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Health Study
Posted by Turtle on Sunday, 30-Jul-2006

of all the people i know that smokes, the ones with health problems smoke pre made filter cigarettes. I know people that have hand rolled for years(they are all 60+) well i seen this health study online, it says tar and nicotne levels are higher i ryo, isnt tar what causes cancer. how can someone inhall more tar, but be more healthy like ive seen. check it out see if ya'll think its a real study. [link]

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Re: Health Study
Posted by Warren on Sunday, 30-Jul-2006

> how can someone inhall more tar, but be more healthy
> like ive seen. check it out see if ya'll think its
> a real study.

You shouldn't take the propaganda from anti-tobacco swindlers as gospel truth. Many billions are stolen out of our pockets every year under the pretext provided by their so-called "studies". People lie and twist truth for much less money. Few crumbs of the extorted billions can buy "studes" to say anything they wish. Statistics is a very pliable tool.

Further, the heavy-handed social engineering regarding smoking, has resulted in a highly skewed sample i.e. those who continue smoking despite the onslaught of propaganda tend to be risk takers, or not care about their health generally, or work risky or unhealthy jobs so they don't care about the alleged extra bit of harm from tobacco,... If one were to take away the tobacco altogether, these same people would live shorter (the smokers that quit are worst off), since tobacco is an ancient medicinal plant which softens some of their life stresses.

Finally, there is a witch doctor effect (a negative placebo), which harms smokers who truly believe the anti-tobacco propaganda. This is no different than when a witch doctor points a bone at somene and declares 'you will die', then shortly thereafter the cursed fellow cames down ill and dies. The effect would be the strongest among the smokers who quit, since they believed our modern-day witch doctors strongly enough to quit.

Humans and animals have lived with natural smoke for hundreds of millions of years. Hence our cellular biochemistry is well adapted to process the natural additive-free smoke without causing us any harm. Plants also thrive on residues from forrest fires. And among all kinds of natural smoke, the tobacco leaf smoke was honed over thousands of years to yield the most benevolent kind of smoke. Tobacco is a medicinal plant, like aloe or tea or coffee. They are all good for you, especially tobacco, coffee and wine.

Since the hundreds of additives in premade cigarettes have been in the smoke for a tiny fraction of time compared to those from the natural smoke, the biology hasn't had time to adapt to them and odds are that some of those additives may be harmful. The same, of course, goes for much of the mass produced pseudo-foods and beverages you find in supermarkets.

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Re: Health Study
Posted by Jay on Sunday, 30-Jul-2006

"How can someone inhall more tar, but be more healthy like ive seen?"

Oh I think it's a legit study (yes I read it). But in response to your Q, manufacturers add chemicals to premade cigs (along with the nicotine) in order to keep premade smokers addicted to the particular brand. The first premade cig I attempted to smoke after smoking my own for 4 days didn't taste like tobacco to me. I tasted a lot more chemicals than actual tobacco as I smoked the cig. The premade cig was supposed to be a menthol as well. And I didn't even taste mint in the cig compared to a menthol made by myself.

How can someone smoke their MYO cigs for so many years and look/feel healthy as you observed? Well, that's likely because those MYOs are chemical-free.

While nicotine is indeed addictive, some manufacturers in the US add chemicals in premade cigs that are actually more addictive than the nic.

I know this because I've been smoking a LOT less per day with MYO's (I used to smoke 1.5-2ppd...now I smoke 15 cigs-1ppd with MYOs), despite the fact the cigs I make contain lots of nic. Why am I smoking less although I'm still smoking cigs with nic in them? I think it's because since I'm not smoking chemicals anymore, my body is no longer addicted to the chemicals in premade cigs. And there are some chemicals in premade cigs that can certainly cause cancer.

My conclusion: It's not the nicotine that causes health problems in cigs. In the case of premades, the additional chemicals in the cigs (and there are thousands of chemicals in those) are what causes the health risks. And to top things off, the majority of premade brands don't even have REAL tobacco but reconstituted ("trash") tobacco instead.

I'll end with this Q. If people smoke just to get nic as antismokers claim, then how come premade smokers don't smoke ANY brand of cigs? It goes back to the chemicals in premade cigs that keeps the smokers hooked onto a particular premade brand....that's why they don't smoke any premade cig.

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Re: Health Study
Posted by trtle on Monday, 31-Jul-2006

i was addicted to marlboros, since i switched to myo, ive been smoking less too, not alot less but a noticiable ammount. my friend is close to 60, smokes 1.5 packs of marlboros a day, has bad health problems from smoking as do many others i know, my other friend is over 60 smokes a pack a day of unfiltered ryo no problems.my grandpa smokes 2 packs a day of ryo prince albert in a can, before switching to unfiltered camels before he died, no heath problems from smoking at all, lungs was heathy.

this study just shows me they dont know what thier talking about, im no expert so i could belive tar and nicotine levels are higher, but if they are, wouldnt that prove their not as hamful, oh well just my opion.

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Re: Health Study
Posted by Mike T. on Tuesday, 23-Jan-2007

It all comes down to personal choice, the Marlboro man never shoved a cigarette in my mouth and said told me to smoke. Logic tells you that an unfiltered cigarette that last longer than a premade cigarette will contain more tar. It is important to mention the levels of the “bad stuff” differ from person to person, because not everyone smokes the same way. About a week ago I had two teeth pulled, and was told not to smoke for 24 hours, if I had been told this when I was smoking camels I would have freaked out. Luckily I smoke for pleasure, and I went for more than 24 hours without one because the consequences would outweigh the pleasure. Of course that story is not scientific proof of anything, just my experience. I’m just glad I can fly, and not have a fit due to smoking probations on the plane.

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Re: Health Study
Posted by mike c on Tuesday, 23-Jan-2007

it's called a "dry socket", as soon as I walked out of the office, "ptoof" went the cotton and in went the smoke,,,,
twice now, went off without a hitch.
I hear it's mighty painful....

