The standard (since Jan '07) Rizla tubes - full flavor, light and menthol - have cork colored tips, 15mm filters and are made in Canada (in the ElRey, Escort, Rayo and Premier facility) by RBA. The lights have porous paper (no filter perforations).
The De Luxe, Chlorine Free/Double Filter and Cigarette Size tubes (pictured) are made in Europe. The cigarette size is slightly smaller in diameter (7.8 VS 8.1mm), has a 22mm filter and comes in a cellophane wrapped box. While designed for the special Rizla hand-held injector, they will fit/work on other handhelds and on 'matics with slightly reduced nozzle diameters.
Comments [ new ]
- Re: Rizla
- Posted by ray on Thursday, 04-Nov-2010
Where can I find the Rizla cigarette size tubes? I have the 7.8 mm injector, but I can't find the tubes.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ topic | top ]- Re: Rizla
- Posted by SurveyOne on Friday, 05-Nov-2010
Rizla has discontinued its Cigarette Size (CS) tube. If you are looking for an alternative, try the Rizla "Concept" tube. The Rizla Concept tube is essentially the same size as the old CS tube and works just fine with the CS injector. In fact, I think the Concept tube tastes better than the old CS tube. I found the Concept tube on Ebay and at everyonedoesit.com under Rizla Concept Blank Cigarette Tubes.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | topic | top ]
- 22mm FF +
- Posted by Ebenezer on Thursday, 18-Oct-2007
Consistency. These tubes are great. I have many different tubes on hand, and plan to use a variety still, but these are my favorite. I don't make filter voids often, but I have never had one with these. Whenever im running late and making a pack of smokes for the day, these tubes and any silk/fine-cut smoke are my only option. Consistency.
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- Re: Rizla
- Posted by Dan S on Saturday, 06-Jan-2007
I went to get my Rizla De Luxe (Full Flavor) tubes today.
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And what they had were Rixla+ Kingsize. Cost me $1.45 per box.
Made in Canada, no gold band @ the filter and the printing seems a little more faded. They still smoke OK but seem to have a slightly larger diameter. They just seem not to of the same quality of the originals. Does anyone know if these are replacing the De Luxe or are they just something new ?- Re: Rizla
- Posted by Dano on Monday, 08-Jan-2007
I'm a long time Rizla De Luxe user (full flavor). I ordered a bunch a couple of weeks ago and what I found was that they now come in a new box. It's kind of an orange thing and has two glued spots instead of the tape holding it closed. It also doesn't have the two cut outs that you can put the flap into to hold it closed.
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As far as the tubes go, they were still the same great rizla product, clear graphics and good construction. The new box looks cheesy but the tubes are still the same.
Stay Frosty!
Dano- Re: Rizla
- Posted by Dan S. on Monday, 08-Jan-2007
That's strange. The box I got is orange, "Rizla+ new".
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Does your box say Rizla DeLuxe, or Rizla plus?- Re: Rizla
- Posted by Dano on Tuesday, 09-Jan-2007
We're probably talking about the same thing. I have it in front of me. It says Rizla +. (in an orange stripe)then a BIG + graphic then 'new' all the way to the right, then 200 KING SIZE cigarette filter tubes.
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The graphic may be a little lighter. I don't have an old one to compare it to but it isn't as crisp as on the Rizla Cig Size tube.
The paper and filter seem to be the same as far as I can tell. The new box is really cheesy IMHO, they should have left it the way it was. It was a classic! I assume this is the new Delux.
- Rizla + blue lights
- Posted by bebop on Sunday, 03-Dec-2006
I seen these in the smoke shop yesterday and have been wanting to try them, but was worried that they wouldn't fit my supermatic or topomatic. The lady told me to go ahead and buy them and that if they didn't fit just to return them, so i went ahead and got them. The box says new on it and is made in Canada by Robert Burton Associates LTD. I had no problem putting it on the nozzel of my supermatic, It actually fits the same as my premier tubes do. This is a very good tube for me as i tend to like the micro paper ones more than the filter cut. The tobocco flavor came through nice in it and is comparable to the premier and zen lights which i favor. I'll have to add this to my list of tubes I like.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Rizla + blue lights
- Posted by Dave L on Sunday, 03-Dec-2006
The Rizla blue lights aren't new. Maybe they've changed something. Are they these tubes? Only the Rizla "new size" "cigarette size tubes" have a smaller diameter.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Rizla + blue lights
Posted by bebop on Sunday, 03-Dec-2006
No they don't look like those. They are all white with a blue stripe. I will try to post links to some pics i took for you, hopefully they will work if not just copy and paste.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Rizla + blue lights
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Monday, 04-Dec-2006
Do you know of any online retailers carrying these babies? I've checked a few sites but come up empty. I've always loved Rizla's rolling papers ever since starting ryo/myo way back when I lived in England, but didn't know they made a light tube.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Rizla + blue lights
- Posted by nobody special on Monday, 04-Dec-2006
Kevin at RBA said these are a new tube, launched in October, and Mark at DnR is the word...they know him, like him, and said he can get these....
