While you can always send your Supermatic to ARBRO Inc [...gone] or call Republic (1-800-288-8888) about your Top-O-Matic, there are some things easier to do yourself.
Comments [ new ]
- Crank Bushing
- Posted by Thomas Dodd on Monday, 25-Feb-2008
I fixed the crank bushing once and for all.
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My wife's Supermatic (blue & gray)machine (I hand roll) and she busted the plastic crank bushing after 9-12 months. So I ordered a replacement with a ridiculous shipping charge. About a year later it was broke again.
So, I had one made out of metal at a local shop. It's steel and oil impregnated bronze would have been better, but that's what they had lying around. It wasn't cheap (~$50) but I'll never replace it again. A few more plastic bushings and I'd have spent as much. And now the wife doesn't get mad waiting on a replacement to arrive. Should have been a bronze bushing from the factory!
It's been there 2 years now. I hit the shaft with silicon lubricant every few months (wouldn't need it with the bronze). I recently replaced a broken spring (the spoon return) and the crank cam. I than that cam is next on my list to re-engineer. The metal they stamped the parts from is way too soft. I think I'll replace the hard disc that rides in the cam slot with a bearing of some sort.- Re: Crank Bushing
- Posted by Freddie on Monday, 25-Feb-2008
Yea, Thomas... Oilite (oil impregnated bronze) would have lasted until the cows came home.... it's the best thing I know for bushings.
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- Re: Crank Bushing
- Posted by Jeffo on Monday, 25-Feb-2008
In regards to this problem,
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I have a friend who's been packing 3 packs a day of firmly packed 100's and kings for 81/2 years with a blue "B" series supermatic. That's way over a millions sticks. In all this time he's only replaced a handle for a loose knob and put in the new plastic cutter/ compressor and it works better today than it did new. Stop forcing the machine.- Re: Crank Bushing
- Posted by Jeffo on Monday, 25-Feb-2008
My mistake. It's only 186,150 sticks.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | OP | topic | top ]- Re: Crank Bushing
- Posted by Freddie on Tuesday, 26-Feb-2008
Bottom line.... The ole reliable hand crank (SupermaticII/Top) is the best bang for the buck !
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | OP | topic | top ]- Re: Crank Bushing
- Posted by Jeffo on Tuesday, 26-Feb-2008
They don't have a category on the forum for the "Ole' Ford and Chevy" dispute but I think the Blue "C" machine is the best bang for $39.95 because it's an all metal housing, all steel mechanism and the new plastic cutter comes in it from the factory. That's my bottom line.
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- Re: Crank Bushing
- Posted by Thomas Dodd on Tuesday, 26-Feb-2008
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I don't use the machine. My wife does. If you think telling her she's breaking it will get me where, you must be single.
So, instead of make my wife mad and getting blamed for it (again single guys just don't understand) I spent $50 to make the part like it should have been from the factory. If I owned/had access to a lathe, I'd have done it for $10 in materials.
Same with that slotted plate. I've replaced it once (recently) and noticed the new on is wearing faster than the old one. Again, the soft metal of the internal plates and those hard bits (the correct name eludes me) just doesn't work. A simple roller bearing will work better as will a harder plate.
At some point I'll probably make all the internals out of steel with proper bushings and bearings.
It's a great machine. But it could be better.
- Re: Top-O-Matic update
- Posted by mike c on Wednesday, 24-Oct-2007
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I just know that on one of the clones, the forcing of the machine destroyed the h-link, and the newer Arbro one is absolutely thicker and stronger, but not necessarily needed IMHO if one knows what one is doing
in fact, it could be problematic if you don't have or acquire the tiny washers.....
[snip]- Re: Top-O-Matic update
- Posted by Dave L on Thursday, 25-Oct-2007
The new Supermatic H-link is not thicker than the old one (the flange doesn't count).
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | topic | top ]- Re: Top-O-Matic update
- Posted by mike c on Thursday, 25-Oct-2007
but whatever it is about it which I am sure you already defined amidst your loot of info, makes it require washers, where the old one didn't....