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Posted by DD on Saturday, 08-Jul-2006

I've had it with the Supermatic. Owned it for aprox 3-months. If the tobaccoe is not put in exactly the right proportion, which needs to be adjusted for humidity, then adjusted for cut, then adjusted for finess as you get through the pile you are trying to stuff,then it won't fill correctly. Tonight for every 1-cigarrette I made, I threw away 5. Wow, what a friggin cost savings that is huh? This has turned into a 50 dollor throw away. What a peice of crap!

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Posted by slap maxwell on Tuesday, 11-Jul-2006

Send it to me. I've been using mine for well over 18 months and have never wasted a smoke.

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Posted by Dave L on Tuesday, 11-Jul-2006

You don't say what the problem was, why you had to throw away five out of six cigarettes. If you want to get it working please be more specific.

The quantity and moisture content of the tobacco don't have to be perfect, the main thing is to avoid extremes. It does take a bit of care and patience to make a well made cigarette. It can be frustrating at times. I got so fed up (with premature tube release) at one point that I threw, and basically destroyed, my Excel. I still don't make 100% great smokes but throwaways are extremely rare.

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Posted by Dan on Wednesday, 12-Jul-2006

Even if a cigarette isn't perfect it's still usually smokable.
And if it does come out so crappy you don't want to smoke it you can always salvage the tobacco and just chuck the tube.

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Need start up info! : |\
Posted by Hi guys! on Thursday, 18-May-2006

Hi, I was going to start rolling my own cigarettes because of rising pre-made cig costs. Also I would like some info on what the best rolling machine, highest quality papers and tobacco are. Also, does this tobacco contain nicotine? If yes than that's cool too. Thank you,


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Re: Need start up info! : |\
Posted by Jderringer on Friday, 19-May-2006

In my humble opinion, the best cigarette stuffing machine is the premier supermatic. It costs about $50, and is easy to use and maintain. Lots of cool mods you can do to it to make it work better (see the machines section of this site). As for papers, you use tubes (basically looks like a factory cigarette minus tobacco.) They cost $2.00 - $3.00 per 200. I like Premier tubes. They seem to be wider and fit the machine better. As for the tobacco, I like D&R, there is a link to them in the retailers section. They have like 27 blends and sample packs to help you find what you like. Plus they sell everything you need to make your own smokes, and other nice things to have (cigarette cases, smokers candles, air cleaners, ect...)

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Re: Need start up info! : |\
Posted by Ralph on Saturday, 20-May-2006

It depends on your personal profile. If you are a construction worker and you like to take stuff apart and clean it, tweak and fix, the Premeire Supermatic is the machine for you. If you can't bench press 200 lbs, elderly, arthritic, The Excel is the machine for you.

If you buy an Excel, heed the warning pasted on the top. Don't overstuff the machine and don't attempt to muscle a ciggy through it. You will break the spoon. With Supermatic, anything goes as the spoon appears to be made of titanium. I think my thumb has a permanent hairline fracture in it.

The biggest drawback of the Excel over the Supermatic is the recessed tube nozzle. This is the place where you put the empty tube on the machine. Without being able to have a visual fix, you will find that you botch many more placements of the tube than you would with the Supermatic. This severly impacts production rates.

If you have problems at first, don't be surprised. Most of us do. Stick with it and refine your technique and you will find that the quality of the cigs you produce will increase over time. If you bust your machine and are not mechanically inclined, you can send it www.arbroinc.com and he will fix it for you. If you are somewhat mechanically inclined, you can order spare parts from him and make the fixes yourself. The website has full schematics and everything you need to order parts. After you make one carton with your machine, it will have paid itself off. Buy another one and keep it as a backup when the other one breaks down. Stick with it and the savings you will realize will be nothing short of IMMENSE. I don't doubt that ciggys will be $10 a pack before long.

As for papers, I use the Supermatic ones as well. No complaints.

As for tobacco, that all depends on the kind of manufactured ciggy you smoked. I smoked lights and ultra-lights before I took up stuffing. I used to primarily smoke Stoker's 2 Light but they stopped selling it here in Michigan. If you can get it, I would highly recommend it. It was a nice smoke and stuffed well. I switched to Gambler's Light and I'm not too happy with this choice. It is a little too strong for my tastes and tends to gum up my machines more. I just found Rave Light and I think this will be my go to brand in the future.

If you smoked full strength or menthol, there are plenty of tobacco reviews to peruse. Match your manufactured ciggy tastes with what people are saying on the board. Also, there is yuppie movement and if price isn't a concern, there are plenty of reviews about tobacco that can get you into the price range of manufactured cigs.

Good luck and I hope you save a fortune. I am certain the government will crack down on this before long but you might as well get whilst the gettin' is good.

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Re: Need start up info! : |\
Posted by Ralph on Saturday, 20-May-2006

PS: yes it contains nicotine but I find that I crave a fix far less than manufactured brands

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Re: Need start up info! : |\
Posted by Bob on Wednesday, 24-May-2006

I've owned both a Premier Supermatic and a Top Top-O-Matic.
The Top-O-Matic in my opinion is a far BETTER machine. So far in 9 months of use it has required absolutely zero maintenance. The Premier needed to be cleaned constantly, and needed adjustments right out of the box to stuff tubes properly. I like it so well, I even picked up a spare, just in case they quit making it, as nothing lasts forever.

For tubes I preferred El Rey full flavor, but the last couple of batches have been made in Canada, use thicker paper, and shoddy construction. I have switched to Gambler tubes until I find something better, these are identical to Zig Zag tubes, but are available locally for $1.29 a box (200 count). Pretty hard to beat at that price.

Tobacco will depend on your taste.

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Ddelivery of SYO/RYO -what can we do???
Posted by Robert on Friday, 04-Nov-2005

Please - Please everyone- go to D&R's website & see what laws some states have enacted against MYO/RYO. Read the alerts for Maine,Arizona,Montana & Washington State! here is a small quote from D&R's site concerning Maine---

"We regret to inform you that effective September 13, 2003 a new law in the State of Maine has affected UPS delivery of tobacco products in your state. Maine defines tobacco products as any form of tobacco or devices used in smoking, including papers, tubes and pipes"...
Papers? tubes? What the hell is happening here folks? now UPS has jumped on the bandwagon with "cigarette" delivery. How easily can lawmakers in the future plug in the words that the State of Maine did TWO YEARS AGO! Maine defines tobacco products as any form of tobacco or devices used in smoking, including papers, tubes and pipes"...
What can WE do? nothing? any ideas? The history of taxation is very well documented in this Great Country of ours & our number will be coming up...Its just a matter of time.