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I hope Dave adds Bugler tubes to the menu, I can't believe they are not....kinda like this latest box design...it shows a pouch of tobacco, an injector, a filled (cheap) case, and a bunch of tubes..(with arrows guiding you through the process) you gotta love that lol!
- Re: Rizla + blue lights
- Posted by bebop on Monday, 04-Dec-2006
I've seen those bugler tubes at the smoke shop and was thinking of trying them next time i go up. Do they have the micro perf (not sure if i am saying it right)paper or holes in the filter? I had also bought a box of the ElRey Light tubes, but they had the holes in the filters which i just don't seem to care for, but those Rizla lights were good. Hopefully i will be able to read any replies, As some of my post and some others for some reason don't show when i click on them. So i can't see them.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Rizla + blue lights
- Posted by mike c on Monday, 04-Dec-2006
hi bebop
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as far as I know, bugler papers only come in a "regular" variety...unfortunately, the "micro perfs" are something I don't know or understand yet!! maybe you could teach me??
my lungs have been through ww3, and so like my smokes strong, although I did used to make lights for my girlfriend, wanna say we used zig zag tubes that had the holes.....I have tried the Rizla blue to which Dave referred (the original, with a weird double filter) and I am thinking you would like those as well (chlorine free)...and also, you should try the cigarette size if you get a chance, they smooth out a smoke very very well, if you have an old hand injector, it's a 97 percent chance you can use that to make them...the tube will fit tightly, but the fill will surpass the recommended machine. Hopefully someone here that knows computers can help you with the post problem...I'll be reading your submissions, mike c- Re: Rizla + blue lights
- Posted by bebop on Monday, 04-Dec-2006
Not really sure i truly understand it myself as I just started SYO just a couple months ago and don't really understand what most of it means yet. But i think it means that the paper is micro preforated instead of the filter, if I understand it correctly. Do the buglar tubes only come in FF? I know when I saw them, there looked to be only a small amount of one style, but i didn't look at them closely enough to see if they were lights or FF. I'm not sure if they carry the other Rizla blue, But if they do, I'll have to try them too. I do have a Tops hand injector that has two different size nozzels, though i havn't used it in a while.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Rizla + blue lights
- Posted by mike c on Monday, 04-Dec-2006
uh oh...i forget that so many people bought machines with the "Top" style clamper...just for you Bebop, I went and got out my Top injector (newest design) and made a second cigarette with it....not as nice as Rizla fill, but no tear, no problem...it's a go....(the other thing I find rediculous about this machine is that you can't disassemble it) anyway, if you have an older Top model it will only be even better, and could you please educate me about the 2 different sized nozzles?? really?? mine came with an extra but not a different size!! also, the Bugler tubes only come in FF I am almost positive, but if this list puts them up, and evaluates them to be OK, maybe they will branch out
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myself, I know NOTHING about tube quality/judgement, am amazed at all the people experimenting, etc...again my email included as I must return the list to it's owners and elders
mike (who loves ladies on the list)- Re: Rizla + blue lights
- Posted by bebop on Tuesday, 05-Dec-2006
Well I pulled out the Top injector just to look at the extra tip and you are right it does look to be the same size as the one already in the injector. For some reason when i had first bought it and looked at it, I had thought it was slightly smaller. I think I may go ahead and buy the bugler tubes even if they are FF. I have some mild tobacco that does well in the FF tubes, So I can try them with that.
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- Rizla..cig size question for the pros
- Posted by mike c on Saturday, 25-Nov-2006
wondering what the latest verdict on these tubes is!!