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Arbro isn't using them yet.........he reads the forum- Re: Top-O-Matic update
- Posted by Dave L on Thursday, 25-Oct-2007
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | topic | top ]Other than the flanges, which shouldn't be there (file or sandpaper them off), I don't know why you have to add washers to gain clearance and I add thin plastic washers to reduce clearance.
- Re: Top-O-Matic update
- Posted by mike c on Thursday, 25-Oct-2007
FTR, I told Dave privately that god just stuck me with a kitten, which was _NOT_ in the plans, but was ever-so-needed, and I have no litterbox, so I am up and awake and enjoying this exchange with the master
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of course, right after I sent the last post, I looked up and realised he had just mentioned the flange
stay with us, there is value in all this.......
- Re: TOM Repair
- Posted by Lupe Nella on Thursday, 11-Oct-2007
My ToM has worked perfectly for almost 4 years now. I had one small problem last month so I called the manufacturer. Even though my warranty had expired, I spoke to a real nice woman on the phone and she suggested what I could do to resolve the problem with my nozzel. Thanks to her, my nozzel is as good as new and I am using it everyday again. Thanks!!!
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- Crank Bushing Replacement
- Posted by mike c on Tuesday, 15-May-2007
how do you change out the crank bushing and it's metal "whatever it is" when the time comes?
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also, didn't have the guts to mess with my dead ultimatic, but I cycled it and watched the cutter, and it goes at a slight angle...I think maybe I bent the h-link in some way?
anyway, just when you have time
- Supermatic Observations
- Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007
Today on my visit to Cheap Tobacco for some reason I found myself at the demonstration table. This has been set up for at least the last 3 months. There is a Supermatic 2, an Excel, a Topomatic, and a Premium Supermatic. My first thought was that these machines take a beating here; with all the ham handed, untrained, users who venture in. I checked out the condition of each machine. The SM2 squeaked, and appeared to have been replaced; judging on cutter buildup and condition. The Excel had definitely been forced to the point it grinds when cycled empty. The Topomatic though clearly having been used a lot without any maintenance cycled freely, and the cutter was still in alignment.The poor Premium Supermatic was in the worst shape of the lot! I felt a lot of resistance when I cycled the mechanism. The cutter had about 1/8 inch horizontal play, and much buildup, despite the chamber looking newly chromed. I had a wild thought! I'll bet I could make a bundle providing a service to clean and adjust Supermatics! Charge $10 to clean a machine--plus any parts I had to replace? Naw, Mike
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- New Supermatic Cutter Pix
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]OK, I took the new cutter back out for a moment to snap a couple of shots of the new Acetal plastic Supermatic cutter alongside a two year old aluminum cutter. Sorry about the quality, but the only one of my cameras I could find was a pitiful HP thing.
You can see the "ridge" I posted about earlier.- Re: New Supermatic Cutter Pix
- Posted by scott johnson on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007
Hmmm, I think that recess will stop gunk buildup. it will fall onto the bottom of the chamber and that ridge will produce a rear sweeping motion. and more easily fall out of that area when cleaning. less surface area to get built up with debris.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: New Supermatic Cutter Pix
- Posted by Major Havoc on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007
Is that a view of the top or bottom of the cutters? (sorry, never took mine apart yet to figure it out).
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Not sure I like the idea of plastic. You can call it "Acetal" or "Unobtainium" or "Jessica Simpson's boobs" and at the end of the day, it's still plastic.
Take that back... I could live with JS's boobs...
New cutter, new "precision" H-Link... are these parts now being used in current production models? If so, how do we bypass existing inventory and get ahold of a "new" Supermatic"?
Just askin', not that I need one...- Re: New Supermatic Cutter Pix
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007
Scott...I was thinking the same--maybe like Dave's set screw idea, but I guess it could still get gunked up on the ridge. But certainly less surface area to get gunked up.
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Major...I guess you'd order a new cutter and H-link ;-)
The cutter is extremely tough. I took a hammer to it just for grins and nothing happened...not even a scratch. I did the same to the old cutter and it dented it nicely (you can see the mark it left on the right side of the old cutter). I'm interested to see how it holds up myself; we'll see after a few weeks. For now, works better than new.- Re: New Supermatic Cutter Pix (OFF TOPIC)
- Posted by list creep on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007
>>>"I took a hammer to it"
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this behavior causes me to stop, pause, examine.