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Re: Ddelivery of SYO/RYO -what can we do???
Posted by Kev on Sunday, 06-Nov-2005

Cig taxes have become a cash-cow for the states and greed has them wanting more money. It's funny how the government claims they want to crack down due to underage smoking but anyone with a credit card can buy wine online and have it shipped via UPS. Once SYO/MYO becomes a visible percentage of the market, they'll crack down on bulk tobacco.

What can we do? Probably not much since we are a minority but we do vote. I'd get to know your local smoke shop since I do know of one that carries "some" D&R products. I'm sure they'll order whatever I need at a higher price. The Oklahoma Seneca-Cayuga gambling lands are about an hour drive away for the spouses tax-free premades. Or I'll hope the $400 electric SYO machine that's coming out soon will be of decent quality and we'll just stuff all our smokes.

Maybe I'll start growing tobacco in the garden. We'll soon see drug busts on the Texas interstates - officers found 2 kilos of cocaine, 50 lbs of pot, 200 lbs of cigarette tobacco and drug making equipment (Supermatics). ;)

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What can we do???
Posted by Warren on Sunday, 06-Nov-2005

-- Here is an idea I posted earlier:


What would make the politicians take us into their calculations would be a smokers organization that keeps detailed score for each of them, at state and federal levels, based on their anti-smoker actions. As a swing vote, 20-25 percent of voting and pissed off adults (plus their families) is more than decisive.

Anyone doing us harm would know that's their last term in any elective office or any good job anywhere. And if their buddies give them jobs as bureaucrats or in private business, the buddies and their companies get minus points of the offender. The same kind of scoring would go for corporations -- any company or its managment and owners harming us could count on getting 20% of adults, plus their families, hating their guts and dead set from now on until they perish, to hurt them economically in any legal way possible. Individual loud mouth crusadors out to harm us would get the same treatment.

The threat of unyielding revenge that sees through and follows them through any changes of jobs and uniforms, associations and friendships, and that sticks to anyone taking their side or aiding them, does work. After all, ten times smaller minorities, but known by almost everyone to have a long memory, to keep scorecards and to consistently follow 'an eye for an eye' strategy have much more power than we do.

It is absurd and a disgrace that with our raw numbers (plus the families and relatives) and economic leverage we are being pushed around and spat on like this, day after day, by a small well connected gang of parasites.
Briefly, we keep the score for individuals and we make sure they know we mean it. Obviously, we would have to go after the most visible enemies first, hound them, as individuals, till they lose their elective or other government office and shut up, and then some more, till they become pariahs that no one wants to get near lest they get tarred themselves. The key to the strategy is that it is the individual who is held responsible for harming us. Whoever sticks their neck against us, pays.

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Re: Ddelivery of SYO/RYO -what can we do???
Posted by tom on Monday, 07-Nov-2005

i think, most people are pointing thier finger in the wrong direction. i hate to do anything that takes the pressure off of the "goverment", but i think, the "goverment" is enjoying the revenue that has been created from laws passed due to special interest groups. such as the bill in the state of washington (we will know the result tuesday) that puts a 50 foot radius around anyone that smokes. the same special interest group annouced that the will be in oregon the following day to duplicate the bill in oregon.
if the bill is successful, then the state of washington gets to collect $100 fine from a smoker plus $100 from the shop keeper and the "special interest group(s)" had to do all the work.

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Re: Ddelivery of SYO/RYO -what can we do???
Posted by JD on Monday, 07-Nov-2005

The government is still where the fingers need to be pointing toward...special interest groups cannot pass laws, after all. They can only purchase their pet projects from politicians who offer themselves for sale, much like prostitutes.

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Re: Ddelivery of SYO/RYO -what can we do???
Posted by tom on Monday, 07-Nov-2005

i agree that politicians gotta do what they gotta do to accomplish their personal goals. but in my opinion, politicians will do nothing, if it is an option.
my point was special interest groups, these guys need funding to "purchase their pet projects". where are the funds coming from? i don't think a politician is going to foot the bill.

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anyone know
Posted by dee on Tuesday, 23-Aug-2005

I am new at all of this and not sure if I am posting in the right spot. I smoke regular and have no problem with mine but my husbands is confusing me he smokes menthol lights I have found light tubes...is there really any difference to them or is it just color? The only tobacco I can find locally is just menthol. Guess the main question is if I use the light tubes would it make the menthol light or do I need to order menthol light online. Thanks for your help in advance.

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Re: anyone know
Posted by irishguyincc on Tuesday, 23-Aug-2005

Yes, there is a difference between regular and light tubes. The smoke will be lighter, it would just be lighter still with a light tube and light tobacco. The only way to know is to try it, there are also several good online vendors.

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Posted by Tim Aydt on Monday, 01-Aug-2005

I can't recall if anyone has posted anything on this before, but I just finished reading this book on-line.



This is an excellent look at how the antis have manipulated facts and fabricated the myth of the dangers of tobacco.

As the author says in his closing, "My hope is simply that smokers will read these pages, and arm themselves with facts to refute the propaganda."

Please read and arm yourself with truth.

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Re: IN DEFENSE OF SMOKERS by Lauren A. Colby
Posted by Hey Pocky Way on Tuesday, 02-Aug-2005

I've read that before Tim, but anyone who hasn't needs to read it. I'm not foolish enough to think that cigarette smoking isn't risky behavior that can have adverse health consequences, but I think the public has been seriously misled about just how risky it is, and the effects of second-hand smoke.

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I could use some pointers
Posted by dz on Tuesday, 26-Jul-2005

About a week ago while ordering my smokes off the net I was poking around on the website and found a Top starter kit which I bought.
And I haven't had much luck. Either the smokes don't fill all the way , or when I try adding a bit more tobacco to get a full stick the tube slips off the injector.
I bought a pouch of American Spirit which is dryer then the Top that came with kit. It works a bit better but not much. plus I don't really like it .
So then I ordered an Excell Platinum machine. One oz samples of Ramback Turkish blend, Bali Light Hlafzware, and Stokers #2 Light. And a box of Premier light tubes. All this should arrive tomorrow. If any of you have any tips pointers or advice I sure could use it.