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I grabbed some from D+R, since I can't get them locally anymore, but was wondering....are these tubes simply a novelty designed to please the fingers of those first crossing over, or have these tubes found a special place in the hearts of seasoned veterans who smoke quality products??
mike c- Re: Rizla..cig size question for the pros
- Posted by Kerry on Saturday, 25-Nov-2006
I don't really know why the majority of SYO tubes are larger than pre-made tubes. I can only guess at the reasons.
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Possibly it is because the first stuffing machines, handheld or other, simply worked better with a larger tube. However, for the sake of argument, 1) the larger tube forces you to use more tobacco. 2) I think it has been noted here that a SYO stick burns differently (slower and longer when stuffed "properly"?) than the smaller pre-made sized stick. Not making a judgement there, just an observation.
For what it is worth, I would like to see machines such as the Supermatic have the capability to make the smaller diameter stick and for the tubes in the smaller size to be more readily available, thus cheaper. Who knows, I might like it better! Then again, who knows, I might not. I am simply questioning the size enigma and wondering why?
Anyone know the history and reasoning behind the larger SYO tubes compared to traditional pre-mades?- Re: Rizla..cig size question for the pros
- Posted by mike c (back to my corner now) on Thursday, 30-Nov-2006
I was going to comment that I recalled reading you had some hand-held injectors in the past. I was thinking you could use one of these to fill Rizla cig size, to try.
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I was able to make Golden Harvest tolerable in one of these (I tried it after all). I don't have experience (as you know) with high-quality tobacco yet, however, I don't think you will want to completely replace standard tubes with these...the bigger tubes allow you to get "right up on the flavor" of the tobacco
that's it! I'm done!!! outta here!!
mike c
- Re: Rizla..cig size question for the pros
- Posted by Dave L on Thursday, 30-Nov-2006
They're my tube of choice, something like 35 boxes and still going strong (now you have to buy a case to get them for $1.49 @ RYOC). With stronger tobaccos I'd like something lighter but I prefer the taste (smoother?) of the long filter over a short perforated filter (harsher?). The St Vincent tubes have possibilities (I'd try the Ramback or Vera Cruz lights if D&R shipping didn't cost me a minimum of 20%) but I didn't care for the taste (seemed more muted or slightly 'off'?) of the Smokers Gold mild tubes and I like the slightly smaller diameter of the 'cigarette size' tubes.
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There has recently been a change in manufacturing (different glue pattern), packaging (no more tape on the box or 'zipper' on the cellophane) and location (EU instead of Germany) but they're the same tube from the stuffing and smoking side. Sizing is consistent and there's an occasional/rare imperfect, but usable, tube.
I've previously posted about down sizing nozzles and shortening spoons to use these on the 'matics.
- Posted by platoslostdialogue on Monday, 29-Aug-2005
Anybody ever seen these tubes in the US? I was just looking for cigarette cases made by Haojue and stumbled onto this UK sight. http://www.pazyryk.co.uk/Pazyryk_Limited_Cigarette_Tubes_45.html
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I'm interested to know what (if any) differences there are between these and the Rizlas in the US. I've tried a number of brands of tubes now, and I STILL think Rizlas taste cleaner and burn the slowest.
- Re: Rizla
- Posted by denali on Friday, 15-Sep-2006
Just tried some Rizla tubes.
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Got the "cigarette size" kit, these have a 22mm filter. These particular tubes were not cellophane wrapped, and have an unpleasant chlorine taste! (I don't have chlorinated water, so its really noticeable to me). Otherwise a nice tube? Says "made in Germany".
The Rizla red, deluxe FF are good, have a neutral taste, have the short 15mm filter. These are too FF for me, so I will add in an additional filter insert when I use these.
The Rizla blue, is chlorine free, micro-perf paper. Has a "double" filter, but altogether is still only a 15mm filter. Ok, but not as neutral flavored. It does give a nice, mild (light) draw, but, also seems to burn quicker.
All the Rizlas I tried (so far), seem to be very precisely made.