I believe I like it
maybe my self-realiztion that tamping each stick is quite the mature way to get one's violent tendency in-check, wasn't spot-on
mc- Re: New Supermatic Cutter Pix (OFF TOPIC)
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Thursday, 18-Jan-2007
No violent tendencies here that I know of (but who knows what's really happening when I think I'm asleep)...I just wanted to see how sturdy this new thing was. It felt really hard and solid, in spite of its light weight, so WHAMMO!
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But I did seem to be over a headache I had earlier right afterwards. :-)- Re: New Supermatic Cutter Pix (OFF TOPIC)
- Posted by no sleep til McClintock V on Thursday, 18-Jan-2007
it's just that it was a NEW part!!!!
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I'm sure you did it in the name of Dalrun
the new cutter works great, am I wrong? do you realize the long time-span of aluminum cutters that wandered to your doorstep and died in your hands?
I wonder if you *still can* obtain metal cutters/compressors- Re: New Supermatic Cutter Pix (OFF TOPIC)
- Posted by Checking Out The Checkout Girl on Thursday, 18-Jan-2007
The new cutter works magnifique. Although I've only made about a pack's worth with it so far, I have no complaints as of yet--but I'll let youse guys know.
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- Re: New Supermatic Cutter Pix
- Posted by mike c on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007
i see it as a transitory state of the machine that we have just witnessed. Just like everything else in the world, plastication. But I bet it is actually a superior piece of equipment. The collecter in me is tempted to rip out the best metal cutter from my best machine and preserve it.
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In a way, for me, all the machines destined for this will be Waznomatics with the Wazmo mod.
RAMBLE:-I have been wondering the extent of Supermatic use overseas...any comments anyone?? also...once again MH, level...I (have been) brooding some McClintock Virginia as of last night
- Re: New Supermatic Cutter Pix
- Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Friday, 19-Jan-2007
It appears the engineers who work on the Supermatics come here often, or at least once! What they've done is incorporate Dave Lers'cutter/compressor mod into the old design. You have to admit, Dave was the first one to make a working prototype! Mike
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: New Supermatic Cutter Pix
- Posted by mike c on Saturday, 20-Jan-2007
"_ _ _ _ _ _ " said he looks (at this site) almost nightly
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he told me the cutter all the sudden up and one day was changed...(when parts came in, etc, something like that)
so this is Dave's mod turned mass-production?
he wanted to know "which one" I was
I liked that
I think someone should put just the gray cutter on a t-shirt
I called them 3 times yesterday
- Re: New Supermatic Cutter Pix
- Posted by scott johnson on Sunday, 04-Feb-2007
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]My cutter is made just a little differently.
- Re: New Supermatic Cutter Pix
- Posted by mike c on Sunday, 04-Feb-2007
scott are you using a new mod, or the plectrum gray one??
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it didn't sound to me like there should be any "tightness" at all, and I checked my h-link for rough edges, etc., and found none
you'll put everything in good order, I'm sure- Re: New Supermatic Cutter Pix
- Posted by scott johnson on Sunday, 04-Feb-2007
I'm using the new plastic cutter. The above picture is my original Aluminum cutter. I just posted it to show there is a difference in some of the originals. Mine has an extra raised aluminum section between the pins. I suppose to help hold it level.
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The cutter just goes into the tobacco chamber a little far. Like the arms on the H-link are too long or something. It seems to be doing better the more I use it.
The H-link just needed de-burred. Had a sharp edge from being stamped out. A minute on the bench grinder wire brush cleaned it all up. I was mainly worried about it cutting into the new cutter. All is nice and softened on the edges now.
- New Supermatic Cutter
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007
Well, friends, it was about that time...a little maintenance was in order on Big Blue so I ordered a new bushing (the diameter of the old one had increased to where there was noticable play in the handle which was making the spoon link rise up over the release plate),cutter and a few other little odds and ends. Ups to ARBROINC, btw, for dealing with the order quickly.
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Anyway, when my little package arrived today I opened it and noticed something peculiar right off the bat...the cutter seemed to be made of plastic! And yes it was, dear friends, and I quote the blurb they sent me:
"The new and improved Supermatic cutter is made of Acetal plastic, which is highly wear-resistant eliminating the aluminum-on-steel combination that is prone to premature wear.