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Re: I could use some pointers
Posted by Kev on Tuesday, 26-Jul-2005

#1 rule - don't force the machine.

I never had much luck with the little hand held injectors. It will take some practice with the injector so don't worry about your mistakes - not enough tobacco, too loose, etc. You can always smoke your mistakes. If you can, just stuff them as you need one when starting. Feel the tube's stiffness. Not enough tobacco, it will burn harsh. Too much, you'll be drawing hard to get anything. Various blends/cuts stuff differently too. If the tobacco is compact out of the bag then pull it apart. Also, don't stuff the fine powder (shake) from the bottom of the bag or any stems.

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Re: I could use some pointers
Posted by Ralph on Wednesday, 27-Jul-2005

All good advice. I use the fine powder though. I don't fill a chamber with it but I sprinkle it in with leafy tobacco from the next bag. Nothing is wasted. I'm so cheap my shoes squeak (or something like that).

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Re: I could use some pointers
Posted by Ralph on Wednesday, 27-Jul-2005

Top advice is to not overstuff the chamber and then force the handle. Eventually you'll bend or break the spoon. When you've accidentally overstuffed, don't stand up and apply more pressure the handle. Stop, empty the chamber and start over. I know it's a PITA but you'll be doing your machine a big favor. The more you stuff, the better you will get at stuffing the chamber right everytime. Until you gain that experience, there is some trial and error involved so be patient. I have had good luck with Bali and Stokers. I'm certain you'll enjoy samples. Welcome to stuffing and I hope you save many dollars like I have.

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Re: I could use some pointers
Posted by Dan Slater on Wednesday, 27-Jul-2005

Well I got my Excel and samples today and I am very pleased.
I started with the Top tobacco I had left , my first try I overstuffed but I heeded the warnings and didn't force it. Second try not quite enough. Third try I got a pretty damn good smoke. I made about thirty smokes using the Top , and the Stokers #2, using both the Top tubes and the Premier Lights. The Bali Light seems to moist so I'm going to let it dry for a while. i tried the Ramback Turkish first in a Premier It wouldn't hardly stay lit and I could hardly draw on it I tried it in a Top tube and it wasn't much better. Maybe that needs to be dried a bit too.
The only thing that bugs me is down at the filter the tobacco isn't real packed, almost a gap in some of them, I did try adding a little extra tobacco at the end but it didn't do much. I noticed the filters are smaller then in ready made smokes, do they make any tubes with slightly longer filters? I think this would solve the problem.
But like I said I am quite pleased over all.

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Re: I could use some pointers
Posted by Kev on Wednesday, 27-Jul-2005

Make sure you've got baccy packed on both ends of the slot. Usually, I pack the ends a little tighter than the center portion on my Excel. A consistent stroke when stuffing also helps. Too fast or too slow, it will stuff differently. It sounds like a pain but before long you won't even have to think about how you're filling the slot.

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Re: I could use some pointers
Posted by Ralph on Thursday, 28-Jul-2005

Good to hear. It is trial and error. The upside is, you'll get better at it. I can make about 3 packs in about 20 minutes. As someone pointed out, it gets rather messy. Once the Excel has paid for itself ten times over, I'd recommend the purchase of a Premier Supermatic. There are two reasons. One, I have found it nearly impossible to bend or break the spoon. Two, on the 100 setting, it fully packs a king from front to back. It does so consistently.

You might find different size filters but these machines are designed for the small filter. If you went larger, I suspect all sorts of goofy things would start happening (i.e. the tip of the ciggy would get ripped everytime). With a Supermatic, you might be able to customize it to work properly but even then, it might turn into boondoggle.

I found that you can "grease" the machine with dry powder from your cheap tobacco. This will allow you to stuff the more moist and generally more expensive tobacco.

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Re: I could use some pointers
Posted by Tim Aydt on Wednesday, 27-Jul-2005

"...don't stand up and apply more pressure the handle. Stop, empty the chamber and start over."

I learned that before I even bought a machine, but I still try and force it every once in a while. The other day, I dislocated my thumb. I must be graced with a perfect Premier, because I abuse it all the time. The only thing that's ever broken is the return spring.

But don't over stuff, if nothing else, you can hurt yourself.

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Re: I could use some pointers
Posted by Ralph on Thursday, 28-Jul-2005

My Supermatic is the same way. Since he bought an Excel, you have to be more careful. I've gone through about three spoons in a year. On the other hand, you could probably dislocate your arm with the Supermatic before the spoon would bend. Just one more reason I tout the Supermatic over the Excel.

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Re: I could use some pointers
Posted by Warren on Wednesday, 27-Jul-2005

In addition to not forcing the handle, with Suprematic one has to watch how hard one presses the handle down (or pulls it up) at the time the gripper is about to release the tube. Namely, the gripper release mechanism has 3 layers of metal around the axle, each with different diameter. Depending on which of the three pieces touches the gripper release lever, you get 3 different timings of the release of the tube, two of them by necessity are wrong (as to which two, depends on the release screws adjustments). On my unit and with the filterless Excel tubes I use, I get most accurate filling if I pull the handle slightly up just as its lever is to touch the gripper release lever. It is a pain in the neck to have to watch for that kind of mechanical detail, but the design is unfortunately fragile. I hope the new owners listen to the user complaints and improve it for the next version.

Note that the videos in the RYO Magazine at http://www.ryomagazine.com/multimedia/ advise to apply only horizontal force on the handle. That is not quite accurate since the contact point with the gripper release lever has three distinct layers and for a given lever adjustements one may get better cigarettes with a slight up or down force at the time of gripper release.

It may be possible to firm up somehow the handle so it doesn't have the up/down free space, then adjust the release screws so that the horizontal force contact produces the right fill. Maybe someone has a trick how to do this?