- Re: Rizla
- Posted by platoslostdialogue on Sunday, 15-Jan-2006
Picked up a few boxes of Rizla red, Cigarette size, and Light. The Rizla FF are currently still my favorite tube that I've tried. They seem to burn slower and taste cleaner. The Rizla Cigarette size have a REALLY long tipping paper which sort of bugs me. They also burn faster than other rizlas in my experience, and I frequently end up with a long, hot cherry. It's nice that they are slimmer, but the sixty ones I bought are even skinnier. I think they are just about the same width as a manufactured stoge. The Rizla blues are good, and they say theve got micro perforated paper, so you Escort users may want to give these a try. El Reys and Vera Cruz are good tubes, but Rizla is still my favorite.
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- New Rizla tubes?
Posted by Bob on Saturday, 19-Nov-2005
Anyone seen these new Rizla tubes? They come in a blue box, showing "Chlorine Free" and "Double Filter".
I took some shots of them today, but they aren't really all that great, as there were just with a camera phone.
I picked 'em up at a local shop, and they seem to be pretty good, they say they are micro-perfed, and the double filtration.
A little lighter than normal full-flavor, but not on the level of a Silvertip light. Very little paper flavor, I suppose due to the chlorine-free paper.
The double filter part is odd, to me. The filter against the tobacco appears to be some sort of thin fibrous strip that has ben folded or wadded up. The other filter is just the standard fiber. The pair of different filters is wrapped in a case of white paper, and then the tipping paper is wrapped over that.
Images follow. I'm not sure if the forum will use the hotlinks, so I just posted url's.
http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/511/rizlaboxtop7kd.jpg <-box top
http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/7937/rizlaboxbottom9cm.jpg <-box bottom
http://img320.imageshack.us/img320/2293/rizlatube8el.jpg <-tube
http://img320.imageshack.us/img320/4105/rizlafilterunwrapped2kk.jpg <-filters unwrapped, still attached to paper
http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/9830/rizla1stfilterunraveled21ew.jpg <-first filter unraveled, showing the strip that is folded.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Rizla light tubes?
- Posted by Dave L on Monday, 21-Nov-2005
Thanks, I was curious about these. The filter against the tobacco sounds/looks like the cellulose filter material that was in Premier tubes a long time ago (before my time). They're pretty expensive ($1.80/100 at D&R).
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- We company want your New Rizla tubes.
- Posted by Park,seungyong on Monday, 13-Mar-2006
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I have company in korea.
We are working tobacco evrything.
So we want only your tubes rizla.
I hope your imformation.
- Re: Rizla
- Posted by platoslostdialogue on Tuesday, 19-Jul-2005
Dont be confused, though the cigarrette size tubes DO have a real sized filter, theyre still much wider than a real cigarrette. I was very disapointed about this and have decided that my journey to make a perfect substitute for NAS has come to an end. I was going to try the 6.5 mm but if there gonnab e discontinued whats the point.
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- Re: Rizla Light
- Posted by Hey Pocky Way on Tuesday, 07-Jun-2005
It could be the length of the filter in the tube. I've noticed that in different brands of tubes the filter material may vary in length. In the Premier brand tubes I've even noticed the filter length can vary from box to box. Don't go by the seam on the tipping paper - that's not always an indication of the filter length.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Rizla Light
- Posted by Sambo on Tuesday, 07-Jun-2005
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Thanks for the reply.
I don't think it's the filters... the cigarettes were not stuffed completely (empty space near the filters), and the smokes came off the Excel prematurely.
Tho, I successfully made quite a few perfect smokes tonight using the Riza's by making sure the seam was on the side that gets pinched by the machine(no bad smokes in this batch).
Perhaps the paper on the Rizla's are a bit thinner than Zig-Zag or Top, and by making sure that the machine can pinch a double-thickness of paper, it holds it better?
- Re: Rizla Light
- Posted by Matt on Tuesday, 09-Aug-2005
I bought a box of Rizla De Luxe, and was surprised how much Rizla's tubes are the opposite of thier papers in quality. I thought anything from Rizla would stand the test, but these failed to deliver. It seems like the tubes aren't sealed very well around the tipping paper and the draw is lousy. If I put a Rizla tubed cigarette out in a toilet it will split at the seams and the filter will float out of it.
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- Rizla Cigarette Size
- Posted by G on Tuesday, 11-Jan-2005
I noticed Rizla Tubes do not have a section. After trying a few of the CTC and Gizeh tubes, I settled on the Rizla Cigarette size. The CTC tubes don't filter well (the separation problem many mention) and they have an unpleasant chemical odor to me. The Gizeh Silver tips I tried were better quality but I thought they were too ventilated.
