Military Cigarettes Throughout History
Posted by Dano on Thursday, 06-Sep-2007
Yeah ... Axel Rose said it best... You're Way Out Of Line!
Got a beef? A gripe? A need to exhale a non filtered bit of digital dementia?
Well here's my Tobacco Oriented Take on that situation.
Let your keyboard lay it down BUT there's gotta be a Tobacco Hook!
Either in the text OR in the picture!
No exceptions!
Don't Go Rouge!
Comments [ new ]
- Air Force vs Marines
- Posted by Dano on Thursday, 06-Sep-2007
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ topic | top ]There's an Air Force guy driving North, and a Marine guy driving South in the middle of the night, with no other cars on the road they hit each other head on and both cars go flying off the road.
The Air Force guy manages to climb out of his car and surveys the damage. He looks at his twisted car and says,....."Man, I am really lucky to be alive!"
Likewise the Marine guy scrambles out of his car and looks at his wreckage. He too says to himself, ..... "I can't believe I survived this wreck!"
The Marine guy walks over to the Air Force guy and says,...... "Hey man, I think this is a sign from God that we should put away our petty differences and live as friends instead of arch-rivals!"
The Air Force guy thinks for a moment and says, ......
"You know, you're absolutely right! We should be friends. Now I'm gonna see what else survived this wreck"
So the Air Force guy pops open his trunk and finds a full, unopened bottle of Jack Daniels.
He says to the Marine guy, "I think this is another sign from God that we should toast to our new found understanding and friendship"
The Marine guy replies, "You're damn right!" and he grabs the bottle and starts sucking down Jack Daniels. After putting away nearly half the bottle the Marine guy hands it back to the Air Force guy and says, "Your turn!"
The Air Force guy twists the cap back on the bottle and says,
"Nahh, I think I'll wait for the cops to show up."
- Re: Air Force vs Marines
- Posted by Rob S on Thursday, 06-Sep-2007
The only reason I stated what I did is because you characterized me as...and I'm paraphrasing from memory...a blue state PC weanie. I do however, remember my response verbatim, and I'll reprint it here again:
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | topic | top ]
"And for the record, I'm a conservative and a former Marine, so you can take your attitude and shove it up your ass"
My response had nothing to do with your previous service, which I knew nothing about at the time, and which you incorrectly assumed in a further post on the same thread.
I stand by my assessment that much of what Mark Ryan wrote was not only unprofessional, but simply not warranted given the circumstances. You may disagree, but it's very telling that you continue to make this personal.
I came to this market a few months ago, after getting fed up with the taxes in my home state of Massachusetts, and I'm not about to kiss someone else's ass in the process.
Now, since I like the tobacco at D&R ( in addition to Sagamore and Stokkebye) I'd like to continue doing business with them, but as I said before, I stand by my words since this is a matter of principle with me.
That said, if you've got something else to say to me, then be man and say it directly.- Re: Air Force vs Marines
- Posted by Dano on Monday, 10-Sep-2007
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | OP | topic | top ]Consider this being said directly to you :)
All of this started over someone making an innocent yet misinformed comment about a D&R product. Mark Ryan responded. Low and behold the outrage when Mr. Ryan corrects the inaccuracy in a civil yet non P.C. manner, as if he's supposed to be some sort of U.N. mealy mouth puckered up to kiss customer ass.
You, as well as others seemed offended that Mark Ryan could speak to you like a normal person instead of a Corporate CEO in search of dollars. I replied in the general sense noting that Mr. Ryan is a tobacco expert and that you and the others are not. I suppose I should have said, 'When an Expert Talks you should listen.',
That's when you start with ..... I was a Marine, shove it up your blaa blaa blaa!
You were in the Corp and I was in the Force. I respect your service in our dumber sister service. If what I'm saying eludes you let me offer this as the reason why....
An Airman in a bar leans over to the guy next to him and says,
"Wanna hear a MARINE joke?"
The guy next to him replies,
"Well, before you tell that joke, you should know something. I'm 6' tall, 200 lbs, and I'm a MARINE.
The guy sitting next to me is 6'2"l, weighs 225, and he's a MARINE.
The fella next to him is 6'5"l, weighs 250, and he's ALSO a MARINE. Now, you still wanna tell that joke?"
The Airman says,
"Nah, I don't want to have to explain it three times."- Re: Air Force vs Marines
- Posted by clarencewalker on Thursday, 13-Sep-2007
This is so totally offensive that I honestly hope Dave will delete this thread!
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | OP | topic | top ]- Re: Air Force vs Marines
- Posted by Dash on Thursday, 13-Sep-2007
I agree, but instead of dredging it up I would have just emailed Dave and asked him if he would consider deleting it.
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- Re: Air Force vs Marines
- Posted by pokey on Thursday, 13-Sep-2007
Keep the thread. Delete the author.
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | OP | topic | top ]- Re: Air Force vs Marines
- Posted by Dano on Thursday, 20-Sep-2007
[ reply | link ] to this. Go to [ parent | OP | topic | top ]Well, the thread is in the appropriate area and in fact offers an outlet for all sorts of things said / misunderstandings in other forums. In case it's lost on you, I have nothing but total respect for Rob S, his insights and the Marines. That doesn't mean that when I disagree with him I'm beyond a little visual OR verbal insubordination!
Which brings me to why I'm responding to your post. This wonderful resource has never been politically correct but has always been civil! I envisioned this thread as being a creative outlet if you will. An outpost to express one's thoughts if there was a conflict of thinking yet still rooted to Tobacco!
To that end I submit this to you. In the late 50's early 60's there was a move in the tobacco industry to use famous military figures in a faux pas cigarette campaign that essentially targeted children. These faux cigarettes were viewed in the Military as 'Candy Assed' which resulted in the birth of that term.
I respect your input, but submit that as with these early Faux Cigarettes it's 'Candy Assed'