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Re: I could use some pointers
Posted by Dave L on Thursday, 28-Jul-2005

The release is a lot more forgiving than the fractional difference in the alignment of those three layers (and the fractional differences in filter lengths). The only concern with the gripper is early release resulting in filter end voids. If early release is a problem on either of the Supermatics (and you're not stuffing overly moist tobacco), you may need to adjust the release. The 2-3/4 (+/- 1/8" will work, + is typically better than -) setting is a good all purpose setting.

I use surgical tubing on the gripper. Surgical tubing is more durable and seems to be both slightly more forgiving (even a 3" release would probably be OK) and better at gripping.

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New to MYO
Posted by Peter on Tuesday, 19-Jul-2005

I just purchased a Premier Supermatic from ebay and am quite happy with it - after reading reviews here, on ryomagazine and smokinglobby.com) After a failed and disgusting attempt using Bugler tobacco (I wanted to try the machine right away and it was late in the evening so all that was open was the convenience store), I've tried McClintock and Bali Shag Red. I think I like the Bali Shag the best so far, except the price. (I've just been buying pouches so far so I can try out different varieties)

I do find that stuffing with the supermatic is a bit time consuming and messy, I can't believe posters who claim they make a carton in 1 hour unless you let a lot crumble on the floor/table. Also I find that a lot of tobacco hangs out at the end of the cigarette, if I tap the stick on the table it sinks in but then it's so tightly packed that it's hard to smoke. If I pull it out then the top 1/4 of the smoke has no tobacco. Anyone have an idea how to solve this? Is the shag tobacco too long for the supermatic?

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Re: New to MYO
Posted by Tim Aydt on Tuesday, 19-Jul-2005

I get tobacco on the table all around my machine. As I'm making cigs I occasionally sweep it up with my hands and put it into the Supermatic. I rarely get any on the floor. I can make a carton in one hour, but prefer to be more relaxed while I make them. I usually only make a pack at a time any more, and that takes about ten minutes.

If you are making kings, you will always have a bit of tobacco sticking out. I just pinch it off and use it in the next one, when I'm making my wife's cigs. They end up looking very close to pre-mades. It does take practice to make consistent smokes.

Shag tobacco is a little too finely cut to use alone. I always blend shag with at least 50% of a regular cut. Unblended, it packs too tightly.

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Re: New to MYO
Posted by Peter on Tuesday, 19-Jul-2005

Thanks for the info! The selection at the local tobacco store is a bit limited so I've only tried those brands yet, but they seem quite okay. I guess the pouch tobacco is meant for hand rolling (they all come with rolling papers) and not stuffing? If I get the bali shag in a can will it be the same?

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Re: New to MYO
Posted by Dave L on Wednesday, 20-Jul-2005

For reducing the mess and increasing efficiency there's the hopper tray.

If taping makes the cigarette too tight, try using less tobacco. An occasional pinching off (scissors can also be used) of extra tobacco is inevitable, more so with fine-cut shags. Tubes like the Rizla 'cigarette size' have 1/4" less length for tobacco and I still manage to keep pinching to a minimum. Like Tim says, it takes practice.

RYO predates SYO by quite a bit. Most European tobacco brands have been around longer than SYO. Most are fine to very-fine cut shags. They are typically too moist out of the can and need a light touch when filling the chamber.

The tobacco in pouches and cans is almost always the same. The only exception I have seen is Look-Out Milde.

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Re: New to MYO
Posted by Peter on Thursday, 21-Jul-2005

It does seem the shag tobacco tends to gum up the cutter some and I have to spend time pulling it apart and rearranging it so it fills the slot evenly, I guess that's why it takes me around 1 minute to make a cigarette. Do other brands come in a coarser cut? I'm inclined to try Gambler since some people say it's close to Marlboro Reds, although I like the European brands so far, and I believe they probably have less additives than US grown tobacco as the regulations there are stricter. That was one reason (In addition to the price) I switched to MYO, is to cut down on all those chemicals they put in store bought cigs.

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Re: New to MYO
Posted by Hoss on Thursday, 21-Jul-2005

Pete, place an order with American thrust, you can order about 20 different $1 samples, each sample makes about a pack + of smokes. You will find many brands similar to marlboro reds, and many you will like better than the reds. Be sure to try the American Spirit, Peter stokerbys, Mclintock, and D&R brands. You will be delighted. Plus the value is excellent. For best results, dry them out on a plate or in a bowl until they are slightly crisp, they will stuff like a charm.

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Re: New to MYO
Posted by Peter on Thursday, 21-Jul-2005


do you know of any problems ordering tobacco online? I used to order cigarettes online from switzerland and after getting my order seized at customs and hearing of people getting letters from the tax dept., I decided to stop ordering online. I'm afraid to do that with bulk tobacco. Is that justified?

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Re: New to MYO
Posted by Kev on Friday, 22-Jul-2005

No problems with ordering bulk tobacco online. The tax issue is with "premade cigarettes" and skipping the taxes. Bulk tobacco isn't taxed like premades (yet) so it's not an issue. Now, you may find some sites/tobacco bags that state a certain percentage of the price goes to the MSA. There are no state tax stamps on bulk tobacco. If you find a pound of D&R tobacco at the local smoke shop for $18, you'll also find it online at D&R for around $14. The difference is in that magical thing called profit margins, not skipping a state tax stamp.   

You also probably know that the government cracked down on the major credit card companies when ordering tax free cigarettes. This is not an issue with bulk online companies such as the ones listed on this site. Believe me, the majority of the people here were driven initially by the high tax rates on premade smokes. Then we discovered what garbage we were smoking.

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Re: New to MYO
Posted by Dave L on Sunday, 24-Jul-2005

Smoking tobacco (sold in state) is subject to state excise tax. The tax is typically a percentage of wholesale cost and varies from 0 (DC and PA) to 129.42% (WA Jan 05).

The difference between the tobacco products excise tax and the cigarette tax is that tobacco tax is a business tax and cigarette tax a retail tax. When you buy from out of state your state doesn't get their tobacco tax. The company you buy from probably has a wholesaler/distributor or import/export license (one where they only have to pay tax on in state sales), is on an Indian reservation (exempt), or is located in a no/low tobacco tax state.