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I find the Rizlas very clean and ventilated just about right. The quality is 100% consistant. The cigarette size with the longer filter gives an especially clean smoke. I stuff them using the regular blue rizla hand stuffer.- Re: Rizla Cigarette Size
- Posted by Scoot on Monday, 07-Feb-2005
I have also found the Rizla cigarrette size tubes to be the best quality of all the different tubes I have tried. They help remove the harshness of a strong half-zware and make a mild Virginia slightly milder. When I first tried these with different tobaccos, I came to the conclusion that everything taste better in a Rizla.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Rizla Cigarette Size
- Posted by Ron Reed on Thursday, 24-Mar-2005
I too have found the "cigarette size" Rizla tubes to be, in my opinion, the all-around best tube on the market. It finally incorporates the American Standard, rather than a Canadian or European standard. It simply is a tube that accommodates most if not all the conditions which those of us in the USA have become accustomed to. As a matter of fact the only drawback I can find with it is that it must be hand stuffed in Rizla's special machine. I have determined for myself that if the Supermatic machine were to be fitted with interchangeable stuffing nipples that would accommodate this size, it would likely dominate the American market. No one, once accustomed to the quality and production rate of a production machine will make the step backward to hand-stuffing.
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I have begun a campaign on behalf of the "Cig size tube" by contacting people like Mark Ryan at "D & R Tobacco" via email requesting that his organization and/or Consolidated Tube Co. and Supermatic machines (both have been sold to R J Burton distributors) consider making such a change to the machine or bring out an entirely new equivalent machine. I think it's high time that the industry is made aware that the "American Standard" market is not well served and is there for the taking.
I think the only way that any new innovation like this will "get off the ground" is to let ourselves be heard. So I encourage you all to do so each time you place an order via email or in the comments section of the order.- Re: Rizla Cigarette Size
- Posted by Dano on Monday, 06-Feb-2006
I just recently got my first order of the Rizla cig sized tubes. They came wrapped in cellophane (nice touch!). I liked the longer filter and I must say the tube was very good looking! By that I mean, unlike most other tubes, it looks like there was actually ink in the machine when they printed their logo on it. Crisp and sharp.
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I got them from D&R and they threw in a free Rizla hand injector sized for those tubes. I thought I would mention, although the Rizla hand injector is nice it seemed to me that it didn't quite fill the tube enough after you had it tamped down.
I found that the tubes do in fact fit onto my old blue Premier hand injector (the one with the square top) and since it's tobacco chamber is just a tad longer than the Rizla's injector it makes a perfect tube! I thought it would over stuff it and have tobacco hanging out but not so.
Another great Rizla product!
PS: what do you mean by 'production rate of a production machine/step backward to hand stuffing?'
- Re: Rizla Cigarette Size
- Posted by Rich on Wednesday, 29-Nov-2006
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Check it out - hope to bring it to you soon- Re: Rizla Cigarette Size
- Posted by mike c on Wednesday, 29-Nov-2006
that is GREAT!!! I have this love of Rizla products...I have scoured the internet trying to get info, my next move was to contact Imperial tobacco. I had already tried Rizla UK but got no response. I could find no info to go with your picture, I am assuming this is one for cigarette sized, possibly improved upon the original red one??? Of all the new "space age" designs I have to give it to Rizla, this one looks the coolest! I'll get one!!
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any chance you can find an old RIZLA DE LUXE injector if the price were right??? (this goes for anyone out there that may know where one is lurking...I will make it worth your while!!) and could you lurkers please start posting when you get home from work...sadly this site is all I have to look forward too (haha) and Matt, I enjoyed the "dude cigarette"
- Re: Rizla Cigarette Size
- Posted by Wabo on Monday, 15-Aug-2005
Thanks for a terrific site. I've found much useful info here to get me moving in the right direction with MYO. Been at it for about a month now and starting to find my likes and dislikes with tubes and tobaccos.
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Question for those of you using the Rizla Cig size tubes....how do they compare with any light tubes you have used in terms of flavor and mildness? I've tried different light tubes and use mostly Zig-Zags (old style with the gold bands and print), I find them to be close to what I'm looking for in taste but not quite perfect, just a bit too light. El Reys are just too light for me with all but Drum. Thanks.