"Another advantage to the Acetal plastic cutter is that the process utilized to produce the cutter is more precise, resulting in a more consistent fit between the cutter and cutting chamber."
I wish I had taken a picture to post along with this, since it *is* a bit different. It's a *very* light grey in colour and instead of the entire bottom of the cutter being in contact with the bottom of the chamber, it has a raised ridge along the bottom cutting edge and sides, which reduces the contact area considerably. It seemed to mate perfectly inside tha chamber.
The thing installed fine and I've gotta say that the action was silky smooth. No noticable friction at all as the cutter moved.
It'll be interesting to see how the thing plays out...I'll make a few packs over the course of the week and then take it out (at which time I'll post a picture if someone else doesn't first).- Re: New Supermatic Cutter
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007
To clarify...the ridge isn't "raised" so much as the majority of the bottom of the cutter surface has been recessed, giving the illusion of a "ridge."
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- Re: New Supermatic Cutter
- Posted by mike c on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007
damn...why couldn't this have occured a week or 2 ago, before I ordered my parts. I would have got one. For some reason my mind has kept thinking of the seeming everlastingness of the plastic used on the HH's vs the metal cutters....
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It might actually be really really good!!!
congrats on that one!
BTW,,,there are 2 versions of the supermatic (I think U.S. and Canada) and five parts that are not interchangeable...this lead to some confusion considering the most insulting notion that I needed to provide a serial #. (kidding, oc)- Re: New Supermatic Cutter
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007
Apparently there is a new H-link as well. The information they provided says that the part is "a precision cut H-link, allowing for a more precise fit between screws and rivets at all pivot points."
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Alas, I didn't need a new H-link and so didn't order one. Maybe I will in a few days, just to have all the New! Improved! stuff. :-)- Re: New Supermatic Cutter
- Posted by mike c on Wednesday, 17-Jan-2007
i can't help jump back in here and just say that this whole thing is quite fun to me. Cool new part(s) and info bestowed upon you this fine day
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- Re: New Supermatic Cutter
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Wednesday, 24-Jan-2007
Well, it's been about a week since I installed the new cutter, and I have to say I'm impressed with the thing. I've made about 7 packs so far with it (I only smoke about 3/4 to 1 Smokey packs a day), but I decided to take it out and check for build-up on the bottom. None whatsoever. I also noticed that tobacco gunk doesn't seem to collect along the top edge of the cutter anymore, either. Bonus.
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The action is still silky smooth as well...from my limited use so far, I'd have to recommend ordering one and giving the old aluminium cutter a vacation. If you do, go ahead and order a new improved H-link as well. I'm gonna order one of those tomorrow, just to see what improvements the combo make.- Re: New Supermatic Cutter
- Posted by scott johnson on Wednesday, 24-Jan-2007
I'd really like to see what the new H-link looks like!
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: New Supermatic Cutter
- Posted by scott johnson on Tuesday, 30-Jan-2007
Ok, I couldn't wait any longer (Got tax refund yesterday, hehe) I ordered the h-link, cutter, new spoon, and replacement screws for all. I hope it will get here by the weekend. Who I am Kidding, I WANT IT NOW! heheheh.
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I hope the parts work well in my ancient machine.
I'm also working on plans for a wooden lap/table tray for the Supermatic. Probably gonna be Walnut or Cherry or something else nice. If I don't loose anymore finger tips in the machinery, LOL! Wondering if I should build in a small humidor in the upper section while I'm at it.- Re: New Supermatic Cutter
- Posted by mike c on Tuesday, 30-Jan-2007
I called Arbro and told them I was ready to slit someone's throat..
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: New Supermatic Cutter
- Posted by scott johnson on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2007
Hmmm. OK. Dang! LOL!
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: New Supermatic Cutter
- Posted by mike c on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2007
you might get lucky, but I ordered on a friday, still didn't have it by the next friday, and if it wasn't here on that monday, I was going to go ballistic...