Some internet sites have a disclaimer stating that state tax is not included and that the customer is liable for it. Its my understanding that this relates to retail/sales tax. I don't see how we can be held responsible for the tobacco business/excise tax. While currently not an issue, the potential is scary (especially if you live in WA). edited

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Re: New to MYO
Posted by Peter on Tuesday, 26-Jul-2005

Dave, thanks for the information. I'm in Oregon and according to that website the excise tax here is 60%. I just placed an order with americanthrust, as the prices are quite good. I guess I'll just use them sporadically and get supplies at the smoke shop here, unfortunately their selection is kind of limited.

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Re: New to MYO
Posted by Ralph on Saturday, 23-Jul-2005

Go with Stoker's #2 Light. You'll never go back to anything else in the same price range. Gambler's is a pretty good smoke but not in the same league as Stoker's.

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Re: New to MYO
Posted by Raymond Morris on Sunday, 24-Jul-2005

Try http://www.ryotobacco.com the Sagamore Halfzware stuffs great. They also have samples and their customer service can not be beat. My wife smokes Sagamore Natural Blend. Flat $6.50 shipping even on 2 case's of tubes.

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Re: New to MYO
Posted by Tim Aydt on Sunday, 24-Jul-2005

I agree with Raymond. I blend four ounces of Sagamore Halfzware with eight ounces of Sagamore Light. RYO Tobacco gives you great discounts when you buy in bulk. Down to $10.50 per pound for their Sagamore brands.

Stoker's is good when you are starting out, but Sagamore is a much better tobacco, IMO. Less shake, better flavor, better cut and quality.

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New Warning Banner on D&R Site
Posted by MAJ on Thursday, 21-Apr-2005

Has anyone seen the new warning banner on the home page of the D&R website? http://www.cigarettetobacco.com Here is what is says:

"Age verification system coming soon. The shipment of tobacco products may be prohibited or restricted in junction with applicable state laws!"

Coming from D&R, that statement doesn't give me a warm and fuzzy feeling....

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Huh? Re: New Warning Banner on D&R Site
Posted by Kerry on Thursday, 21-Apr-2005

I frequent D&R's site often looking for new additions, but didn't see what you are referring to.

Maybe it is my browser? In any case, please post the direct link to what you are referring to, as I didn't find anything resembling what you quoted. Not saying you are wrong, just that I didn't see it.

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Re: Huh? Re: New Warning Banner on D&R Site
Posted by MAJ on Friday, 22-Apr-2005

If you go to the main home page at http://www.cigarettetobacco.com
there is a red banner scrolling from right to left across the page. Your browser may not show it.

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Re: Huh? Re: New Warning Banner on D&R Site
Posted by Kev on Friday, 22-Apr-2005

To further restrict underage access to tobacco, several tobacco sites (bulk and premade cigs) have started age verification to prevent future legal problems down the road. This may include some of the following: proof of age when signing for the delivery, proof of age on-file before shipment, etc. At some point, the tax hungry vultures will start shutting down premade cig sites based on their inability to prevent underage tobacco purchases. This will be aimed at tobacco sites so premade cig, cigar and MYO/SYO vendors will all be targeted for underage access.   

Stoker has had this in place for awhile. Before your first order is shipped, they must have a copy of your driver's license on-file (or other appropriate proof of age).

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Proof of age is a proof for the state tax collectors
Posted by Warren on Tuesday, 23-Aug-2005

The "proof of age" is really a proof your state tax collectors need for the courts. They usually let the trap stay open for a while until enough traffic has accumulated to be worth the trouble, then they request (or subpoena if merchant refuses to comply) the customer list from the online store and send the tax plus the penalties bills to customers based on the driver license info.

You should ask the online merchant to destroy the copy of your driver license after they verify the age (which would make it equivalent of showing your drivers license at a regular store, but not letting them keep the copy) and let the state thieves do their own homework on collecting the court documents.

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Re: New Warning Banner on D&R Site
Posted by Bob on Friday, 22-Apr-2005

As a cigar smoker also (yes-RYO/MYO first) I was interested to recieve a letter from one of the online cigar outlets I order from:
They sent out a form with a postage paid reply envelope with room to attach a copy of ID for proof of age-looks like there will be much more coming!

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Good website
Posted by Tim Aydt on Tuesday, 22-Mar-2005

I found a good website while looking for more info on the recent regulations concerning internet tobacco sales.


The plight of the duty-free cigarette smokers may foreshadow things to come for SYO smokers.

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Bought the Excel...WOW
Posted by IrishEyzs on Friday, 24-Dec-2004

Just had to comment about my new toy! I started rolling my own when the prices went up in PA about 2 years ago, then found Yesmoke and started ordering from them and yes I got burned in that whole mess so I started rolling again. I had a little red Escort hand stuffer I guess you call them and it was ok. Worked well but took me about 45 min to an hour to make a pack for my husband and one for myself.

I just got my new Excel in the mail. My first Christmas present!! Ordered from a vendor on Ebay and in about 10 minutes I knocked out about a pack and a half!! I'm happy as can be!!! This thing is GREAT!!

Well just wanted to put my .02 in! Happy Holidays!!

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SYO Questions
Posted by Jack on Tuesday, 14-Dec-2004

I have read this site with great interest and have decided to RMO cigarettes. I have been smoking Marlboro Lights, so thats where I will begin. Any recommendations for a tobacco and tubes/filters which would approximate the Marlboro Lights? Thanks, Jack

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Re: SYO Questions
Posted by Dave L on Wednesday, 15-Dec-2004

I no longer have a clue as to what my SYO smokes can be compared to. I have seen a number of Marlboro references here and at RYO Mag (sorry Jonathan no Pall Mall references). [link]

The only noticeable difference in light tubes is relative lightness. Filter perforated tubes are a bit lighter than micro-perforated paper. Gambler (filter perf) is the closest visual match.

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Re: SYO Questions
Posted by Jack on Wednesday, 15-Dec-2004

Thanks for the link. I have alot to learn about tobaccos, always bought what the manufacturer put in. To start I ordered some McLintok Light Tobacco and Premier Light Tubes. My start. Alot of tobacco to experiment with in the future, Cheers, Jack

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Re: SYO Questions
Posted by Kev on Wednesday, 15-Dec-2004

I can't say I've mimicked any store bought cig flavor. You experiment and find tobaccos you like. Be careful or you'll start to wonder if you qualify as a smoke shop with your inventory. I like sticking primarily to a decent base tobacco and experimenting by adding mixes of specialty tobaccos to vary the flavor. I ran out of smokes at work a few times and bought a pack of my old brand. Now, they taste terrible so I'm not sure if I want to mimic their taste.

