Re: making a McClintock Red to McC light ?
Posted by mike c on Monday, 03-Dec-2007
the YUGO
I will never forget my upstairs neighbor back in the mid 80's (who at one point had to run a cord down to my electric to keep his fridge going) got one, and getting a ride to get a 12 pack
it didn't fit
how I got it home I'll never know!!!!
Comments [ new ]
- Re: making a McClintock Red to McC light ?
- Posted by kendall on Friday, 07-Dec-2007
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Yugos...thats a funny one
- I Go, They Go, Yugo!
- Posted by Dano on Tuesday, 04-Dec-2007
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ topic | top ]Well see, you got me beat there because I never actually knew anybody that owned a Yugo :) Although I do remember seeing a very few on the street from time to time. That was back when the working man could buy a cheap auto like the Ford Pinto for about 5 or 6 grand. What was the Yugo? Like $4,995? Something like that :)
But the disaster of it all is that here you have this wank weed country Yugoslavia, the arm pit of Europe, FINALLY getting it's stuff together in the eyes of the western world and exporting things. WABC made Sarajevo the darling of the West when the Olympics where there. It was cruise control for this country, Get Rich, Live Good, Get Fat! What happens? A bunch of mongoloid Serbs go native Christian and decide to have a religious war with the Muslim minority. The Yugo was a funny little junk car but it might have survived it's initial flaws had the country not self destructed right after it came out. :)
One of those cars where you push the lighter in and the dash board falls in your lap :)- Re: I Go, They Go, Yugo!
- Posted by Hua Kul on Wednesday, 05-Dec-2007
I remember reading an article about the Yugo saying there were a few bad engines in new cars that had to be replaced by the dealers, later in the article it said how many, 19%. I saw a used Yugo on a dealer's lot that had sold new for $6200 fully optioned. It was now $1200. It was one year old.
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On the political statements:
Kosovo, the cradle of Serbian culture, has become a muslim terrorist stronghold on the mainland of Europe and is about to be politically separated from Serbia, the country of which it is a historic part. This was begun by jihadist terrorists from Albania, continued by Bill Clinton and Madeline Albright, and will shortly be completed by the United Nations. Most Serbs who had lived there are now dead or fled. Muslims continue to destroy Serbs and their culture and the world turns its back. Hundreds of Christian churches, some going back to medieval times, have been destroyed and the destruction continues.
--Hua Kul
- Re: I Go, They Go, Yugo!
- Posted by Captain U-96 aka Mike on Wednesday, 05-Dec-2007
Just think of all the fun they are planing for us, here in the U.S.! When I see things like this--it troubles me that our leaders stand by and do nothing to prevent the ethnic cleansing taking place there now. If only they had oil, or something else the wealthy watch on Wall Street! But, they have nothing except their own history, and some of the oldest churches in existence.
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Our worldly business card reads "Have Gun--Will Travel" for the right amount of oil, natural gas, or other natural wealth! Wire Bush, Washington D.C.! All others contact the U.N...
Capt Mike- Re: I Go, They Go, Yugo!
- Posted by Dano on Thursday, 06-Dec-2007
Naturally it doesn't seem to trouble you that France, Germany, England, Italy, Austria, Greece, Hungary and the rest of the E.U. stood by and did absolutely nothing until the U.S.A. grabbed their collective NATO butt's and went in to stop the Serbs from re-creating their version of Spring Time For Hitler, this time casting Muslims in the part of the Jews.
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Yeah yeah yeah, America doesn't do anything unless oil's involved. That's why we Liberated Iraq instead of occupying Saudi Arabia. Get wise to yourself.
- Re: I Go, They Go, Yugo!
- Posted by Dano on Thursday, 06-Dec-2007
RE: Your Yugo Comments, that sounds about right.
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RE: Your Political Comments, I had to laugh, now there's some bold faced propaganda! You must have interned with Joe G :)
Thanks for the links, looks like Slobodan himself produced those clips.
Just in case you'd like to know what the rest of the world thinks, I've provided you with some non biased insight....
What America Really Thinks About The Serbs,
What That Part Of The World Thinks About America,
A Serious Serbian Display Of High Culture,
What The Serbs Would Have You Believe,
The Reality :)
Elite Serbian Unit Welcomes Their President,
American Military Thought About The Serb Military :)
The only difference between the Serbs & the Nazi's is... well... the spelling!