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I paid for priority on my first order, and will do this again when I order next time.....I don't shop at convenience stores (except when no choice) but postage I will pay for I waited I couldn't help but think of people with broken machines that have to wait....regular US mail is in direct conflict with people needing parts IMO, and that $5 cost gets more annoying and more annoying as the days offense to Arbro, but a change is recommended!!- Re: New Supermatic Cutter
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2007
You can probably thank the wonderful government monopoly known as the USPS for the delay. Funny how when the government has a *real* monopoly on something it's a good thing (so they claim) yet when a business *doesn't* have a real monopoly (say, Microsoft) they claim it's a monopoly anyway, go ballastic and make all manner of ludicrous claims and threats. What a country, huh?
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | top ]- Re: New Supermatic Cutter
- Posted by mike c on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2007
yep, it's why I "turned off, tuned out, and dropped out" hehe (well partially)
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thanks for discovering the cutter Wazmo
as for the USPS, given standard mail, my order probably was still within their alloted time..(probably just depends on how heavy a load on a particular week as to how far back it gets left),,,
as for there being a "new" Supermatic, looks like the only way to have the "B-2007" is to know about and order the's hoping Scott gets his by the weekend ,,,,that's a hard hump to wait through, given Sunday- Re: New Supermatic Cutter
- Posted by scott ohnson on Saturday, 03-Feb-2007
Well, parts arrived today!!!
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I like the looks of the new H-link. It looks stronger made, better rivets, etc. Or It could be that mine is old and sloppy. The cutter seems to be made well also, being that it is probably an injection molded item.
I also got a new spoon, spoon screw, and shaft bushing. My machine has the original all-metal spoon assembly. The replacement looks to be about .5mm shorter from spoon base to tip. It would be possible to remove the spoon section and install it onto the metal shaft of my original assembly. it would be a bit of work.
I ran into some problems with installing these parts in my old model machine. First: I had to dress up the side of the h-link that attaches to the cutter. It had sharp edges from being sheared out of the original stock sheet. Those would have ground and cut into the plastic cutter. Second: I had to grind off the end of the H-link where it meets the frame of the machine. It caused a lot of pressure on the cam and made it almost impossible to cycle the machine. I took off between 1/64 - 1/32 of an inch of metal from the tip. This eased the binding but it could use a touch more.
I was surprised at the amount of crud that had accumulated behind the spoon. I had not noticed this before. I used some Q-tips to scrub it out.
The cutter gets very tight when it is fully into the chamber, I guess it's supposed to be that way. It cuts tobacco 100% better than the metal cutter. I imagine Dave's mod would make a metal cutter do as well.
All in all I'm happy with the way the machine works now. I think a little break-in period will help out some also.
sj- Re: New Supermatic Cutter
- Posted by scott johnson on Sunday, 04-Feb-2007
OK! I had to disassemble the machine, again. It seems the H-link needs a lot of work to fit properly in the old red Supermatic. I had to remove more metal from the tip that touches the frame. 1/16" total. I think the original was tight also and that caused the oval inside the shaft bushing.
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I also had to grind a little metal off the heads of the rivets as they were grinding into the top of the machine. Too thick for my machine anyway. Buffed them up on the bench grinder's wire brush as well as dressing up all edges of the H-link arms.
I still have trouble with how tightly the cutter goes into the chamber. It wants to grab a little on the reverse swing as it comes out of the chamber.
Positive note: Almost no tobacco left on the table under the machine when I'm done stuffing. The cutter is so much closer now that the tobacco is not getting under the cutter as bad. I think after a couple cartons of smokes, everything is going to be broke in and working smoothly.
sj- Re: New Supermatic Cutter
- Posted by scott johnson on Saturday, 10-Feb-2007
After a week or so fighting with the new parts, I pulled the new H-link out and put the old one back in. No more binding. Everything is working OK now. I pulled out the new cutter, not much buildup on it. It fits in the chamber better than the aluminum one.
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sj- Re: New Supermatic Cutter :-)
- Posted by scott johnson on Saturday, 03-Mar-2007
I just thought I would post that after making several cartons of smokes over the past month, the plastic cutter has seated itself in rather nicely and is working perfectly.