I smoked lights so I'd say to stick to some light tubes and a light base. Adding some regular strength variety to the light base doesn't make it strong. I've only been stuffing for a year but your biggest problem will be concerning the amount of tobacco you stuff in a tube. Too little and it will seem strong/harsh. Too much and you'll have a hard time getting anything from the tube.

Read the tobacco reviews on the forum. You'll find a taste you like. I currently use light tubes and Stokers #2 light for my base then add various other tobacco depending upon mood. There are many good base tobaccos.

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Re: SYO Questions
Posted by Ralph on Saturday, 09-Apr-2005

I also use Premier Supermatic light tubes and Stokers #2 light. I tried some Kentucky light and Gamblers light and assorted regulars. I strictly buy Stokers #2 light now.

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Really stupid question:
Posted by Newbie on Friday, 15-Oct-2004

Hello. Basically, I am new to the whole "roll your own" thing and am just looking for some tips on how to make my own non-filtered cigarettes. Even with the Zig-Zag 70mm rolling machine, they usually end up looking like poorly-made joints, so I must be doing something incorrectly. Just as a reference, I use the aforementioned Zig-Zag 70mm rolling machine, Bali Shag tobacco (either Halfzware or Golden), and the rolling papers that come with a tin of Bali Shag.

Anyway, thanks in advance for any replies that I may receive.

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Re: Really stupid question:
Posted by Rob on Saturday, 16-Oct-2004

I also make some UNfiltered smokes because some tobaccos are so smooth such as D&R's Ramback Turkish & export 'a' that I find a filter 'gets in the way'I also make filtered cigs. This may surprise you but I use a supermatic & papers made just for 'straights' They are called Excell & are dirt cheap at-
There are 500! YES 500! ready to go tubes For $2.69 per box! that are flattened for packaging & open real easy & place on the supermatic & no more licking papers-check the 'tube' section here & you will see them reviewed & check out how easy using a supermatic is at-
http://www.ryomagazine.com/multimedia/ & yes the Excell non filtered tubes fits right on the brass injection port; just click on the "video demonstration project" & you just may just be ordering a new supermatic or check e bay for some older used machines-either way its MUCH easier than rolling cigarettes & who knows? you may just order some filtered tubes & start trying some other blends.


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Transporting cigarettes
Posted by Jennifer on Tuesday, 28-Sep-2004

I am going to be visiting my family for thanksgiving. I am going to make a carton of smokes for the week. I am going to be flying and I am trying to figure out how to safely transport them. I am thinking a plastic container with a lid. I had also thought of using an empty tube box. Anyone have any other sugestions?

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Re: Transporting cigarettes
Posted by Tim Aydt on Wednesday, 29-Sep-2004

Hi, Jennifer. When I first started SYO, I stored my smokes in one of those disposable Rubbermaid TakeAlongs. The one I used would hold 1/2 carton. I also use them when weighting out tobacco for blending. I now have so many ZigZag and Smoky hard plastic cases that I can carry enough for nearly a week in those.

When we go on vacation longer than three or four days, I just pack my Premier, tobacco and tubes, and take them along.

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Re: Transporting cigarettes
Posted by Jennifer on Wednesday, 29-Sep-2004

I was thinking of bringing my machine along. Not sure if I want to bring my supermatic 2. I do have a pastic injector I could bring. I think I will take daves sugestion and hit up the dollar store to look for a platic container. I might also hit up the goodwill to see what they have.

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Re: Transporting cigarettes
Posted by Roger on Wednesday, 29-Sep-2004

I use the smoky case & I also place my filled smoky casses in a well sealing cigar box & when I tube in a large quantity in one sitting I just place the freshly tubed finished cigarettes in a GOOD wood cigar box, I've found the montecristo & trinadad cigar boxes overall to be the best sealing-easily found on e bay or it helps to have a friend in a tobacco shop!

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Re: Transporting cigarettes
Posted by Bob on Monday, 01-Nov-2004

When I travel by non flying ways I just use an empty Bali Shag red can-Any empty tobacco can will do as long as the cover fits tightly-this is IF you have the time to make smokes ahead of time to take with you, I like the idea I read here about wooden cigar boxes also.

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Re: Transporting cigarettes
Posted by Dave L on Wednesday, 29-Sep-2004

You might get lucky at the dollar store (tin or plastic). I've got one plastic container that would be perfect for a carton of 100's (probably a bit to much slop for kings).

I like variety and haven't made more than a pack of the same blend for a long time. I've got enough Smoky cases for a week and probably enough assorted others to make it for 2 weeks.

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Re: Transporting cigarettes
Posted by Kev on Wednesday, 29-Sep-2004

I stuff 100mm tubes and don't care for the two piece plastic cases (when will someone make something similar to the smokey for 100s?). I've bummed a stockpile of empty 100mm box packs off my friends who still buy store bought cigs. I can only get about 17 SYO tubes in the boxes but I can reuse them 10 times or so before the cardboard top starts ripping.   

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Re: Transporting cigarettes
Posted by Kurt Wall on Sunday, 10-Oct-2004

I go for the double-boxing method if I'm going to be gone for a couple of days: stuff two or three packs, put them in the metal or plastic cases I have here, then put those in a larger airtight plastic tub.

If I'm going to be gone longer than three days, I'll usually just pack the machines, tubes, and tobacco and take 'em with me. I've found it difficult to get re-acquainted with stale cigarettes after stuffing my own for so long and always having them fresh (made during the last 24 hours).

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Cigarette manufacture, circa 1938
Posted by Tim Aydt on Monday, 12-Jul-2004

I found an interesting article about Lucky Strike andthe process of making cigarettes from 1938.


