While there are some interesting possibilities, electric injectors are hard pressed to compete with crank style machines. While they may have a minimal speed advantage, they often have limitations or produce a lower quality cigarette.
Fresh Choice
An electric cigarette making machine from the Fresh Choice Tobacco Company. The machine was previously called the Revolution. The retail price is $449 but new ones sell for as low as $360 (shipped) on eBay.
There are a limited number of tobaccos that will work well with this machine. It is more sensitive to tobacco cut and moisture content than the crank machines. If you like to experiment and try a lot of different brands, this isn't the machine to buy. If you are content with smoking one or two machine friendly brands, make a lot of smokes, and cannot get dialed in on the crank machines, the FC machine has possibilities... more
[ page | comments (131) - Wednesday, 03-Feb-2016 | top ]
The MackRoller, from the CigFactory, is a motorized Supermatic that's been around since 2001* and sells for $250. Detroit Tobacco sold a similar machine in '05* ($300, jpg).
Oct '07: Mike c found a motorized Top-O-Matic on eBay called the EZ Make ($320, jpg... it didn't sell).
Jan '08: Mike c found another EZmake on eBay, this time a modded Supermatic II. As of this writing k9muj0 has sold at least five motorized 'matics for $150 - $250ea.
I see no point in replacing the crank arm with a motor, its the easiest and fastest aspect of making a cigarette, i.e. it won't speed up the process one bit. The worst thing you can do to a crank machine is force it. With a motor you don't have the same feedback as you do when cranking by hand. With a clean machine, hand cranking requires very little effort. If the machine is hard to crank or seems to be having a hard time cutting the tobacco, its time to the clean the machine. I haven't seen a single pro motorized crank machine post by a poster that I trust (all positive posts appear to have been made by folks with a vested interest).
[ page | comments (18) - Monday, 16-May-2011 | top ]
Magnum Injector
A forthcoming electric injector expected to retail for under $150. Doug at RYO Magazine reports that 200 of these machines will reach the US in a month or two and 10,000 in in the first half of '08. There's no mention of where they will be sold. Doug has a review (near the bottom of the page) and a video (wmv). Thanks to HeyPockyWay for the news.
Sep '07: Thanks to Dash I found a bunch of WIPO documents (mostly French) including a rendering of the internals. Magnum writes that there is still a lot of work to do before the Magnum will be available to the public.
Dec '07: The front page of the Magnum Injector site (...now gone) is now online (tkx Mike) and it states that the machine will be available in March '08. Tobacco Speciality Products Inc. (TSP) is located in Montreal (Quebec, CA) and appears to be, at least partially, owned by the machines inventor, Jean-Pierre Bajouet.
Feb '08: The Magnum is available from American Thrust and D&R. Folks are starting to report their experiences with the machine (some copied over from the MYO Magnum page). OT posts (not reviews or information related to the Magnum) deleted (again).
Jul '11: No longer available.
Feb '12: The Magnum was reborn as the Electromatic and was available for $260 from ElectromaticInjector.com (now gone).
[ page | comments (197) - Sunday, 03-Jul-2011 | top ]
Quick Roller
A small electric stuffing machine made in Europe. It is not readily available in the US and requires a converter to work with US electricity. It uses a wire corkscrew auger to feed the tobacco into the tube. Price is $153-167US plus shipping. The original incantation of this machine had a plastic auger and was named the Easy Roller.
I haven't used one but it sounds like cigarettes made with machines using the auger design are prone to loosing the ember. The regular posters/users of this machine seem to have migrated back to crank machines.
Sep '07: There's also the Fast Filler (...gone) which will be distributed in the US by Kretek International. It "is in the testing approval stages for its certifications... We should expect to see it for sale by December or first of January."
Nov '07: It looks like others are beating them to the punch. Mike c posted about the Royale Auto-Roller ($150) from RYOC and Matt about the Cigarette Circus ($140) from Ziggymart.
Quick-Roller website (...gone)
Easy Roller video (wmv) at Roll Your Own Magazine
[ page | comments (139) - Tuesday, 18-Jan-2022 | top ]