I am sure they want to sell as many as possible, but many of "us" think that they are going about it the wrong way by not allowing unbiased testing and review. Their loss.

Limited production cars (usually from a well known maker) are a far cry from what we are talking about here. In that case, upfront fees might be justified. This is a totally unknown maker with a totally untested product and no background of previous products to give us a history or record of past performance.

I would compare it more to one of those sales promotions for an "amazing" knife or juicer. It may do the job, but the price is WAY out of whack.

I really hope that it IS the best thing since sliced bread and more, but as I believe most here will agree, I will keep my $400 until it has proven itself and come WAY down in price. I've been on the "bleeding" edge of "technology" in the past and learned a valuable lesson - patience.

If this machine is all that and more, it is a shame that the promotors have chosen the sleasy and slow (SAS) route to market it.

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Re: Too greasy; Revolution - electric injector
Posted by Mustafa Jones on Saturday, 07-Jan-2006

I don't know that they're not allowing unbiased reviews of this product. In fact, I understand one is being tested for review now by you-know-who over at MYOMag.

And true, cars don't have wings. My bad.

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Re: Too greasy; Revolution - electric injector
Posted by Mustafa Jones on Saturday, 07-Jan-2006

Make that MYOMag. It has no wings either. ;-)

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Electric Cigarette Machine
Posted by Pocky Way on Monday, 12-Dec-2005

I just came across this on ebay. If you look at auction #6233807657, they are taking $10 deposits on the machines that are expected to come out in the spring. The machine will cost $399. You can also go to to see more details and watch a video of the machine in action.

I'm just wondering how this will impact our little "hobby".

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Re: Electric Cigarette Machine
Posted by Matt on Sunday, 18-Dec-2005

If I were to buy the Revolution it would impact my "hobby" in that I would just quit. I hate the sound of vacuum cleaners and from what I can tell by the video, the racket would just make me stop. I'm perfectly content with my Supermatic and saving $350.

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Fresh Choice - electric automatic cigarette injector
Posted by Tom on Tuesday, 04-Oct-2005

Fresh choice makes a good "middle of the road" tobacco, but they now have a new electric cigarette machine. Have you used it? what is your opinion?

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Re: Revolution - electric automatic cigarette injector
Posted by Dave L on Wednesday, 05-Oct-2005

I just got a flier, $10 gets you on a waiting list for this $399 machine. Its supposed to be released this winter. The machine (rendered image) looks nothing like it did when RYO Magazine wrote about it here. Apparently its going to have dual tobacco chambers for simple blending. It claims a speed of a pack every two minutes. A scan of the flier is here (pdf).

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Re: Revolution - electric automatic cigarette injector
Posted by Kev on Wednesday, 05-Oct-2005

It looks interesting since it's not like the other electric stuffers we've seen. I'm still cautious since we've seen the $300 electric stuffers that look much like a Premier Supermatic with a motor on top. A pack in two minutes? I assume that doesn't include the time to somehow load a certain volume of tubes. I also assume you can't just dump part of a bag into the machine (separate the compressed tobacco, remove stems, etc). I'll wait until a few own them and report them trouble free after 6 months of ownership. I'm just stuffing primarily for myself with a $25 Excel. $400 is a little under a years supply of tubes and tobacco. I'm not sure if the boss would go for that.

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Re: Revolution - electric automatic cigarette injector
Posted by Tom on Thursday, 06-Oct-2005

Kev said "I assume that doesn't include the time to somehow load a certain volume of tubes. " The flier indicates that operator has to place the tube. If that is the case, the operator has six seconds to replace the injected tube with an empty tube.

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Re: Fresh Choice - electric automatic cigarette injector
Posted by Ralph on Wednesday, 05-Oct-2005

With increasing prices of cigarettes, a full fledged multi-thousand dollar machine that can make 20 cigs a second would probably sell. Any left overs you sell off? Expect GWB and company to monitor carefully.

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