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Help please
Posted by r-i-z-l-a on Saturday, 10-Apr-2004

Hello, being a smoker from the UK, most of the tobacco mentioned on these boards unfortunally isn't available in my country. Does anyone know of any comparable blends I can use, so far the only tubing tobacco I can obtain is either Brookfield or JP Concept by Rizla.
Also I'm not getting on with my Rizla hand injector and may buy a Excel or even a Supermatic. Although I don't wish to spend out lots of money if I can't find any suitable tobacco.
Any feedback would be great, until then I be back to hand rollin' Drum.

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Re: Suffing in the UK
Posted by Dave L on Sunday, 11-Apr-2004

The Supermatic can stuff any tobacco if its not too moist. Get pouches/samples of whatever tobaccos you can and try (and dry, if needed) them out.

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Re: Help please
Posted by Kurt Wall on Monday, 12-Apr-2004

What's the issue with your Rizla injector? I haven't used the Rizla, but I had no complains with the Zig Zag injector I started with (well, no complaints until I got a Premier Supermatic, which makes the Zig Zag stuffer look like a toy).

As for tobacco, RYO Magazine said nice things about the Brookfield tobacco. I've seen a number of UK sites offering mail order, but, as I'm here across the pond, I've no idea what you're up against vis-a-vis tobacco.

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Re: Re: Help please
Posted by Kevin on Tuesday, 13-Apr-2004

I'll second the remark on machines. I started back in December with a Zig Zag injector to get the hang of stuffing. Must have stuffed close to a pound this way before I bought a Supermatic. Best investment I've made and would never go back to the cheap injector.

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Re: Help please
Posted by Tim_Mc on Tuesday, 13-Apr-2004

Hey Friend, check out http://www.ziggymart.com They DO ship to you in the UK and they are pretty cool to deal with once you get past that initial order. Yes their site is archaic and their ordering system is clumsy as hell BUT they carry all the goodstuff, treat their international customers well and send everything as a "gift" so you don't get hit in the face with all those VAT and Tariff duties. (not that I am promoting that kind of shirking of governmental responsibility *ahem!)

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Free Rolling Papers
Posted by Tim Aydt on Saturday, 04-Oct-2003

O.K. This is kind of a silly question, but no one else has posted any and I was just wondering about this.

What does everyone else do with the papers that come with pouches and tins of tobacco?

In the last six to eight weeks, I have amassed 16 packages of papers. That's 800 leaves. Even if I was a frequent smoker of other natural substances, I cannot imagine using these at the rate which I am acquiring them. Yet, I find it hard to just throw them away. There has to be some other use for them.

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Re: Free Rolling Papers
Posted by Bob on Wednesday, 12-Nov-2003

Hi- I just use those free papers with one of those cheap rollers to 'roll' a 'straight' every now & then if its a real mild tobacco OR I also use a filter plug to roll the occasional Jester,drum...any halvsware shag that cant be used in the supermatic with out a hassle, sometimes I just make some filter plugged cigs. to show people (and myself!) how CHEAP RYO/MYO can really be.
Luckily I have a buddy who has a buddy that only rolls his own from scratch (one of those drum fans)
Last thought-next visit to your local smoke shop drop 'em off & maybe you'll make a few perks with the owner!!

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Re: Free Rolling Papers
Posted by Dave in PA on Friday, 28-Nov-2003

I have a friend who sells at flea markets. She took a bunch that I had accumulated, and put them on her selling table. Gone in less than five minutes, at a nice profit. She now takes all I can get, and sells out always. I guess there are people out there who have a use for them.

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Posted by Tim Aydt on Sunday, 28-Mar-2004

Now, I'm not saying I smoke a lot, but I counted my packs of papers tonight and I now have 66 packages or 3300 leaves.

I like the idea of selling them off, what's a pack go for now a days.

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Re: Too many papers
Posted by Dave L on Tuesday, 30-Mar-2004

I don't know what they sell for but you motivated me to try my first eBay listing ([dead link removed]).

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Re: Re: Too many papers
Posted by Kurt Wall on Tuesday, 06-Apr-2004

That almost buys another pound of D&R's best! Nicely done, Dave.

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Re: Selling papers on eBay
Posted by Dave L on Friday, 23-Apr-2004

Beginners luck. My second auction only got one bid. 2k assorted papers went for $5 + $3 shipping.

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Re: Free Rolling Papers
Posted by Jennifer on Tuesday, 28-Sep-2004

I occasionaly like to hand roll. I don't buy much of the pouch tobacco so I don't have to worry about tons of packs of paper. I keep the packs I have in the compartment of my rolling try just in case I ever need a paper or a friend does. I also like to smoke herbal smoking blends once in a while.

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Re: Free Rolling Papers
Posted by Newbie on Sunday, 15-May-2005

Its ironic that I saw this post tonight. New to SYO/MYO I realized that I have probably 20+ books of papers myself now (and rapidly growing).

I was just wondering today (as I added a few more packs to the pile) why the companies do not discontinue this practice and lower the price of the product. I'm not so stupid I think I'm getting them free. They are included in the price & I'm forced to pay for something I won't use.

Its their way of pushing another one of their products on you and I and I do not like that. I'd rather get the tobacco $1 cheaper or whatever it comes out to.

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Re: Free Rolling Papers
Posted by Tim Aydt on Sunday, 15-May-2005

Well, over a year and a half later, I now buy all my tobacco in bulk. So I am no longer amassing papers like I was.

I now take several packs with me when I go to parties, and leave them on the bar. They always seem to disappear. LOL

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Re: Free Rolling Papers
Posted by fedora on Thursday, 24-May-2007

I realize this is an SYO site. I'm an RYO enthusiast. (But I do have an excel, stuff Rizla cig size tubes with it for the occasional filtered smoke.) I use the Gizeh handroller - great machine with a small mod by me to make thin smokes. I have found that the Drum papers are the best for my tastes. I am looking for someone who is willing to sell their drum papers to me if you have a bunch.

I can contact you and pay with paypall or a credit card.

I found that for some reason these papers are great IMHO. I have tried many, many different types and cannot find a duplicate.

I hope this question is not wrong to ask on this forum.

PS - I love this site - downloaded it a few days ago and read through almost the whole thing off-line (maybe just a few pages left!) I'll put some stuff up in the RYO section as it is a bit thin (understandably as this is an SYO site!)

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