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No excessive tobacco buildup or gumming at all. I may work on the new H-Link some more and try it again next time I'm due for a cleaning.
sj- Re: New Supermatic Cutter :-)
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Saturday, 03-Mar-2007
It's been quite a while since I installed mine and still no problems. I popped it out a couple days ago just to look at it for curiosity's sake and there was no buildup at all. Best 4 bucks or so I ever spent. :-)
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- Re: New Supermatic Cutter
- Posted by mike c on Wednesday, 24-Jan-2007
we always have our old h-links if we need 'em.....
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- Re: New Supermatic Cutter + H-Link
- Posted by mike c on Monday, 29-Jan-2007
new cutter performs like wet friction....
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new H-link has silver "arms" which I believe are a bit thicker....
I couldn't install the cutter on the Ultimatic as it wouldn't fit...onto the Supermatic it went,,,,,
I thought there was a difference as tobacco does not seem to collect on the Ultimatic cutter.
- Extra Parts Recommended When Ordering Parts
- Posted by John on Saturday, 23-Sep-2006
The bush nut (part #38) cracked on my Premier Supermatic and I'll be ordering two of them and in addition the bushing (part #37).
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ] suggests the following additional parts:
Bushing, H-Links, H-Link screws, H-Link nuts, universal spoon.
May the H-Links and universal spoon be needed in the future in your opinion? Moreover, are any of the springs also recommended? What other parts do you suggest ordering in this one-time (hopefully) order?
Thanks to all for your suggestions.
Off topic: I recently purchased a Top-o-Matic and love it, especially since the bushing nut is made of metal, whereby the Premier Supermatic is plastic [500 series only]. The rubber mat does not have much of a bad smell, unless you put it close to your nose. I always had problems with the PS with the handle since I purchased the machine. The handle would encounter resistance at two point during stuffing. It turns out the culprit was in the cutter. Removed the cutter, cleaned it and filed the flat surfaces with a metal nail polisher. Problem gone!- Re: Extra Parts Recommended When Ordering Parts
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Saturday, 23-Sep-2006
I probably shouldn't even bother replying, but I've never had to replace any parts at all in the 2 years I've been using my Supermatic. I've been thinking about ordering a couple of spoons to play around with, and maybe a bushing and cutter just in case, but I would imagine those would be the only two things that, under even heavy usage, should ever break or screw up.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Extra Parts Recommended When Ordering Parts
- Posted by Matt on Saturday, 23-Sep-2006
I can confirm extra H-link screws would be handy to have around. Had one bust on me though I wasn't being too rough on it.
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- Re: Extra Parts Recommended When Ordering Parts
- Posted by John on Sunday, 24-Sep-2006 does not recommend ordering an extra cutter. So, it would seem that the cutter should last quite some time. About the two springs? Is an additional set of these recommended?
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Again, thanks for the responses. Much appreciated.- Re: Extra Parts Recommended When Ordering Parts
- Posted by Wazmo Nariz on Monday, 25-Sep-2006
No, obviously a cutter isn't going to break; however, you're going to find yourself sanding/buffing out the scratches, gouges and pits in your cutter from time to time. I was thinking it would be more efficient to have two--one always kept in a state of repair so that they can be hot-swapped, as it were. And at only 4 bucks, what the heck.
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I was referring to the bushing around the crank handle and the spoon as far as the only two things I could see that might need replacement regularly, at least judging from the posts here.
- Re: Extra Parts Recommended When Ordering Parts
- Posted by Kev on Sunday, 24-Sep-2006
Well, I kind of destroyed my first machine a few years ago due to misuse but it works well for parts. The only part I've had to replace on the 2nd machine is an H-link screw. One sheared a few months back and I wasn't tightening that much.
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- Re: Extra Parts Recommended When Ordering Parts
- Posted by John on Saturday, 18-Nov-2006
RE: Bushing Nut (#P-38) and Bushing (#P-37)
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First, sorry for the late reporting, but had come back to this excellent site for things unrelated to my ordering of parts.
The Bushing (P37) did not fit at the top of the machine. Had to file the flat sides of the opening to make it fit. The Bushing Nut (P38), although of metal, is of cheaper quality than the old plastic one and needed some dexterity to make it fit to the Bushing (P37).
Lesson for the readers: do NOT order a single part of the above w/o ordering the other part. Purchase them together (bushing and bushing nut) and be prepared for some filing.
All I really needed was the bushing nut, which I now realize I could have purchased from a local hardware store, but didn't. Could have saved $15+. But this bad experience it's all behind me now as I now use the TOP-O-Matic, a much, much better machine than the Premier Supermatic.
- Re: Extra Parts Recommended When Ordering Parts
- Posted by scott johnson on Saturday, 03-Feb-2007
I was just reading this older post and noticed that John says that the Bushing nut on his supermatic is plastic. My old machine has a metal nut.
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It looks to me to be the same 1/2" lock nut used on electric conduit fittings. It looked familiar to me as I worked with electrical stuff for 4 years. I will look next time I'm at the hardware store. A replacement, if they are the same part, should be about $0.15 and could be bought from any hardware store. a 3/4" outside/ 1/2" inside adapter would be a better replacement as it is wider and longer.
- Supermatic Question
- Posted by Dan on Monday, 30-May-2005
Hello folks. I have been stuffing for a number of years now ...and I was lucky enough to start off with the "big blue" supermatic. I have never had any problems whatsoever with my machine ( I would not even know where to start counting how many cigs I've made with this great machine!!).
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Lately, I notice that the nut on the handle comes loose after every 3-5 cigs. This is a relatively recent thing.. before it would only loosen up every now and again. For all of you mechanical supermatic experts out there: why is it doing this and what can I do to fix it?
PS the machine still works as well as the first day I bought it. The loose nut does not effect performance. I'm just worried something is going to wear out.- Re: Supermatic Question
- Posted by Tim Aydt on Monday, 30-May-2005
Is it the top nut or the bottom?
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Supermatic Question
- Posted by Dan on Tuesday, 31-May-2005
It is the top (finished) grey nut that attaches the handle to the rest of the machine.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Supermatic Question
- Posted by Tim Aydt on Wednesday, 01-Jun-2005
I'm not sure I've ever had a problem with the acorn nut loosening. I tighten up both the top and bottom with a cresent wrench, not to tight, though.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ top ]- Re: Supermatic Question
- Posted by Dan on Saturday, 18-Jun-2005
You mean Nail polish on the inside of the nut?
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- Re: Supermatic Question
- Posted by Ralph on Wednesday, 01-Jun-2005
Definitely tighten it with a wrench. As Tim noted, not too tight. Underneath the handle is a plastic blue bushing. It might have cracked. Mine did. This might be the root of your problem as well. Visually inspect the bushing. If you can spot a crack, you might want to order a replacement at Do this before you take the handle off because if the bushing is cracked, you will have a non-functional machine once you unscrew the handle.
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- Re: Supermatic Question
- Posted by Dave L on Saturday, 04-Jun-2005
Is there still a washer under the acorn nut? Is the slotted hole on the crank plate washer (under the handle) loose on the crank shaft?
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You can use wrenches to tighten the nuts on the top and bottom of the crank shaft. It would take some pretty excessive torque to strip the threads.- Re: Supermatic Question
- Posted by Dan on Saturday, 18-Jun-2005
No washer under the acorn nut. Is there suppose to be?
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I tightened with a wrench and it is working better now. It has not come loose yet. Yes, the slotted hole on the crank plate washer was also loose. I took it apart, cleaned it up and gave it a good turn with the wrench when I put it back together. But no washer under the acorn nut. This is my first time taking it I wonder if it just never had one there?- Re: Supermatic Question
- Posted by Dave L on Saturday, 18-Jun-2005
There is supposed to be a washer under the acorn nut. One thing the washer does is act as a buffer, it allows a bit of crank handle/plate play without loosening the acorn nut. Locktite (or the nail polish someone else mentioned) would keep the acorn nut from moving by 'locking' the the nut threads to the shaft threads.
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A real loose crank plate may have more play than the acorn nut washer can deal with. The slotted hole can be tightened by using a center punch close to the edge of the slot and near the ends of the long flats (I've done it only to know it works). This drives metal inward effectively making the slot a bit smaller. If you ever need other parts it wouldn't hurt to grab a plate as well. While not included online, they are on the paper and pdf order forms. I hacked one of mine up (to test my custom crank plate idea) and the replacement I got was so tight I had to file it a bit before I could get it to fit on the shaft.